
I can't access the value of my variable even though I passed it through scoping

本文关键字:范围 访问 变量      更新时间:2023-10-16


当我在修改变量的函数中引用变量时,它会返回正确的值。一旦该函数离开,即使我已经将变量传递给下一个函数,这些值也会被重置。我什至在这里和那里添加 cout 来显示值以帮助我调试,但没有任何结果。有人可以指出我正确的方向吗?我将在下面发布我的代码。谢谢你们的帮助,伙计们。

#include <iostream>
//void Loop(int Total, int Spend);
//int NewTotal(int Total, int Spend);
//void Spent(int Total, int Spend);
void UserInput(int Total, int Spend);
// Loops back to UserInput() for next entry input
void Loop(int Total, int Spend)
UserInput(Total, Spend);
int NewTotal(int Total, int Spend)
std::cout << "Output of Total is: " << Total << std::endl;
std::cout << "Output of Spend is: " << Spend << std::endl;
return Total + Spend;
void Expense()
std::cout << "Please enter a description of your expense!" << std::endl;
char ExpenseDesc;
std::cin >> ExpenseDesc;
std::cout << "You described your expense as: " << std::endl;
std::cout << ExpenseDesc << std::endl;
void Spent(int Total, int Spend)
std::cout << "Please enter the amount you spent!" << std::endl;
std::cin >> Spend;
NewTotal(Total, Spend);
void UserInput(int Total, int Spend)
Spent(Total, Spend);
std::cout << "Result of Total and Spend (NewTotal) is: " << Total + Spend << std::endl;
std::cout << "Record saved!" << std::endl;
std::cout << "So far, you have spent " << NewTotal(Total, Spend) << "!" << std::endl; //int Total & int Spend not retaining value when NewTotal(Total, Spend) gets called again to return value
std::cout << "Ready for next entry!" << std::endl;
Loop(Total, Spend);
int main()
int Total;
int Spend; 
Spend = 0;
Total = 0;
UserInput(Total, Spend);
return 0;


您需要通过引用传递变量或从函数返回它们。 就目前而言,您正在创建每个函数本地的每个变量的副本,修改副本,然后在作用域结束时丢弃它们。


std::pair<int, int> Spent(int Total, int Spend) {
return std::make_pair(Total, Spend);
// Getting values out
std::pair<int, int> result = Spent(Total, Spend);
int newTotal = result.first;
int newSpend = result.second;
// or
int newTotal, newSpend;
std::tie(newTotal, newSpend) = Spent(Total, Spend);
// or (C++17)
auto [newTotal, newSpend] = Spent(Total, Spend);


void Spent(int& Total, int& Spend) {
// Modifications to Total and Spend in this function will apply to the originals, not copies


void f(int* Total, int* Spent)
*Total = ...;
*Spent = ...;

或者使用 std::tuple:

std::tuple<int, int> f(int Total, int Spent)
return std::tuple<int, int>(Total, Spent);