
What is the difference between an int and a long in C++?

本文关键字:long 什么 区别 int C++      更新时间:2023-10-16






  OS           arch           size
Windows       IA-32        4 bytes
Windows       Intel 64     4 bytes
Windows       IA-64        4 bytes
Linux         IA-32        4 bytes
Linux         Intel 64     8 bytes
Linux         IA-64        8 bytes
Mac OS X      IA-32        4 bytes
Mac OS X      Intel 64     8 bytes  


sizeof(char) == 1
sizeof(char) <= sizeof(short) <= sizeof(int) <= sizeof(long) <= sizeof(long long)
// FROM @KTC. The C++ standard also has:
sizeof(signed char)   == 1
sizeof(unsigned char) == 1
// NOTE: These size are not specified explicitly in the standard.
//       They are implied by the minimum/maximum values that MUST be supported
//       for the type. These limits are defined in limits.h
sizeof(short)     * CHAR_BIT >= 16
sizeof(int)       * CHAR_BIT >= 16
sizeof(long)      * CHAR_BIT >= 32
sizeof(long long) * CHAR_BIT >= 64
CHAR_BIT         >= 8   // Number of bits in a byte






有四种带符号整数类型:‘signed char’、‘short int’,‘int’和‘long int’。在这个列表,每种类型至少提供与之前的存储空间一样多列表。普通int具有天然的架构建议的大小执行环境*;

[脚注:即足够大包含范围内的任何值INT_MIN和INT_MAX,如标题<climits>.---end foonote]

Kevin Haines指出,INT具有执行环境建议的自然大小,必须适合INT_MIN和INT_MAX。



在大多数情况下,字节数和值的范围由CPU的体系结构决定,而不是由C++决定。然而,C++设置了最低要求,litb对此解释得很好,Martin York只犯了几个错误。



大多数编译器供应商提供的头文件定义基元类型显式类型大小。当可能移植代码时,应该使用这些基元类型到另一个编译器(在每个实例中读取为ALWAYS)。例如,大多数UNIX编译器都有int8_t uint8_t int16_t int32_t uint32_t。微软有INT8 UINT8 INT16 UINT16 INT32 UINT32。我更喜欢Borland/CodeGear的int8 uint8 int16 uint16 int32 uint32。这些名称也会提醒您预期值的大小/范围。

多年来,我一直使用Borland的显式原始类型名称以及CCD_ 15下面的C/C++头文件(原语.h)它旨在为任何C/C++编译器定义具有这些名称的显式基元类型(这个头文件可能实际上并没有涵盖每一个编译器,但它涵盖了我在Windows、UNIX和Linux上使用过的几个编译器,它(还)没有定义64位类型)。

#ifndef primitiveH
#define primitiveH
// Header file primitive.h
// Primitive types
// For C and/or C++
// This header file is intended to define a set of primitive types
// that will always be the same number bytes on any operating operating systems
// and/or for several popular C/C++ compiler vendors.
// Currently the type definitions cover:
// Windows (16 or 32 bit)
// Linux
// UNIX (HP/US, Solaris)
// And the following compiler vendors
// Microsoft, Borland/Imprise/CodeGear, SunStudio,  HP/UX
// (maybe GNU C/C++)
// This does not currently include 64bit primitives.
#define float64 double
#define float32 float
// Some old C++ compilers didn't have bool type
// If your compiler does not have bool then add   emulate_bool
// to your command line -D option or defined macros.
#ifdef emulate_bool
#   ifdef TVISION
#     define bool int
#     define true 1
#     define false 0
#   else
#     ifdef __BCPLUSPLUS__
      //BC++ bool type not available until 5.0
#        define BI_NO_BOOL
#        include <classlib/defs.h>
#     else
#        define bool int
#        define true 1
#        define false 0
#     endif
#  endif
#ifdef __BCPLUSPLUS__
#  include <systypes.h>
#  ifdef unix
#     ifdef hpux
#        include <sys/_inttypes.h>
#     endif
#     ifdef sun
#        include <sys/int_types.h>
#     endif
#     ifdef linux
#        include <idna.h>
#     endif
#     define int8 int8_t
#     define uint8 uint8_t
#     define int16 int16_t
#     define int32 int32_t
#     define uint16 uint16_t
#     define uint32 uint32_t
#  else
#     ifdef  _MSC_VER
#        include <BaseTSD.h>
#        define int8 INT8
#        define uint8 UINT8
#        define int16 INT16
#        define int32 INT32
#        define uint16 UINT16
#        define uint32 UINT32
#     else
#        ifndef OWL6
//          OWL version 6 already defines these types
#           define int8 char
#           define uint8 unsigned char
#           ifdef __WIN32_
#              define int16 short int
#              define int32 long
#              define uint16 unsigned short int
#              define uint32 unsigned long
#           else
#              define int16 int
#              define int32 long
#              define uint16 unsigned int
#              define uint32 unsigned long
#           endif
#        endif
#      endif
#  endif
typedef int8   sint8;
typedef int16  sint16;
typedef int32  sint32;
typedef uint8  nat8;
typedef uint16 nat16;
typedef uint32 nat32;
typedef const char * cASCIIz;    // constant null terminated char array
typedef char *       ASCIIz;     // null terminated char array



有五种带符号整数类型:"signed char","short int","int","long-int"answers"long-long-int"。在里面该列表中,每种类型至少提供与之前的存储空间一样多在列表中。普通int具有建议的自然尺寸执行体系结构环境(44);另一个签名提供整数类型以满足特殊需要。

