
Fold arbitrary number of pairs of iterators into a new iterator. Metaprogramming for a nice syntax?

本文关键字:迭代器 编程 语法 一个 任意数 折叠      更新时间:2023-10-16


template <class ContainerLeft, class ContainerRight>
class joincalc_const_iter : public std::iterator<std::input_iterator_tag, typename ContainerLeft::difference_type> {
    joiner_const_iter& operator++(); /* does complicated stuff to find the next member of a subset in left. */
    const typename ContainerLeft::value_type& operator*() const;
    const ContainerLeft* left = nullptr;
    const ContainerRight* right = nullptr;
template <class ContainerLeft, class ContainerRight>
class JoinCalc {
    typedef joincalc_const_iter<ContainerLeft, ContainerRight> const_iterator;
    const_iterator begin() const;
    const_iterator end() const;
template<class L, class R>
JoinCalc<L, R> join(const L& left, const R& right)
    return JoinCalc<L, R>(left, right);
int main()
    SomeSequence a{...}, b{...};
    SomeSequenceDifferentType c{...}, d{...};
    /* Works great. */
    for (const auto& n : join(a, c))
        std::cout << n << "n";
    for (const auto& n : join(a, b))
        std::cout << n << "n";
    /* Works, but is a pain to write. I'm trying and failing at using variadic
     * templates to automate this. The goal is to write: join(a, b, c, d); */
    for (const auto& n : join(join(join(a, b), c), d))
        std::cout << n << "n";



template<class L, class R>
JoinCalc<L, R> join(const L& left, const R& right)
    return JoinCalc<L, R>(left, right);

define this also,

//it is an overload, not specialization
template<class L, class R, class ...Rest>
auto join(const L& left, const R& right, Rest const & ... rest) 
                    -> decltype(join(JoinCalc<L, R>(left, right), rest...))
    return join(JoinCalc<L, R>(left, right), rest...);



