使用快速排序对 C++ 中的可视化工具错误进行排序

sort visualizer bug in c++ using quicksort

本文关键字:错误 工具 排序 可视化 快速排序 C++      更新时间:2023-10-16

所以当我使用一个名为 splashkit 的游戏制作库创建这个排序可视化器时,(我知道它不理想,但它是我的课程教我的(我正在尝试显示整个数组并显示每个单独的交换。但相反,它正在这样做: 我的错误视频

我没有理解我的代码的逻辑,因为我按照教程来实现这一点。排序本身很好并且效果很好,但是矩形的绘制很奇怪,而不是我想要实现的目标。 我想实现这样的事情。(没有颜色/声音效果(。 代码更新:

#include "splashkit.h"
#define NUM_VALS 200
void draw_values(const int values[], int size)
int x = 0;
int y;
int rect_height;
int rect_width = screen_width() / size;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
rect_height = values[i];
y = screen_height() - rect_height;
fill_rectangle(COLOR_RED, x, y, rect_width, rect_height);
draw_rectangle(COLOR_WHITE, x, y, rect_width, rect_height);
x += rect_width;
void draw_sort(int values[], int size)
draw_values(values, size);
void swap (int &value1, int &value2)
int temp = value1;
value1 = value2;
value2 = temp;
/* inspiration/educated from https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/quick-sort/ */
int partition (int values[], int low, int size)
int pivot = values[size]; // the pivot value
int i = (low - 1); // currently selected element
// work out if all values have become the pivot value, loop until all have.
for (int j = low; j <= size-1; j++)
if (values[j] <= pivot)
swap(values[i], values[j]);
draw_sort(values, size);
swap(values[i + 1], values[size]);
draw_sort(values, size);
return (i+1);
void quick_sort (int values[], int low, int size)
if (low < size)
// This is the partitioning index for quick sorting
int pi = partition(values, low, size);
// This sorts small partitions at a time then sorts them together.
quick_sort(values, low, (pi - 1));
quick_sort(values, (pi + 1), size);
void bubble_sort(int values[], int size)
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < size - 1; i++)
if (values[i] > values[i + 1])
swap(values[i], values[i + 1]);
draw_sort(values, size);
void random_fill_array(int values[], int size)
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
values[i] = rnd(screen_height()) + 1;
void handle_input(int values[], int size)
if (key_typed(R_KEY))
random_fill_array(values, size);
else if (key_typed(S_KEY))
bubble_sort(values, size);
else if (key_typed(D_KEY))
quick_sort(values, 0, size);
int main()
int values[NUM_VALS];
open_window("Sort Visualiser", 800, 600);
random_fill_array(values, NUM_VALS);
while ( not quit_requested() )
handle_input(values, NUM_VALS);
draw_sort(values, NUM_VALS);
return 0;


int partition (int values[], int low, int partitionSize, int size)
int pivot = values[partitionSize]; // the pivot value
int i = (low - 1); // currently selected element
// work out if all values have become the pivot value, loop until all have.
for (int j = low; j <= partitionSize-1; j++)
if (values[j] <= pivot)
swap(values[i], values[j]);
draw_sort(values, size);
swap(values[i + 1], values[partitionSize]);
draw_sort(values, size);
return (i+1);
void quick_sort (int values[], int low, int partitionSize, int size)
if (low < partitionSize)
// This is the partitioning index for quick sorting
int pi = partition(values, low, partitionSize, size);
// This sorts small partitions at a time then sorts them together.
quick_sort(values, low, (pi - 1), size);
quick_sort(values, (pi + 1), partitionSize, size);