
Fractional Knapsack fringe cases

本文关键字:边缘 背包      更新时间:2023-10-16


失败案例 #6/13:错误答案 得到: 5810.101954463027 预期: 7777.731



double get_optimal_value(int capacity, vector<int> weights, vector<int> values) {
double value = 0;
vector<double> valuePerWeight;
// Populating an array called valuePerWeight with ratios of value:weight
for (int i=0; i < weights.size(); i++) {
double valueWeightRatio = values[i]/weights[i];
// While there are still items to choose, and the bag is not full
while (weights.size() > 0 && capacity > 0) {
double max;
int itemNum;
// Going through every item, find the item with the highest valuePerWeight and record it
for (int i=0; i < weights.size(); i++) {
if (valuePerWeight[i] > max) { // If an item has been found to have a valuePerWeight greater than the previous max, update the new max and item number
max = valuePerWeight[i];
itemNum = i;
// If there is enough space in the knapsack to put the item with the highest valuePerWeight
if (capacity >= weights[itemNum]) {
capacity = capacity - weights[itemNum]; // Adding it to the bag, and updating the capacity and value
value = value + values[itemNum];
// Removing the item from the arrays to ensure that it doesn't get picked again
weights.erase(weights.begin() + itemNum);
values.erase(values.begin() + itemNum);
valuePerWeight.erase(valuePerWeight.begin() + itemNum);
max = 0;
itemNum = 0;
// If there isn't enough space in the knapsack to put the whole item with highest valuePerWeight in
else if (capacity < weights[itemNum]) {
// Calculate what fraction of the item can be put in
double fraction = (double)capacity / (double)weights[itemNum];
// Put in that fraction of the item and update the capacity and value
value = value + (double)fraction*values[itemNum];
capacity = capacity - (double)fraction*weights[itemNum];
return value;
return value;


int get_max_index (vector<int> weights, vector<int> values) {
int max_i = 0; // index of the item with the highest value:weight ratio
double max = 0; // the max value:weight ratio we've seen so far
for (int i = 0; i < weights.size(); i++) { // iterating through the weights
if (weights[i] != 0 && (double)values[i]/weights[i] > max) { // if the weights are not 0 and the value:weight ratio we've seen is the highest so far
max = (double)values[i]/weights[i]; // update the max value
max_i = i; // capture the index of the item with the highest value:weight ratio
return max_i;
double get_optimal_value(int capacity, vector<int> weights, vector<int> values) {
double value = 0.0; // The answer to be returned, which is the value of the bag after putting all the items
for (int i = 0; i < weights.size(); i++) { // Running this loop for every item in the bag
if (capacity == 0) return value; // If the capacity of the bag has reached 0, return value
int index = get_max_index(weights, values); // Get the index of the current item with the highest value:weight ratio
int a = std::min(capacity, weights[index]); // Return the lower of the two: Remaining capacity of the bag or the weight of the item with the highest value:weight ratio
value += a * (double)values[index]/weights[index]; // If there is sufficient capacity, put the whole item in, else, place a fraction of the item in: (capacity/weight)*value
weights[index] -= a; // Update the item by removing it
capacity -= a; // Update the capacity
return value;




// Populating an array called valuePerWeight with ratios of value:weight
for (int i=0; i < weights.size(); i++) {
double valueWeightRatio = (double)values[i]/weights[i];