我做错了什么将我的MMX intrinsic转换为x64 (SSE)

What have I done wrong Converting my MMX Intrinsics to x64 (SSE)?

本文关键字:转换 x64 SSE intrinsic MMX 错了 什么 我的      更新时间:2023-10-16

我理解转换MMX 32位MMX intrinsic不再允许__m64。所以我在将这段代码升级到SSE时遇到了很大的麻烦。在另一个stack-Overflow帖子上,我被告知要发布我的代码。也许这个练习对其他人也有帮助。

我注释掉了'_mm_empty',认为这是正确的事情。我在emmintrinin .h中找到了类似的函数,用于所有其他__m128i操作,但有些东西仍然是错误的。


DWORD CSumInsideHorizontalTask::InternalDoWork()
    // get local vars representing parameters from original call
    ushort* arrayIn     = m_taskdata.arrayIn;
    ushort arrayLen0    = m_taskdata.arrayLen0;
    ushort arrayLen1    = m_taskdata.arrayLen1;
    ushort* kernel      = m_taskdata.kernel;
    ushort kernelLen    = m_taskdata.kernelLen;
    uint32_t* norm_r        = m_taskdata.norm_r;
    ushort* outputArray = m_taskdata.outputArray;
    ushort* interArray = m_taskdata.interArray;
    ushort tailLength = (ushort)((kernelLen - 1) / 2);
    //ushort* pRow = NULL; // the current row
    //ushort* pInterRow = NULL; // the current row in the interarray
    INT_PTR lpRow = (INT_PTR)arrayIn; // for integer pointer arithmatic
    INT_PTR lpInterRow = (INT_PTR)interArray; // for integer pointer arithmatic 
    INT_PTR rowstride = sizeof(ushort)*arrayLen1;
    INT_PTR lpKernel;
    // adjust for non-zero start
    lpRow += m_nRowStart*rowstride;
    lpInterRow += m_nRowStart*rowstride;
    // want to process only those (edge) pixels that need the innner loop condition 
    const int knLeftEdgeMax = kernelLen - 1 - tailLength; // go from 0 to the end of the left edge
    const int knRightEdgeStart = arrayLen1 - kernelLen + 1 + tailLength;
    INT_PTR lpInterRowInside; // use this to work inside the edges
    int h, i;
    uint sum, points;
    uint32_t norm = norm_r[kernelLen-1]; // always process the full kernel
    INT_PTR lpInnerPixels; // use this to simplify the pointer math in the kernel loop
    INT_PTR cbLeftEdgeStride = 2*knLeftEdgeMax;
    // use this for MMX optimizations
    int fourcount = kernelLen/4;
    int remainingcount = kernelLen%4;
    int mmxcount = 4*fourcount; // this is where the remainder is handled
    int loopcount = 0; // use the for fast looping tests
    __m64 accu, temp;
    __m64 shifter = _m_from_int(32);
    for (h=m_nRowStart; h < m_nRowEnd; h++) // for each row
        // skip over left edge
        lpInterRowInside = lpInterRow + cbLeftEdgeStride; 
        for (i = knLeftEdgeMax; i < knRightEdgeStart; i++) // for each inside the edges
            sum = 0;
            points = 0;
            lpKernel = (INT_PTR)kernel;
            lpInnerPixels = lpRow + ((i - tailLength)<<1); // this is where we start in the row
            // MMX Optimizations
            accu = _mm_setzero_si64(); // zero the accumulator
            // VECTOR processing
            for (loopcount = fourcount; loopcount != 0; loopcount--) // // for each kernel item that can be processed as a vector
                //sum += (uint)(*(kernel + j) * *(arrayIn + h * arrayLen1 + i - tailLength + j));
                // _m_pmaddwd: : 4*16bit multiply-add, resulting two 32bits = [a0*b0+a1*b1 ; a2*b2+a3*b3]
                // _mm_add_pi32/_m_paddd: 2*32bit add 
                temp = _m_pmaddwd(*(__m64*)lpKernel, *(__m64*)lpInnerPixels);
                accu = _mm_add_pi32(accu, temp); // each double word has a partial sum
                lpKernel += 8; lpInnerPixels += 8;
            } // loop over the kernel
            // copy hi-dword of mm0 to lo-dword of mm1, then sum mmo+mm1
            // and finally store the result into the variable "accu"
            accu = _mm_add_pi32(accu, _mm_srl_si64(accu, shifter)); // combine results from upper and lower double words
            sum = _m_to_int(accu); // move mmx result to sum
            // SCALAR
            for (loopcount = remainingcount; loopcount != 0; loopcount--) // for each kernel item that couldn't be processed as a vector
                //sum += (uint)(*(kernel + j) * *(arrayIn + h * arrayLen1 + i - tailLength + j));
                sum += (uint)((*(ushort*)lpKernel) * *(ushort*)(lpInnerPixels));
                lpKernel += 2; lpInnerPixels += 2;
            } // loop over the kernel

            //*(interArray + h * arrayLen1 + i) = (ushort)(sum / *(norm_r + points - 1));
            *(ushort*)lpInterRowInside = (ushort)(sum/norm);
            lpInterRowInside += 2; // move to next column sizeof(ushort)
        } // for each column

        lpRow += rowstride; // move to next row ( h * arrayLen1 )
        lpInterRow += rowstride;

    } // for each row
    return 0;


DWORD CSumInsideHorizontalTask::InternalDoWork()
    // get local vars representing parameters from original call
    ushort* arrayIn     = m_taskdata.arrayIn;
    ushort arrayLen0    = m_taskdata.arrayLen0;
    ushort arrayLen1    = m_taskdata.arrayLen1;
    ushort* kernel      = m_taskdata.kernel;
    ushort kernelLen    = m_taskdata.kernelLen;
    uint32_t* norm_r        = m_taskdata.norm_r;
    ushort* outputArray = m_taskdata.outputArray;
    ushort* interArray = m_taskdata.interArray;
    ushort tailLength = (ushort)((kernelLen - 1) / 2);
    //ushort* pRow = NULL; // the current row
    //ushort* pInterRow = NULL; // the current row in the interarray
    INT_PTR lpRow = (INT_PTR)arrayIn; // for integer pointer arithmatic
    INT_PTR lpInterRow = (INT_PTR)interArray; // for integer pointer arithmatic 
    INT_PTR rowstride = sizeof(ushort)*arrayLen1;
    INT_PTR lpKernel;
    // adjust for non-zero start
    lpRow += m_nRowStart*rowstride;
    lpInterRow += m_nRowStart*rowstride;

    // want to process only those (edge) pixels that need the innner loop condition 
    const int knLeftEdgeMax = kernelLen - 1 - tailLength; // go from 0 to the end of the left edge
    const int knRightEdgeStart = arrayLen1 - kernelLen + 1 + tailLength;
    INT_PTR lpInterRowInside; // use this to work inside the edges
    int h, i;
    uint sum, points;
    uint32_t norm = norm_r[kernelLen-1]; // always process the full kernel
    INT_PTR lpInnerPixels; // use this to simplify the pointer math in the kernel loop
    INT_PTR cbLeftEdgeStride = 2*knLeftEdgeMax;
    // use this for MMX optimizations
    int fourcount = kernelLen/4;
    int remainingcount = kernelLen%4;
    int mmxcount = 4*fourcount; // this is where the remainder is handled
    int loopcount = 0; // use the for fast looping tests
    __m128i accu, temp;
    __m128i shifter = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(32);
    for (h=m_nRowStart; h < m_nRowEnd; h++) // for each row
        // skip over left edge
        lpInterRowInside = lpInterRow + cbLeftEdgeStride; 
        for (i = knLeftEdgeMax; i < knRightEdgeStart; i++) // for each inside the edges
            sum = 0;
            points = 0;
            lpKernel = (INT_PTR)kernel;
            lpInnerPixels = lpRow + ((i - tailLength)<<1); // this is where we start in the row
            // MMX Optimizations
            accu = _mm_setzero_si128(); // zero the accumulator
            // VECTOR processing
            for (loopcount = fourcount; loopcount != 0; loopcount--) // // for each kernel item that can be processed as a vector
                //sum += (uint)(*(kernel + j) * *(arrayIn + h * arrayLen1 + i - tailLength + j));
                // _m_pmaddwd: : 4*16bit multiply-add, resulting two 32bits = [a0*b0+a1*b1 ; a2*b2+a3*b3]
                // _mm_add_pi32/_m_paddd: 2*32bit add 
                //temp = _m_pmaddwd(*(__m128i*)lpKernel, *(__m128i*)lpInnerPixels);
                temp = _mm_madd_epi16(*(__m128i*)lpKernel, *(__m128i*)lpInnerPixels);
                accu = _mm_add_epi32(accu, temp); // each double word has a partial sum
                lpKernel += 8; lpInnerPixels += 8;
            } // loop over the kernel
            // copy hi-dword of mm0 to lo-dword of mm1, then sum mmo+mm1
            // and finally store the result into the variable "accu"
            accu = _mm_add_epi32(accu, _mm_sll_epi64(accu, shifter)); // combine results from upper and lower double words
            sum = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(accu); // move mmx result to sum
            // SCALAR
            for (loopcount = remainingcount; loopcount != 0; loopcount--) // for each kernel item that couldn't be processed as a vector
                //sum += (uint)(*(kernel + j) * *(arrayIn + h * arrayLen1 + i - tailLength + j));
                sum += (uint)((*(ushort*)lpKernel) * *(ushort*)(lpInnerPixels));
                lpKernel += 2; lpInnerPixels += 2;
            } // loop over the kernel

            //*(interArray + h * arrayLen1 + i) = (ushort)(sum / *(norm_r + points - 1));
            *(ushort*)lpInterRowInside = (ushort)(sum/norm);
            lpInterRowInside += 2; // move to next column sizeof(ushort)
        } // for each column

        lpRow += rowstride; // move to next row ( h * arrayLen1 )
        lpInterRow += rowstride;

    } // for each row
    return 0;

修复了上述评论中提到的所有问题。下面是x64 SSE卷积的最终工作代码:

DWORD CSumInsideHorizontalTask::InternalDoWork()
// get local vars representing parameters from original call
ushort* arrayIn     = m_taskdata.arrayIn;
ushort arrayLen0    = m_taskdata.arrayLen0;
ushort arrayLen1    = m_taskdata.arrayLen1;
ushort* kernel      = m_taskdata.kernel;
ushort kernelLen    = m_taskdata.kernelLen;
uint32_t* norm_r        = m_taskdata.norm_r;
ushort* outputArray = m_taskdata.outputArray;
ushort* interArray = m_taskdata.interArray;
ushort tailLength = (ushort)((kernelLen - 1) / 2);
//ushort* pRow = NULL; // the current row
//ushort* pInterRow = NULL; // the current row in the interarray
INT_PTR lpRow = (INT_PTR)arrayIn; // for integer pointer arithmatic
INT_PTR lpInterRow = (INT_PTR)interArray; // for integer pointer arithmatic 
INT_PTR rowstride = sizeof(ushort)*arrayLen1;
INT_PTR lpKernel;
// adjust for non-zero start
lpRow += m_nRowStart*rowstride;
lpInterRow += m_nRowStart*rowstride;

// want to process only those (edge) pixels that need the innner loop condition 
const int knLeftEdgeMax = kernelLen - 1 - tailLength; // go from 0 to the end of the left edge
const int knRightEdgeStart = arrayLen1 - kernelLen + 1 + tailLength;
INT_PTR lpInterRowInside; // use this to work inside the edges
int h, i;
uint sum, points;
uint32_t norm = norm_r[kernelLen-1]; // always process the full kernel
INT_PTR lpInnerPixels; // use this to simplify the pointer math in the kernel loop
INT_PTR cbLeftEdgeStride = 2*knLeftEdgeMax;
// use this for MMX optimizations
int fourcount = kernelLen/4;
int remainingcount = kernelLen%4;
int mmxcount = 4*fourcount; // this is where the remainder is handled
int loopcount = 0; // use the for fast looping tests
__m128i accu, temp, mlpkernel, mlpInnerPixels;
__m128i shifter = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(32);
for (h=m_nRowStart; h < m_nRowEnd; h++) // for each row
    // skip over left edge
    lpInterRowInside = lpInterRow + cbLeftEdgeStride; 
    for (i = knLeftEdgeMax; i < knRightEdgeStart; i++) // for each inside the edges
        sum = 0;
        points = 0;
        lpKernel = (INT_PTR)kernel;
        lpInnerPixels = lpRow + ((i - tailLength)<<1); // this is where we start in the row
        // MMX Optimizations
        accu = _mm_setzero_si128(); // zero the accumulator
        // VECTOR processing
        for (loopcount = fourcount; loopcount != 0; loopcount--) // // for each kernel item that can be processed as a vector
            //sum += (uint)(*(kernel + j) * *(arrayIn + h * arrayLen1 + i - tailLength + j));
            // _m_pmaddwd: : 4*16bit multiply-add, resulting two 32bits = [a0*b0+a1*b1 ; a2*b2+a3*b3]
            // _mm_add_pi32/_m_paddd: 2*32bit add 
            //temp = _m_pmaddwd(*(__m128i*)lpKernel, *(__m128i*)lpInnerPixels);
            //mlpkernel = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(lpKernel);
            mlpkernel = _mm_cvtsi64_si128(*(__int64*)lpKernel);
            mlpInnerPixels = _mm_cvtsi64_si128(*(__int64*)lpInnerPixels);
            temp = _mm_madd_epi16(mlpkernel, mlpInnerPixels);
            accu = _mm_add_epi32(accu, temp); // each double word has a partial sum
            lpKernel += 8; lpInnerPixels += 8;
        } // loop over the kernel
        // copy hi-dword of mm0 to lo-dword of mm1, then sum mmo+mm1
        // and finally store the result into the variable "accu"
        accu = _mm_add_epi32(accu, _mm_srl_epi64(accu, shifter)); // combine results from upper and lower double words
        sum = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(accu); // move mmx result to sum
        // SCALAR
        for (loopcount = remainingcount; loopcount != 0; loopcount--) // for each kernel item that couldn't be processed as a vector
            //sum += (uint)(*(kernel + j) * *(arrayIn + h * arrayLen1 + i - tailLength + j));
            sum += (uint)((*(ushort*)lpKernel) * *(ushort*)(lpInnerPixels));
            lpKernel += 2; lpInnerPixels += 2;
        } // loop over the kernel

        //*(interArray + h * arrayLen1 + i) = (ushort)(sum / *(norm_r + points - 1));
        *(ushort*)lpInterRowInside = (ushort)(sum/norm);
        lpInterRowInside += 2; // move to next column sizeof(ushort)
    } // for each column

    lpRow += rowstride; // move to next row ( h * arrayLen1 )
    lpInterRow += rowstride;

} // for each row
return 0;