
How do I return an average of a number of vector objects? C++

本文关键字:对象 平均值 C++ 何返回 返回      更新时间:2023-10-16

嗨,我对 c++ 很陌生,我有一个项目,但要做,但项目中的一个问题需要我添加一个函数 getAverageCostPerDay((,它采用 Reservations 对象的向量并返回汽车预订的平均成本。我该怎么做?谢谢


#pragma once
#include <string>
class Reservation
int id;
std::string name;
int stDate;
int stMonth;
int stYear;
int duration;
float cost;
std::string licensePlate;
static int reservationCount;
Reservation(int id, std::string name, int stDate, int stMonth, int
stYear, int duration, float cost, std::string licensePlate);
int getId();
std::string getName();
int getStDate();
int getStMonth();
int getStYear();
int getDuration();
float getCost();
std::string getLicensePlate();
void setId(int id);
void setName(std::string name);
void setStDate(int stDate);
void setStMonth(int stMonth);
void setStYear(int stYear);
void setDuration(int duration);
void setCost(float cost);
void setLicensePlate(std::string licensePlate);
static int getReservationCount()
return reservationCount;


#include "pch.h"
#include "Reservation.h"
int Reservation::reservationCount = 0;
this->id = 0;
this->name = "";
this->stDate = 0;
this->stMonth = 0;
this->stYear = 0;
this->duration = 0;
this->cost = 0;
this->licensePlate = "";
Reservation::Reservation(int id, std::string name, int stDate, int stMonth, 
int stYear, int duration, float cost, std::string licensePlate)
this->id = id;
this->name = name;
this->stDate = stDate;
this->stMonth = stMonth;
this->stYear = stYear;
this->duration = duration;
this->cost = cost;
this->licensePlate = licensePlate;
std::cout << "Destroying (" << this->name << ")" << std::endl;
int Reservation::getId()
return this->id;
std::string Reservation::getName()
return this->name;
int Reservation::getStDate()
return this->stDate;
int Reservation::getStMonth()
return this->stMonth;
int Reservation::getStYear()
return this->stYear;
int Reservation::getDuration()
return this->duration;
float Reservation::getCost()
return this->cost;
std::string Reservation::getLicensePlate()
return this->licensePlate;
void Reservation::setId(int id)
this->id = id;
void Reservation::setName(std::string name)
this->name = name;
void Reservation::setStDate(int stDate)
this->stDate = stDate;
void Reservation::setStMonth(int stMonth)
this->stMonth = stMonth;
void Reservation::setStYear(int stYear)
this->stYear = stYear;
void Reservation::setDuration(int duration)
this->duration = duration;
void Reservation::setCost(float cost)
this->cost = cost;
void Reservation::setLicensePlate(std::string licensePlate)
this->licensePlate = licensePlate;


#include "pch.h"
#include "Reservation.h"
//Regular Expressions
std::string idRegexStr = "[0-9]{3,4}";
std::string nameRegexStr = "[A-Za-z]{1}[a-z]{1,30} [A-Za-z]{1}[a-z]{1,30}";
std::string stDateRegexStr = "[0-3]{1}[0-9]{1}";
std::string stMonthRegexStr = "[0-1]{1}[0-9]{1}";
std::string stYearRegexStr = "[1-2]{1}[0-9]{1}[0-9]{1}[0-9]{1}";
std::string durationRegexStr = "[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}";
std::string costRegexStr = "[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{2}";
std::string licencePlateRegexStr = "[0-9]{2,3}\s*[A-Z]{2,3}\s*[0-9]+";
//Validates data against a user-defined string
bool validate(std::string regexStr, std::string data)
return std::regex_match(data, std::regex(regexStr));
std::vector<Reservation>populateVector(Reservation defaultVector, int size)
std::vector<Reservation> outVector;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
return outVector;
double getAverageCostPerDay(const std::vector<Reservation> outVector)
double average = 0;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < outVector.size(); i++)
average = std::vector<Reservation>outVector.at(float cost);
return true;
int main()
//these were example values to see if regex works
bool idIsValid = validate(idRegexStr, "101");
bool nameIsValid = validate(nameRegexStr, "John Smith");
bool stDateIsValid = validate(stDateRegexStr, "24");
bool stMonthIsValid = validate(stMonthRegexStr, "10");
bool stYearIsValid = validate(stYearRegexStr, "2018");
bool durationIsValid = validate(durationRegexStr, "10");
bool costIsValid = validate(costRegexStr, "22.50");
bool licenseIsValid = validate(licencePlateRegexStr, "181 LH 555");
std::cout << "Invalid = 0 / Valid = 1n";
std::cout << "n";
std::cout << "Valid ID: " << idIsValid << std::endl;
std::cout << "Valid Name: " << nameIsValid << std::endl;
std::cout << "Valid Start Date: " << stDateIsValid << std::endl;
std::cout << "Valid Start Month: " << stMonthIsValid << std::endl;
std::cout << "Valid Start Year: " << stYearIsValid << std::endl;
std::cout << "Valid Duration: " << durationIsValid << std::endl;
std::cout << "Valid Cost: " << costIsValid << std::endl;
std::cout << "Valid License: " << licenseIsValid << std::endl;
Reservation r1(101, "John Smith", 24, 10, 2018, 4, 22.50, "181 LH 
Reservation r2(102, "Jane Caroll", 31, 01, 2017, 6, 34.25, "161 DUB 
Reservation r3(103, "Sean Morrissey", 16, 06, 2014, 2, 67.50, "162 WEX 
Reservation r4(104, "Billy Joe", 04, 03, 2016, 8, 51.20, "152 DUB 
std::cout << "Reservation Count: " << Reservation::getReservationCount() 


  1. 您可以将预订向量包装在一个类中,并跟踪有多少,总成本是多少,并计算平均值。

  2. 但是,如果必须通过 Reservation 类返回此信息,则必须使用静态变量来计算成本总和和预留对象数。静态属性在该类的所有对象中都可用,并且在所有对象之间具有相同的值。因此,每次创建预留对象时,都要增加成本的计数和总和。然后,当你需要平均值时,你可以从任何对象或通过类来计算它(如果你创建一个静态函数来做到这一点(。