为什么C++看不到我的 lua 脚本文件?

Why C++ can't see my lua script file?

本文关键字:脚本 文件 lua 我的 C++ 看不到 为什么      更新时间:2023-10-16

我在集成Lua和c++时有一个简单的问题。我有我的项目在Visual Studio:https://i.stack.imgur.com/nNw6H.png


bool lua_init(std::string &luaScriptName){
// Create the Lua state. Explanation from Lua 5.1 Ref. Manual:
globalL = luaL_newstate(); // 5.1 OK - Lua 5.0 or lower will probably require different commands
if( globalL == NULL )
    return false;
    // Loads all Lua standard libraries
luaL_openlibs(globalL);  // 5.1 OK - Lua 5.0 or lower will require different commands
// This lot below could be replaced with luaL_dofile, but that just does: luaL_loadfile(..) || lua_pcall(..), which gives no reporting of error messages etc.
int initError = luaL_loadfile(globalL,luaScriptName.c_str());
switch( initError )
    case 0:
        // The file loaded okay, so call it as a protected function - to stop fatal errors from exiting the program
    case LUA_ERRFILE:
        std::cerr<<"Cannot find / open lua script file: "<<luaScriptName<<std::endl<<"Skipping Lua init."<<std::endl;
        std::cerr<<"Syntax error during pre-compilation of script file: " <<luaScriptName<<std::endl<<"Skipping Lua init."<<std::endl;
    case LUA_ERRMEM:
        // Treating this as fatal, since it means other Lua calls are unlikely to work either
        std::cerr<<"Fatal memory allocation error during processing of script file: " <<luaScriptName<<std::endl;
        return false;
return true;



应该指向我的脚本吗?如何使用Visual Studio ?文件位于项目目录
