
Check if double are given with a specific accuracy

本文关键字:双精度 精度 是否 检查      更新时间:2023-10-16



到目前为止,我所做的是测试(x - offset)/accuracy是否是整数。偏移可防止整数溢出。在实践中,由于浮点运算,它不能是整数,所以我添加了一个任意阈值。它有效,但在我看来不是一个强大的解决方案。

dx = (x[i]-offset)/accuracy;
ix = std::round(dx);
if (std::abs(dx - ix) > 1e-5)
throw exception("...");


您似乎希望确保您的数字尽可能接近一组数字,这些数字是从 0 到无穷大的算术级数,具有精度值的共同差异。在这种情况下,这基本上是一个量化任务,需要进一步评估量化误差。

#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
bool is_number_accurate(double n, double accuracy)
bool accurate = false;
std::cout << "n: " << n << ", ";
n = std::abs(n);
if (n > accuracy)
// Epsilon to account for precision loss from the calculations below,
// as well as floating point representation error.
const double epsilon = 0.00001;
// Remainder from quantizing n to accuracy precision
// (i.e. quantization error)
double rem = std::fmod(n, accuracy);
// Normalize to 1.0. Here 0 means n exactly matches the quantized value,
// and slightly greater than 0 means that n is slightly greater than the
// quantized value.
// Values close to 1.0 also mean n is close to match the quantized value,
// but is slightly less than it.
double error = rem / accuracy;
std::cout << "error: " << error << ", ";
accurate = error < epsilon || (error <= 1.0 && error > (1.0 - epsilon));
accurate = n == 0.0 || n == accuracy;
std::cout << "accurate: " << accurate << std::endl;
return accurate;
int main()
is_number_accurate(0.0, 0.001);
is_number_accurate(0.0000000000001, 0.001);
is_number_accurate(0.001, 0.001);
is_number_accurate(0.01, 0.001);
is_number_accurate(123456789.012, 0.001);
is_number_accurate(123456789.0121, 0.001);
is_number_accurate(123456789.0125, 0.001);
is_number_accurate(123456789.0129, 0.001);
is_number_accurate(123456789.013, 0.001);
is_number_accurate(123456789.01231, 0.001);


n: 0, accurate: 1
n: 1e-13, accurate: 0
n: 0.001, accurate: 1
n: 0.01, error: 0, accurate: 1
n: 1.23457e+08, error: 0.999992, accurate: 1
n: 1.23457e+08, error: 0.0999936, accurate: 0
n: 1.23457e+08, error: 0.5, accurate: 0
n: 1.23457e+08, error: 0.899992, accurate: 0
n: 1.23457e+08, error: 0.999994, accurate: 1
n: 1.23457e+08, error: 0.309996, accurate: 0


/*  IsNearestValue(x, A) returns true iff x is the double number nearest to the
nearest multiple of A', where A' is the unit fraction nearest A.  (All
negative powers of 10, such as 10**-3, are unit fractions.)
For example, IsNearestValue(x, .001) returns true iff x is the result of
converting some number with three decimal digits after the decimal point
to double.
This routine presumes x/A <= 2**53.
bool IsNearestValue(double x, double A)
//  Calculate 1/A'.  The result has no rounding error.
double reciprocal = std::round(1/A);
/*  Find what multiple of A' x must be near.  This produces an exact
result.  That is, t is an integer such that t * A' = x, with
real-number arithmetic, not floating-point arithmetic.
double t = std::round(x * reciprocal);
//  Calculate the double nearest t/A'.
t /= reciprocal;
//  Return true iff x is the double nearest t/A'.
return x == t;



我不确定约束x/A≤ 253是否必要,但我没有试图证明它不是,所以除非有进一步的要求,否则我将离开该约束。