有一个字符串如何从第一个' /r/n/r/n '得到它的内容,直到2行从字符串结束

Having a string how to get its contents from first `/r/n/r/n` until 2 lines from string end?

本文关键字:字符串 直到 结束 2行 有一个 第一个      更新时间:2023-10-16



std::cout << "Request body: " << request->body << std::endl << "Request size: " <<  request->body.length() << std::endl;


Request body: ------WebKitFormBoundaryAZlJcLinxYi6OCzX
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="datafile"; filename="crossdomain.xml"
Content-Type: text/xml
я╗┐<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "http://www.macromedia.com/xml/dtds/cross-
  <allow-access-from domain="*" to-ports="*" />
Request size: 411

所以我需要从请求->体(这是字符串)从第一个/r/n/r/n直到最后一行-2行的所有数据。如何做这样的事情与字符串在c++ ?


std::string contents = /* ... get the string ... */
/* Locate the start point. */
unsigned startPoint = contents.find("rnrn");
if (startPoint == string::npos) throw runtime_error("Malformed string.");
/* Locate the end point by finding the last newline, then backing up
 * to the newline before that.
unsigned endPoint = contents.rfind('n');
if (endPoint == string::npos || endPoint == 0) throw runtime_error("Malformed string.");
endPoint = contents.rfind('n', endPoint - 1);
if (endPoint == string::npos) throw runtime_error("Malformed string.");
/* Hand back that slice of the string. */
return std::string(contents.begin() + startPoint, contents.begin() + endPoint);
