
Initializing nodes in a list from a .txt file

本文关键字:节点 列表 初始化 txt 文件      更新时间:2023-10-16



my export function:

void List::exportData(){
    Node *currentPtr = Head;
    cout<<"Saving Data..."<<endl;
    ofstream fileOut("stock_transaction_history.txt");
    while (currentPtr != 0){
        fileOut<< currentPtr->symbol << " " <<currentPtr->shares<<endl;
        currentPtr = currentPtr->next; //iterates down the list

现在我完全被导入数据特性困住了。如果需要的话,我还有一个函数addToBack((Node *newPtr)供我使用。

void List::importData(){
    Node *currentPtr
    ifstream stockIn("stock_transaction_history.txt"); 
    stockIn >> currentPtr->symbol >>currentPtr ->shares;//(Node(tempSymbol, num));
    currentPtr = currentPtr->next;


我想我可能不得不通过Node *tempPtr=new Node();的一些东西来调用addToBack,或者只是调用我节点的通用data部分?


class Node
    friend class List;
    string symbol;
    int shares;
    Node *next;
        : next(0)








Node类实现operator >>(istream&)





void List::importData(const char *filePath)
    // open the file.
    std::ifstream file(filePath);
    // storage for the values read from the stream.
    std::string symbol;
    int shares;
    // here we read the symbol from the file stream, with "file >> symbol".  the
    // return value of that expression is the stream 'file', so we can chain 
    // that to reading the share count with "file >> symbol >> shares".  notice
    // that we use this in a conditional - this is because the stream will 
    // evaluate to 'true' if there is more data to read, or 'false' otherwise.
    while ((file >> symbol >> shares))
        // create the new node
        addToBack(symbol, shares);


#include <fstream>
#include <memory>
// the node class used in the list.  note that I have not declared the list
// to be a friend of the node.  its needed as the data members are public.  if
// you dont want the data to be public (e.g. you want to enforce certain
// operations) make them private, and provide accessor functions.  in this case
// StockNode is a struct, making the data members public by default.
struct StockNode
    std::string mSymbol;
    int mShares;
    StockNode *mNext;
    // custom constructor, which populates the symbol and shares.
    StockNode(const std::string& symbol, int shares)
    : mSymbol(symbol), mShares(shares), mNext(0)
class StockList
    // we store the head AND the tail of the list.  storing the tail allows for
    // fast appends.
    StockNode *mHead;
    StockNode *mTail;
    // we override the default constructor to initialize the head/tail pointers
    // to 0 (null).
    StockList() : mHead(0), mTail(0)
    // destructor - since we are using raw pointers, we need to manage the 
    // freeing of the StockNodes ourselfs (again, if we used a 
    // std::list<StockNode> we could have avoided this.
    void clear()
        StockNode *node = mHead;
        // while we havent reached the end of the list.
        while (node)
            // find the next element
            StockNode *temp = node->mNext;
            // free the memory for the current element.
            delete node;
            // set node to the next element in the list.
            node = temp;
        // reset the pointers
        mHead = 0;
        mTail = 0;
    // appends a node to the list.  i have called it push_back in line with the
    // standard library implementation std::list (which you would normally use
    // here, but it looks like this is homework).  notice that the parameter
    // is not a pointer, but a std::auto_ptr.  look up the documentation for it
    // to see exactly how it works.  its not *required* here, but i use it so 
    // the interface documents that we are taking ownership of the node.
    void push_back(std::auto_ptr<StockNode> stockNode)
        // notice below the calls to "release", this stops the std::auto_ptr
        // managing the memory - so it doesn't free the memory when we still 
        // need it.
        if (mTail)
            // the tail is set, write the new value.
            mTail->mNext = stockNode.release();
            mTail = mTail->mNext;
            // no tail set means this is the first element, set the head and
            // the tail.
            mHead = stockNode.release();
            mTail = mHead;
    // ... implement other methods for looking up StockNodes, etc...
    void exportData(const std::string& filePath) const
        std::ofstream file(filePath.c_str());
        for (StockNode *node = mHead; node; node = node->mNext)
            // note that i have used 'n' instead of std::endl.  this is 
            // because std::endl prints the 'n' and flushes the stream
            // as we are writing to file, i figure it'll be a little quicker
            // if it doesnt flush to disk after every line.
            file << node->mSymbol << " " << node->mNext << 'n';
    void importData(const std::string& filePath)
        std::ifstream file(filePath.c_str());
        std::string symbol;
        int shares;
        while ((file >> symbol >> shares))
            push_back(std::auto_ptr<StockNode>(new StockNode(symbol, shares)));