
Constructing a Graph of Strings (Levenshtein Distance)

本文关键字:Levenshtein 距离 字符串      更新时间:2023-10-16




#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm> //for max<>
#include <limits>
using namespace std;
typedef vector <int> ivec;
typedef vector <ivec> imatrix; //A vector of vectors, not how this works or how to implement
typedef vector <bool> bvec;
struct graph
    imatrix edges; //list of attached vertices for each node
    int numVertices;
//I understand the ostream overloading
ostream & operator << (ostream & stream, ivec &vec)
    for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++)
        stream << vec[i] << " ";
    return stream;
ostream & operator << (ostream & stream, graph &g)
    stream << endl << "numVert = " << g.numVertices << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < g.numVertices; i++)
        stream << "vertex = " << i+1 << " | edges = " << g.edges[i] << endl;
    return stream;
const int sentinel = -1;
bvec inTree;
ivec distanceNodes;
ivec parents;
void initGraph(graph * g);
void insertEdge(graph * g, int nodeNum, int edgeNum);
void initSearch(graph * g);
void shortestPath(graph * g, int start, int end);
int main()
    //I understand the main, the two numbers in insertEdge are being hooked together and the two numbers in shortestPath are what we are looking to connect in the shortest way possible
    graph g;
    insertEdge(&g, 1, 2);
    insertEdge(&g, 1, 3);
    insertEdge(&g, 2, 1);
    insertEdge(&g, 2, 3);
    insertEdge(&g, 2, 4);
    insertEdge(&g, 3, 1);
    insertEdge(&g, 3, 2);
    insertEdge(&g, 3, 4);
    insertEdge(&g, 4, 2);
    insertEdge(&g, 4, 3);
    insertEdge(&g, 4, 5);
    insertEdge(&g, 5, 4);
    insertEdge(&g, 6, 7);
    insertEdge(&g, 7, 6);
    cout << "The graph is " << g << endl;
    shortestPath(&g, 1, 5);
    shortestPath(&g, 2, 4);
    shortestPath(&g, 5, 2);
    shortestPath(&g, 1, 7);
    return 0;
void initGraph(graph * g)
    g -> numVertices = 0; //Why set the number of vertices to 0?
void insertEdge(graph * g, int nodeNum, int edgeNum)
    int numVertices = max(nodeNum, edgeNum); //Max finds the larger of two numbers I believe? How can this be used with strings, one is not bigger than the other
    numVertices = max(1, numVertices);
    if (numVertices > g->numVertices)
        for (int i = g->numVertices; i <= numVertices; i++)
            ivec nodes;
            if (g->edges.size() < i)
                g -> edges.push_back(nodes);
        g->numVertices = numVertices;
    g->edges[nodeNum - 1].push_back(edgeNum);
void initSearch(graph * g) //I believe this function simply resets the values from a previous search
    if (g == NULL)
    for (int i = 0; i <= g->numVertices; i++)
        distanceNodes.push_back(numeric_limits <int> :: max());
void shortestPath(graph * g, int start, int end)
    //Very confused about how this function works
    int edge;
    int curr; //current node
    int dist;
    distanceNodes[start] = 0; 
    curr = start;
    while (! inTree[curr])
        inTree[curr] = true;
        ivec edges = g->edges[curr - 1];
        for (int i = 0; i < edges.size(); i++)
            edge = edges[i];
            if (distanceNodes[edge] > distanceNodes[curr] + 1)
                distanceNodes[edge] = distanceNodes[curr] + 1;
                parents[edge] = curr;
        curr = 1;
        dist = numeric_limits <int> :: max();
        for (int i = 1; i <= g->numVertices; i++)
            if ((!inTree[i]) && (dist > distanceNodes[i]))
                dist = distanceNodes[i];
                curr = i;
    ivec path;
    if (distanceNodes[end] == numeric_limits <int> :: max()) //is there a numeric_limits <string> :: max?
        cout << "No way from " << start << " to " << end << endl;
        int temp = end;
        while (temp != start)
            temp = parents[temp];
        reverse(path.begin(), path.end());
        cout << "From " << start << " to " << end << " is " << path << endl;



typedef vector <ivec> imatrix; //A vector of vectors, not how this works or how to implement


 g -> numVertices = 0; //Why set the number of vertices to 0?


int numVertices = max(nodeNum, edgeNum); //Max finds the larger of two numbers I believe? How can this be used with strings, one is not bigger than the other


ivec nodes;
if (g->edges.size() < i)
  g -> edges.push_back(nodes);

插入新的顶点。在你的版本中,你可能会用integer comparison,而不是string,字符串是节点的数据,而不是节点的数量。如果你需要字符串比较,c++已经为它提供了重载操作符。




void initGraph(graph * g)
    g -> numVertices = 0; //Why set the number of vertices to 0?


int main()
    graph g;


struct graph
    imatrix edges; //list of attached vertices for each node
    int numVertices;



int numVertices = max(nodeNum, edgeNum); //Max finds the larger of two numbers I believe? How can this be used with strings, one is not bigger than the other



typedef vector <int> ivec;
typedef vector <ivec> imatrix; //A vector of vectors, not how this works or how to implement


typedef vector <std::string> ivec;
typedef vector <ivec> imatrix;


您还需要#include <string>