
Call a function template using a function pointer

本文关键字:调用 函数模板 指针 函数      更新时间:2023-10-16




template<typename T> const bool GT(const T& pa_roIN1, const T& pa_roIN2)
    bool temp = false;
    if(pa_roIN1 > pa_roIN2){
        temp = true;
    return temp;
template<typename T> const bool EQ(const T& pa_roIN1, const T& pa_roIN2)
    bool temp = false;
    if(pa_roIN1 == pa_roIN2){
      temp = true;
    return temp;
template<typename T> const bool GE(const T& pa_roIN1, const T& pa_roIN2)
    bool temp = false;
    if(pa_roIN1 >= pa_roIN2){
      temp = true;
    return temp;


struct mystruct {
    std::string  funcName;
    bool (*funcPtr)(int,int);
typedef std::map<int, mystruct> mystructList;


#include "mytemplate.h"
#include "mystruct.h"
mystruct MyGreaterStruct[3] = {
  { "EQUAL", &EQ},
mystructList MyList;
int main(void)
     int size = sizeof(MyGreaterStruct)/sizeof(mystruct);
     for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
       MyList.insert(std::pair<int, mystruct>(i,MyGreaterStruct[i])); }
     for(mystructList::iterator iter = MyList.begin(); iter != MyList.end(); iter++) {
        printf("nResult of func : %s for values 100,50 : %d",iter->second.funcName.c_Str(),iter->second->funcPtr(100,50));



mycpp.cpp:8:1: error: no matches converting function ‘GT’ to type ‘bool (*)(int, int)’
mytemplate.h:1:33: note: candidate is: template<class T> const bool GT(const T&, const T&)
 template<typename T> const bool GT(const T& pa_roIN1, const T& pa_roIN2)

无法实例化该模板以匹配函数指针的签名,因为模板接受两个引用作为实参,而指针接受两个int型实参。如果你不能改变结构或模板,并且你正在使用c++ 11,你可以尝试使用lambdas来代替:

mystruct MyGreaterStruct[3] = {
  {"GREATER_THAN", [](int a, int b)->bool { return GT(a, b); } },
  { "EQUAL", [](int a, int b)->bool { return EQ(a, b); } },
  { "GREATER_N_EQUAL", [](int a, int b)->bool { return GE(a, b); } }
