Base64 图像比较

Base64 Image Comparison

本文关键字:比较 图像 Base64      更新时间:2023-10-16


我想比较这两个图像,并根据每个像素的差异总和给出这两个图像的差异程度。但是,这些图像以 Base64 格式编码(如 HTML 页面中的图像(。

我的问题是,以 Base64 格式汇总每个字符的差异是否一定可以估计 A 和 B 的不同或相似之处?

我用Python编写了一个测试来生成三个随机图像img1, img2, img3。然后首先逐个像素比较它们,然后比较它们的 Base64 版本。我试图看看img1是否与img2img3更相似,然后测试两种比较是否相关。

答案是否定的。它们不相关。在我的测试中,它们在 1000 次测试中有 488 次不相关。

import numpy as np
import base64
# Generates an image with random values
def generate_image():
img = np.random.random((10,10,3)) * 255
return np.uint8(img)
# First comparison method based on pixel to pixel comparison
def compare_numpy(img1, img2):
return np.sum( np.abs( img1 - img2 ) )
# Second comparison method based on comparing Base64 versions
def compare_base64(img1, img2):
b1 = list(base64.b64encode(img1))
b2 = list(base64.b64encode(img2))
return sum( abs(b1[i] - b2[i]) for i in range(len(b1)))
# Test if both methods says if img1 is closer to img2 or img3
def correlation_test():
img1 = generate_image()
img2 = generate_image()
img3 = generate_image()
# img1 is closer to img2 or img3
# Testing pixel to pixel comparison
cmp12 = compare_numpy(img1, img2)
cmp13 = compare_numpy(img1, img3)
if cmp12 < cmp13:
result1 = 2
result1 = 3
# Testing Base64 comparison
cmp12 = compare_base64(img1, img2)
cmp13 = compare_base64(img1, img3)
if cmp12 < cmp13:
result2 = 2
result2 = 3
return result1 == result2
true_cnt = 0
false_cnt = 0
# Running the test 1000 times
for i in range(1000):
if correlation_test():
true_cnt += 1
false_cnt += 1
print(f"They are correlated {true_cnt} times")
print(f"They are not correlated {false_cnt} times")
# They are correlated 512 times
# They are not correlated 488 times