如何制作带有对象的多重地图? - C++

How do I make a multimap with objects? - C++

本文关键字:地图 C++ 何制 作带 对象      更新时间:2023-10-16

所以我有一个Date Class,每个Date对象为该对象存储一个日,月和年变量。我还有一个数据文件,其中包含多个日期、许多重复日期,并且所有日期都有自己的浮点值。


error: no matching function for call to 'make_pair(Date&, float)'|


mapOption1.insert(make_pair<Date, float>(windlog[x].d, windlog[x].speed.GetSpeed()));

我不明白为什么,当我在二叉搜索树中使用 windlog[x].d(其中 windlog 是结构体的向量,d 是它在位置 x 处持有的日期对象(时,我不需要 Get 方法来存储对象在 BST 中。为什么我现在需要它?假设这是问题所在。


multimap<Date, float> mapOption1;
for(int x = 0; x < SIZE; x++)
mapOption1.insert(make_pair<Date, float>(windlog[x].d, windlog[x].speed.GetSpeed()));


multimap<Date, float> mapOption1;
Date datetest;
for(int x = 0; x < SIZE; x++)
mapOption1.insert(make_pair<Date, float>(datetest, 47.5);


#if !defined(_DATE_H)
#define _DATE_H
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
using namespace std;
* @class Date
* @brief  Manages and holds all dates
* This class is used to convert string from the input file into numerical values
* and then store them as date values
* @author Darren Fernando
* @date 05/05/2020 Darren Fernando, Started
* @bug No bugs founds as of yet
class Date
Date(unsigned day1, unsigned month1, unsigned year1);
* @brief A set method that is used to set the day value
* It takes a string parameter and calls another method to convert it, and then assign it to the variable day
* @param day1 - A string variable that is converted
* @return void
void SetDay(string day1);
* @brief A set method that is used to set the month value
* It takes a string parameter and calls another method to convert it, and then assign it to the variable month
* @param month1 - A string variable that is converted
* @return void
void SetMonth(string month1);
* @brief A set method that is used to set the year value
* It takes a string parameter and calls another method to convert it, and then assign it to the variable year
* @param year - A string variable that is converted
* @return void
void SetYear(string year1);
* @brief A get method that is used to get the day value by returning it
* @return unsigned
unsigned GetDay() const;
* @brief A get method that is used to get the month value by returning it
* @return unsigned
unsigned GetMonth() const;
* @brief A get method that is used to get the year value by returning it
* @return unsigned
unsigned GetYear() const;
* @brief A method that converts a string to an unsigned numerical value
* @param time - A string parameter that is converted
* @return unsigned
unsigned convertString(string date) const;
* @brief A method that takes an input stream and perfoms some operations to set the date from this stream
* This method isn't used but may be valuable later on
* @param input - An input stream
* @return void
void SetDate(istream &input);
* @brief A method that takes an output stream and outputs it
* This method isn't used but may be valuable later on
* @param os - An output stream
* @return void
void GetDate(ostream & os) const;
unsigned GetDateRaw() const;
int day; /// Variable to store the day
int month; /// Variable to store the month
int year; /// Variable to store the year
bool operator==(const Date& firstDate, const Date& secondDate);
bool operator>(const Date& firstDate, const Date& secondDate);
bool operator!=(const Date& firstDate, const Date& secondDate);
ostream & operator <<(ostream & os, const Date & D); /// Operator << overload
istream & operator >>(istream & input, Date & D); /// Operator >> overload
#endif  //_DATE_H


//  Generated by StarUML(tm) C++ Add-In
#include "Date.h"
// Default constructor
/* Date constructor to initialize an object of date with the passed parameters
Date::Date(unsigned day1, unsigned month1, unsigned year1) {
day = day1;
month = month1;
year = year1;
void Date::SetDay(string day1) {
day = convertString(day1); // Calls method convertString to convert the string parameter and assign the new value to day.
void Date::SetMonth(string month1) {
month = convertString(month1); // Calls method convertString to convert the string parameter and assign the new value to month.
void Date::SetYear(string year1) {
year = convertString(year1); // Calls method convertString to convert the string parameter and assign the new value to year.
unsigned Date::GetDay() const {
return day; // Returns the day of the object
unsigned Date::GetMonth() const {
return month; // Returns the month of the object
unsigned Date::GetYear() const {
return year; // Returns the year of the object
/* This method is used for directly setting the date from a file. It is not used now,
but may prove handy in the future.*/
void Date::SetDate(istream &input){
string day1;
string month1;
string year1;

getline(input, day1, '/'); //Reads line until '/' is found and stores the string in day1
getline(input, month1, '/'); //Reads line until '/' is found and stores the string in month1
getline(input, year1, ' '); //Reads line until ' ' is found and stores the string in year1
/*Sets the strings with setters which convert them automatically

//This method is designed to convert a string to an integer
inline unsigned Date::convertString(string date) const{
int date2 = 0;
date2 = stoi(date); //Uses stoi from cmath library to convert a string to an integer
return date2;
// A get function that uses the overloaded output stream to output the date in a specific format.
void Date::GetDate(ostream &os) const{
os << GetDay() << "/" << GetMonth() << "/" << GetYear() << " ";
unsigned Date::GetDateRaw() const{
return month && year;
bool operator==(const Date& firstDate, const Date& secondDate)
if(firstDate.GetYear() == secondDate.GetYear() && firstDate.GetMonth() == secondDate.GetMonth() && firstDate.GetDay() == secondDate.GetDay())
return true;
return false;
/*bool operator!=(const Date& firstDate, const Date& secondDate)
return true;
return false;
bool operator>(const Date& firstDate, const Date& secondDate)
if(firstDate.GetYear() > secondDate.GetYear())
return true;
if(firstDate.GetYear() == secondDate.GetYear())
if(firstDate.GetMonth() > secondDate.GetMonth())
return true;
else if(firstDate.GetMonth() == secondDate.GetMonth())
if(firstDate.GetDay() > secondDate.GetDay())
return true;
return false;
// Input stream operator overload
istream & operator >>( istream & input, Date & D) {
return input;
// Output stream operator overload
ostream & operator <<( ostream & os, const Date & D) {
return os;

请检查以下代码,看看是否可以对其进行调整以获得所需的内容。 基本上,我已经创建了一个带有日期,月份,年份和速度成员的日期类。 日期用作

class Date{
Date(int, int, unsigned int);
int getDay()const {return day;};
int getMonth()const {return month;};
unsigned int getYear()const {return year;};
void setSpeed(float s){ speed = s;};
float getSpeed(){return speed;};
int day;
int month;
unsigned int year;
float speed = 0;};
Date::Date(int d, int m, unsigned int y): day(d), month(m), year(y) {};
bool compareDay(const Date &a, const Date &b){
return a.getDay() < b.getDay();
int main(){
Date firstDate(23, 1, 1984);
Date secondDate (12, 10, 2012);
std::multimap<Date, float, decltype(compareDay)*> dateMap(compareDay);
dateMap.insert({{firstDate, firstDate.getSpeed()}, {secondDate, secondDate.getSpeed()}});
for (auto i : dateMap){
std::cout << (i.first).getDay() << "/" << (i.first).getMonth() << "/" << (i.first).getYear() << " - " << "Speed: " << (i.second) << std::endl;}