
Trying to create functions with simple equations inside

本文关键字:方程 函数 简单 包含 创建      更新时间:2023-10-16


#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main() {
double  r = 0,
h = 0,
TSurfaceArea = 0,
LSurfaceArea = 0,
Volume = 0;
const double    PI = 3.cylinder   
cout << "Welcome to the right-circular clyinder area and volume calculator, this program will calculate three things: "
"nThe first, is the Total Surface Area."
"nThen we will see the Lateral Surface Area."
"nAnd Finally we will see the volume." << endl;
cout << "nPlease enter a value for the radius: ";
cin >> r;
cout << "nThank you! nnNow please enter a value for the height: ";
cin >> h;
TSurfaceArea = 2 * PI*r*(r + h);
LSurfaceArea = 2 * PI*r*h;
Volume = PI * r*h;
cout << "Thank you for your input! nnSo here are your results based on a radius of " << r << " and a height of " << h << ":" << endl;
cout << "nTotal Surface Area is " << TSurfaceArea << "nLateral Surface Area is " << LSurfaceArea << "nVolume is " << Volume << endl;


#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main() {
const double    PI = 3.14159;
double  r = 0,
h = 0,
TSurfaceArea() {
double tsa = 2 * PI*r*(r + h);
return tsa;
LSurfaceArea() {
double lsa = 2 * PI*r*h;
return lsa;
Volume() {
double v = PI * r*h;
return v;
cout << "Welcome to the right-circular clyinder area and volume calculator, this program will calculate three things: "
"nThe first, is the Total Surface Area."
"nThen we will see the Lateral Surface Area."
"nAnd Finally we will see the volume." << endl;
cout << "nPlease enter a value for the radius: ";
cin >> r;
cout << "nThank you! nnNow please enter a value for the height: ";
cin >> h;
cout << "Thank you for your input! nnSo here are your results based on a radius of " << r << " and a height of " << h << ":" << endl;
cout << "nTotal Surface Area is " << TSurfaceArea << "nLateral Surface Area is " << LSurfaceArea << "nVolume is " << Volume << endl;


这里没有我能看到的物体。 你用C++作为"更好的C"。

我已经很久没有写过C或C++了,但我认为你想要更多这样的东西。 我把肉从主要内容中取出来强调我的观点:

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
static const double    PI = 3.14159;  // surely you can do better than six digits
double topSurfaceArea(double r, double h) { return 2.0*PI*r*(r+h); } 
double lateralSurfaceArea(double r, double h) { return 2.0*PI*r*h; }
double volume(double r, double h) { return PI*r*r*h; }  // your formula was clearly wrong.
int main() { // removed body for simplicity }

lambda 可能是最接近你想要的,例如矩形

double width,height;
auto area = [&](){ return width*height; };
width = 5;
height = 10;
std::cout << area(); 


double area(double width,double height) {
return width * height;
int main() {
std::cout << area(5.0,10.0);
