
C++: English to Pig Latin

本文关键字:Pig 拉丁语 英语 C++      更新时间:2023-10-16


main.cpp:在函数"Word*splitSentene(std::string,int&("中:main.cpp:81:32:错误:无法在赋值中将"std::string*{aka std::basic_string*}"转换为"Word*"words=新字符串[i]


#include <iostream>
#include <cctype>
#include <string>
using namespace std; 
struct Word 
string english;     // English sentence 
string piglatin;    // Pig latin sentence 
// PT 1. Function prototype 
Word * splitSentence(const string words, int &size){};

int main()
string userSentence;
int size; 

// Get the users sentence to convert to pig latin 
cout << "Please enter a string to convert to pig latin:n";
getline(cin, userSentence);
// Directs to Word * splitSentence function 
Word* tempptr = splitSentence(userSentence, size);
delete [] tempptr;

return 0;   
//PT 1. Analyze the sentence 
Word * splitSentene(const string words, int &size)
bool flag = true;
int num = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < words.length() + 1; i++)
//test for white space, then when you hit the first alphabetical character after a space,
//increment up the size of the array 
if (isspace(words[i])) 

flag = true;

if (isalpha(words[i]));
if (flag == true)
flag = false;
cout << words[i++];
// Dynamically allocate the array for the words  
Word *sentence = nullptr;
sentence = new string[i];


以下是pt 1的说明以供进一步澄清:

PT。1( 编写一个函数,将一个英语句子作为一个字符串。这个函数应该首先计算句子中有多少"单词"(单词是由空格分隔的子字符串(。然后,它应该分配一个大小等于单词数量的动态数组。数组包含Word结构(即Word类型的数组(。然后,该函数会将该句子的每个单词存储到相应结构的英语字段中。然后,该函数应使用return语句将此数组返回给调用函数,并使用引用参数将数组大小返回给该函数。


Word * splitSentence(const string words, int &size);




  • splitSentence()的声明末尾有一个错误的{}

  • 你在splitSentence()的定义中拼错了splitSentene

  • 您在if (isalpha(words[i]));上有一个错误的;

  • 您不是在return'中分配的数组。



#include <iostream>
#include <cctype>
#include <string>
using namespace std; 
struct Word 
string english;     // English sentence 
string piglatin;    // Pig latin sentence 
// PT 1. Function prototype 
Word* splitSentence(const string words, int &size);
int main()
string userSentence;
int size; 

// Get the users sentence to convert to pig latin 
cout << "Please enter a string to convert to pig latin:n";
getline(cin, userSentence);
// Directs to Word * splitSentence function 
Word* tempptr = splitSentence(userSentence, size);
delete [] tempptr;
return 0;   
//PT 1. Analyze the sentence 
Word* splitSentence(const string words, int &size)
bool flag = true;
int num = 0;
char ch;

for (int i = 0; i < words.length(); ++i)
ch = words[i];
if (isalpha(ch))
if (flag)
flag = false;
else if (isspace(ch))
flag = true;
Word *sentence = new Word[num];
int index = -1;
flag = true;
num = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < words.length(); ++i)
ch = words[i];
if (isalpha(ch))
if (flag)
flag = false;
if (isupper(ch))
ch = tolower(ch);
sentence[index].english += ch;
else if (isspace(ch))
flag = true;
size = num;
return sentence;



#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cctype>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std; 

struct Word 
string english;     // English sentence 
string piglatin;    // Pig latin sentence 

// PT 1. Function prototype 
Word* splitSentence(const string words, int &size);

int main()
string userSentence;
int size; 

// Get the users sentence to convert to pig latin 
cout << "Please enter a string to convert to pig latin:n";
getline(cin, userSentence);

// Directs to Word * splitSentence function 
Word* tempptr = splitSentence(userSentence, size);
delete [] tempptr;
return 0;   

//PT 1. Analyze the sentence 
Word* splitSentence(const string words, int &size)
istringstream iss(words);
vector<string> vec;
string s;

while (iss >> s)
remove_if(s.begin(), s.end(),
[](unsigned char ch){ return !isalpha(ch); });
if (!s.empty())
transform(s.begin(), s.end(), s.begin(),
[](unsigned char ch){ return tolower(ch); });

Word *sentence = new Word[vec.size()];

transform(vec.begin(), vec.end(), sentence,
[](const string &s){
Word w;
w.english = s;
return w;

size = vec.size();
return sentence;
