
Orthographic projection of polygon points from 3D to 2D for UV mapping

本文关键字:投影 贴图 UV 用于 二维 三维 多边形      更新时间:2023-10-16


    CPolygonFaceRefArray lPolygons = lPolygonMesh.GetPolygons();
    for( long f=0; f < lPolygons.GetCount(); f++ )
        PolygonFace lFace = lPolygons[ f ];
        CPointRefArray lPoints = lFace.GetPoints();
        Point lPoint1 = lPoints[ 0 ];
        Point lPoint2 = lPoints[ 1 ];
        Point lPoint3 = lPoints[ 2 ];
        CVector3 lPoint1Position = lPoint1.GetPosition();
        CVector3 lPoint2Position = lPoint2.GetPosition();
        CVector3 lPoint3Position = lPoint3.GetPosition();
        _LogValue2( f, L"--------------------------------------" );
        // Vector A->B, that becomes the X axis of the local plane.
        CVector3 lLocalX = lLocalX.Sub( lPoint1Position, lPoint2Position );
        // Vector A->C
        CVector3 lVector13 = lVector13.Sub( lPoint1Position, lPoint3Position );
        // Determine the Z vector of the local plane:.
        CVector3 lLocalZ = lLocalZ.Cross( lLocalX, lVector13 );
        // Determine Y vector of the local plane, assuming that it’s perpendicular to already known X and Z.
        CVector3 lLocalY = lLocalY.Cross( lLocalZ, lLocalX );
        // In result we got three axis of the local plane:
        // lLocalX.Dot( lLocalY ) == lLocalX.Dot( lLocalZ ) ==  lLocalY.Dot( lLocalZ ) == 0;
        Now use system of equations to determine the positions of all points in reference to the local plane.
        double GetBase(const double& a1, const double& b1, const double& c1, const double& a2, const double& b2, const double& c2, const double& a3, const double& b3, const double& c3 )
        {return (a1*b2*c3)+(a3*b1*c2)+(a2*b3*c1)-((a3*b2*c1)+(a1*b3*c2)+(a2*b1*c3));}
        double GetX(const double& a1, const double& b1, const double& c1, const double& d1, const double& a2, const double& b2, const double& c2, const double& d2, const double& a3, const double& b3, const double& c3, const double& d3, const double& in_Base)
        {return ( (d1*b2*c3)+(d2*b1*c2)+(d2*b3*c1)-((d3*b2*c1)+(d1*b3*c2)+(d2*b1*c3)) ) / in_Base;}
        double GetY(const double& a1, const double& b1, const double& c1, const double& d1, const double& a2, const double& b2, const double& c2, const double& d2, const double& a3, const double& b3, const double& c3, const double& d3, const double& in_Base)
        {return ( (a1*d2*c3)+(a3*d1*c2)+(a2*d3*c1)-((a3*d2*c1)+(a1*d3*c2)+(a2*b1*c3)) ) / in_Base;}
        double GetZ(const double& a1, const double& b1, const double& c1, const double& d1, const double& a2, const double& b2, const double& c2, const double& d2, const double& a3, const double& b3, const double& c3, const double& d3, const double& in_Base)
        {return ( (a1*b2*d3)+(a3*b1*d2)+(a2*b3*d1)-((a3*b2*d1)+(a1*b3*d2)+(a2*b1*d3)) ) / in_Base;}
        double fU; 
        double fV; 
        double fW;
        double fBase;
        // For each point, except the first one (lPoint1Position), which we aleady know.
        for( long p=1; p < lPoints.GetCount(); p++ )
            Point lPoint = lPoints[ p ];
            CVector3 lPointPosition = lPoint.GetPosition();
            CVector3 lPointVector = lPointVector.Sub( lPoint1Position, lPointPosition );
            fBase = GetBase( 
                        lLocalX.GetX(), lLocalY.GetX(), lLocalZ.GetX(),
                        lLocalX.GetY(), lLocalY.GetY(), lLocalZ.GetY(),
                        lLocalX.GetZ(), lLocalY.GetZ(), lLocalZ.GetZ() ); 
            fU = GetX( lLocalX.GetX(), lLocalY.GetX(), lLocalZ.GetX(), lPointVector.GetX(),
                       lLocalX.GetY(), lLocalY.GetY(), lLocalZ.GetY(), lPointVector.GetY(),
                       lLocalX.GetZ(), lLocalY.GetZ(), lLocalZ.GetZ(), lPointVector.GetZ()
                       ,fBase ); 
            fV = GetY( lLocalX.GetX(), lLocalY.GetX(), lLocalZ.GetX(), lPointVector.GetX(),
                       lLocalX.GetY(), lLocalY.GetY(), lLocalZ.GetY(), lPointVector.GetY(),
                       lLocalX.GetZ(), lLocalY.GetZ(), lLocalZ.GetZ(), lPointVector.GetZ()
                       ,fBase ); 
            fW = GetZ( lLocalX.GetX(), lLocalY.GetX(), lLocalZ.GetX(), lPointVector.GetX(),
                       lLocalX.GetY(), lLocalY.GetY(), lLocalZ.GetY(), lPointVector.GetY(),
                       lLocalX.GetZ(), lLocalY.GetZ(), lLocalZ.GetZ(), lPointVector.GetZ()
                       ,fBase ); 
            _LogRoundValue3( p, fU, fV, fW );
        // Result for a cube with the center in 0,0,0 (global coords) is:
        // INFO : Values: 0, --------------------------------------
        // INFO : 1 = 0, 0, 0
        // INFO : 2 = 0, 1, 0
        // INFO : 3 = 0, 1, 0
        // INFO : Values: 1, --------------------------------------
        // INFO : 1 = 1, 1, 0
        // INFO : 2 = 1, 1, 0
        // INFO : 3 = 0, 1, 0
        // INFO : Values: 2, --------------------------------------
        // INFO : 1 = 1, 0, 0
        // INFO : 2 = 1, 1, 0
        // INFO : 3 = 0, 1, 0
        // INFO : Values: 3, --------------------------------------
        // INFO : 1 = 1, 0, 0
        // INFO : 2 = 1, 1, 0
        // INFO : 3 = 0, 1, 0
        // INFO : Values: 4, --------------------------------------
        // INFO : 1 = 1, 0, 0
        // INFO : 2 = 1, 1, 0
        // INFO : 3 = 0, 1, 0
        // INFO : Values: 5, --------------------------------------
        // INFO : 1 = 0, 0, 0
        // INFO : 2 = 0, 1, 0
        // INFO : 3 = 0, 1, 0
        // and for a rotated cube at the same place:
        // INFO : Values: 0, --------------------------------------
        // INFO : 1 = 0.027506, 0.033672, 0
        // INFO : 2 = 0.487751, 0.969746, 0
        // INFO : 3 = 0.460245, 1, 0
        // INFO : Values: 1, --------------------------------------
        // INFO : 1 = 1.15549, 0.753083, 0
        // INFO : 2 = 1.03428, 1, 0
        // INFO : 3 = -0.121205, 1, 0
        // INFO : Values: 2, --------------------------------------
        // INFO : 1 = 1, 0.04442, 0
        // INFO : 2 = 1, 1.04442, 0
        // INFO : 3 = 0, 1, 0
        // INFO : Values: 3, --------------------------------------
        // INFO : 1 = 1, -0.093859, 0
        // INFO : 2 = 1, 0.906141, 0
        // INFO : 3 = 0, 1, 0
        // INFO : Values: 4, --------------------------------------
        // INFO : 1 = 1, -0.04442, 0
        // INFO : 2 = 1, 0.95558, 0
        // INFO : 3 = 0, 1, 0
        // INFO : Values: 5, --------------------------------------
        // INFO : 1 = 0.027506, 0.09418, 0
        // INFO : 2 = -0.43274, 1.03025, 0
        // INFO : 3 = -0.460245, 1, 0





  • 第一个问题是:这是一种正确的方法吗
  • 如果是,那它怎么了




fU = lPointVector.Dot(lLocalX);
fV = lPointVector.Dot(lLocalY);
fW = lPointVector.Dot(lLocalZ); // should be zero if points lie in plane
