
Use multiple '?' paremeter in prepared statement

本文关键字:参数 准备好 语句      更新时间:2023-10-16

在c++中尝试使用insert语句时,我得到一些运行时错误。我想用 2 更多 " ?"插入电子邮件和用户名播放器,但我得到一些错误。知道问题出在哪里吗?

string userInfo = "INSERT INTO PLAYERTABLE (EmailAddress,UserName)";
        userInfo += " VALUES (?,?)"; 
    PreparedStatement *prepareStatement;
    (*connection)->setAutoCommit(false); //Disable auto commit
    prepareStatement = (*connection)->prepareStatement(TABLEUSERFRIENDS);
    //Make sure User input is correct is NOT MySQL Injection
    prepareStatement->setString(1, "tt@yahoo.com");
    prepareStatement->setString(2, "myusername");
    (*connection)->commit(); //Save Data

错误发生,因为你的SQL语法错误;查看与MySQL服务器版本对应的手册,以获得正确的语法。PLAYERTABLE ' at line 1

下面是一个来自prepare_statement.cpp (http://dev.mysql.com/doc/connector-cpp/en/connector-cpp-examples-prepared-statements.html)的例子:

/*The first useful example - prepare() once, execute() n + 1 times 
 NOTE: The MySQL Server does not support named parameters. You have to use 
 the placeholder syntax shown below. There is no emulation which would you 
 allow to use named parameter like ':param1'. Use '?'. Parameters are 1-based. 
 num_rows = 0; 
 prep_stmt.reset(con->prepareStatement("INSERT INTO test(id, label) VALUES (?, ?)")); 
 for (i = 0; i < EXAMPLE_NUM_TEST_ROWS; i++) { 
    prep_stmt->setInt(1, test_data[i].id); 
    prep_stmt->setString(2, test_data[i].label); 
    /* executeUpdate() returns the number of affected = inserted rows */ 
    num_rows += prep_stmt->executeUpdate(); 

因此需要将SQL (userInfo)作为参数传递给prepareStatement函数。