
I am trying to read from the input file then compare a specific part of a string using their substrings

本文关键字:字符串 比较 定部 然后 输入 读取 文件      更新时间:2023-10-16



#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
ifstream file1;
string str2 = str1.substr(12, 8); //comparing this
string str3 = "Kennedy chewe 7483289 20174893 2017"; //with this
string str4 = str2.substr(12, 8);
if (file1.is_open())
while (!file1.eof())
getline(file1, str1);
if (str2 == str4)
cout << "match!";
cout << "In line " << str1 << " there is no a match of: " << str2 << endl;
return 0;


Mark      Bwalya       2436586  20146438  2014
Max       peter        7483289  20174893  2017
Lisa      Phiri        3674765  20813672  2018
Chitalu   Malama       4672762  20146437  2014
Frank     Tambo        6546727  20016367  2001
Malika    Chewe        4729208  20137346  2013
Raymod    Daka         3894782  20157835  2018
Lucy      Kalinga      5849535  20164675  2016
Jack      Kakwekwe     7548394  20143757  2014
Oka      gjriudf      6458934  20135743  2013
Emmanucle Fuka         4325673  20137578  2013
Brian     Mwale        5327834  20174673  2017
Lisa      MWeka        1895865  20013647  2001

如果 str4 不匹配,则预期输出。

In line Mark Bwalya 2436586 20146438 2014 there is no a match of 7483289


In line Max peter 7483289 20174893 2017 there is a match of 7483289

主要的根本原因是,您没有考虑文件中单词之间的空格。因此,str1 中的位置"12"不是整数的开头,而是大约 20。



#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
ifstream file1;
stringstream sstr3{"Kennedy chewe 7483289 20174893 2017"}; //Key string
string key_name1, key_name2, key_num1, key_num2, key_num3;
sstr3 >> key_name1 >> key_name2 >> key_num1 >> key_num2 >> key_num3;
if(file1.is_open()) {
while(!file1.eof()) {
string str1;
getline(file1, str1); //input string
stringstream sstr2{str1};
string name1, name2, num1, num2, num3;
sstr2 >> name1 >> name2 >> num1 >> num2 >> num3;
if (num1 == key_num1) { //Comparison
cout << "match!" << endl;
else {
cout << "In line " << str1 << " there is no a match of: " << key_num1 << endl;
return 0;