重载的 operator() 在 Cython 中失败

Overloaded operator() is failing in Cython

本文关键字:Cython 失败 operator 重载      更新时间:2023-10-16

我正在尝试使用Cython将手写的模板化C++数组类包装在Python中。代码无法编译,因为应返回引用的operator()在编译期间触发错误:Cannot assign to or delete this。如何编译我的代码?


# distutils: language = c++
import cython
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
cdef extern from "<array>" namespace "std":
cdef cppclass Dim_array_2 "std::array<int, 2>":
Dim_array_2() except+
int& operator[](size_t)
cdef extern from "Array.h":
cdef cppclass Array_2 "Array<double>":
Array_2() except +
void set_dims(const Dim_array_2&) except +
double& operator()(const Dim_array_2&)
def print_index():
cdef Dim_array_2 dims
dims[0] = 3
dims[1] = 5
cdef Array_2 a
cdef Dim_array_2 index
counter = 0.
for j in range(dims[1]):
for i in range(dims[0]):
index[0] = i+1
index[1] = j+1
a(index) = counter # This fails.
counter += 1.
index[0] = 2
index[1] = 3


#include <array>
#include <vector>
template<typename TF>
class Array
Array() {}
void set_dims(const std::array<int,2>& dims)
this->dims = dims;
TF& data operator()(const std::array<int, 2>& index)
return data[ (index[0]-1) + (index[1]-1)*dims[0] ];
std::vector<TF> data;
std::array<int,2> dims;


Error compiling Cython file:
counter = 0.
for j in range(dims[1]):
for i in range(dims[0]):
index[0] = i+1
index[1] = j+1
a(index) = counter # This fails.
test.pyx:31:13: Cannot assign to or delete this


我认为总的来说,Cython 将努力使这种语法起作用。它不完全理解C++引用,并且C++调用通常使用临时变量(以帮助包装异常处理C++(,这些变量绝对不适用于引用。

您可能不得不放弃"nice"array(index) = value语法,并编写一个小的C++包装器函数来帮助您:

cdef extern from "Array.h":
void setArrayValue(Array<double>& arr, const std::array<int, 2>& idx, double value) {
arr(idx) = value;
# ...


在你的Cython代码中,你会做setArrayValue(a, index, counter)