
Entropy Optimal Quick Sort

本文关键字:快速排序      更新时间:2023-10-16





#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <random>
#include <utility>
struct Sort {
        enum class SortAlg { selection = 0, insertion, shell, merge, mergeBU, quick, heap };
        template <typename T, int N>
        static void sort(T (&arr) [N], SortAlg alg) {
                SortArray<T,N> sortM (arr);
                switch (alg) {
                        case SortAlg::quick:
                                sortM.quicksort(); break;
        template <typename T, int N>
        class SortArray {
                SortArray(T (&a) [N]) : arr(a) {}
                void quicksort();
                void qsort(int lo, int hi);
                std::pair<int, int> partition(int lo, int hi);
                T (&arr) [N];

template <typename T, int N>
void Sort::SortArray<T, N>::quicksort(){
        qsort(0, N-1);
template <typename T, int N>
void Sort::SortArray<T, N>::qsort(int lo, int hi){
if (lo >= hi) return;
        std::pair<int, int> part = partition(lo, hi);
        qsort(lo, part.first);
        qsort (part.second, hi);
//This partitions the algorithm into 3 ranges
//1st range - elements less than the partition element
//2nd range - elements equal to the partition element
//3rd range - elements greater than the partition element
//it returns a pair (a,b) where[a+1, b-1] represents the
//equal range which will be left out of subsequent sorts and
//the next set of sorting will be on [lo,a] and [b,hi]
template <typename T, int N>
std::pair<int, int> Sort::SortArray<T, N>::partition(int lo, int hi){
        static int count = 0;
        std::random_device rd;
        std::mt19937_64 gen(rd());
        std::uniform_int_distribution<int> dis;
        int elem = lo + (dis(gen) % (hi-lo+1)); //position of element around which paritioning happens
        using std::swap;
        swap(arr[lo], arr[elem]);
        int val = arr[lo];
        //after the while loop below completes
        //the range of elements [lo, eqind1-1] and  [eqind2+1, hi] will all be equal to arr[lo]
        //the range of elements [eqind1, gt] will all be less than arr[lo]
        //the range of elements [lt, eqind2] will all be greated than arr[lo]
        int lt = lo+1, gt = hi, eqind1 = lo, eqind2 = hi;
        while (true){
                while(lt <= gt && arr[lt] <= val) {
                        if (arr[lt] == val){
                                if(lt == eqind1 + 1)
                                        swap(arr[lt], arr[++eqind1]);
                while(gt >= lt && arr[gt] >= val) {
                        if(arr[gt] == val){
                                if(gt == eqind2)
                                        swap(arr[gt], arr[eqind2--]);
                if(lt >= gt) break;
                swap(arr[lt], arr[gt]); ++lt; --gt;
        swap(arr[lo], arr[gt]);
        if (eqind1!=lo){
                    //there are some elements equal to arr[lo] in the first eqind1-1 places
                    //move the elements which are less than arr[lo] to the beginning
                for (int i = 1; i<lt-eqind1; i++)
                        arr[lo+i] = arr[lo + eqind1+i];
        if (eqind2!=hi){
                    //there are some elements which are equal to arr[lo] in the last eqind2-1 places
                    //move the elements which are greater than arr[lo] towards the end of the array
                for(int i = hi; i>gt; i--)
                        arr[i] = arr[i-hi+eqind2];
        //calculate the number of elements equal to arr[lo] and fill them up in between
        //the elements less than and greater than arr[lo]
        int numequals = eqind1 - lo + hi - eqind2 + 1;
        if(numequals != 1){
                for(int i = 0; i < numequals; i++)
                        arr[lo+lt-eqind1+i-1] = val;
        //calculate the range of elements that are less than and greater than arr[lo]
        //and return them back to qsort
        int lorange = lo + lt-eqind1-2;
        int hirange = lo + lt - eqind1 - 1 + numequals;
        return {lorange, hirange};
int main() {
        std::random_device rd;
        std::mt19937_64 gen(rd());
        std::uniform_int_distribution<int> dis;
        constexpr int size = 100000;
        int arr[size], arr1[size];
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++){
                arr[i] = dis(gen)%9;
                arr1[i] = arr[i];;  
        std::sort(std::begin(arr1), std::end(arr1));
        std::cout << "Standard sort finished" << std::endl;
        Sort::sort(arr, Sort::SortAlg::quick);
        std::cout << "Custom sort finished" << std::endl;
        int i =0;
        int countDiffer = 0;
        for (; i <size; ++i){
                if (arr[i] != arr1[i]){
        if (i == size) std::cout << "Sorted" << std::endl;
        else std::cout << "Not sorted and differ in " << countDiffer
                       << " places" << std::endl;   







使用两个这样的数组,每个数组有1000000个条目,您将有 8兆字节(这恰好是Linux进程的默认堆栈大小),当然还有用于函数调用堆栈帧和所有其他局部变量和参数等的空间。这超出了可用的堆栈范围(或者远远超出范围),您将看到未定义行为和可能的崩溃。


