
Connect two UDP modules through a wireless channel in OMNeT++

本文关键字:两个 模块 UDP 连接 OMNeT++ 信道 通过      更新时间:2023-10-16


package udpbasic;
import inet.networklayer.autorouting.ipv4.IPv4NetworkConfigurator;
import inet.nodes.ethernet.Eth10M;
import inet.nodes.inet.StandardHost;
network ClientServer
        client: StandardHost 
        server: StandardHost 
        configurator: IPv4NetworkConfigurator 
        client.ethg++ <--> Eth10M <--> server.ethg++;


client.ethg++ <--> Eth10M <--> server.ethg++;

其中定义了以太网链路。我可以通过连接客户端和服务器吗无线链路?显然,我正在寻找最基本的配置。我是OMNeT++和INET的新手;我已经搜索了INET API引用,但它没有帮助太多了。我将感谢任何建议。

我建议阅读INET 3.0中的无线教程。https://github.com/inet-framework/inet/blob/master/tutorials/wireless/omnetpp.ini


# Some global configuration to make the model simpler
# At this point you should take a look at the NED files corresponding to this Ini file. 
# They are rather simple. The only interesting thing is that they are using parametrized types
# (i.e. like) so we will be able to change the type of the different modules from the Ini file.
# This allows us go through the tutorial only by changing parameter values in this file. 
# Limit the simulation to 25s 
sim-time-limit = 25s
# Let's configure ARP
# ARP in the real world is used to figure out the MAC address of a node from its IPv4 address.
# We do not want to use it in this wireless tutorial as it just adds some uninteresting 
# message exchanges before the real communication between the nodes can start. We will use 
# the GlobalARP module instead that can automatically provide all the MAC-IP assocoations 
# for the nodes out of band. 
**.arpType = "GlobalARP"
# Now we are ready to jump into the tutorial
[Config Wireless01] 
description = Two nodes communicating via UDP 
network = WirelessA
# Configure an application for hostA that sends a constant
# UDP traffic around 800Kbps (+ protocol overhead) 
*.hostA.numUdpApps = 1
*.hostA.udpApp[0].typename = "UDPBasicApp"
*.hostA.udpApp[0].destAddresses = "hostB"
*.hostA.udpApp[0].destPort = 5000
*.hostA.udpApp[0].messageLength = 1000B
*.hostA.udpApp[0].sendInterval = exponential(10ms)
# Configure an app that receives the USP traffic (and simply drops the data)
*.hostB.numUdpApps = 1
*.hostB.udpApp[0].typename = "UDPSink"
*.hostB.udpApp[0].localPort = 5000
# Configure the hosts to have a single "ideal" wireless NIC. An IdealWirelessNic
# can be configured with a maximum communication range. All packets withing range
# are always received successfully while out of range messages are never received.
# This is useful if we are not interested how the actual messages get to their destination,
# we just want to be sure that they get there once the nodes are in range.
*.host*.wlan[*].typename = "IdealWirelessNic"
# All radios and MACs should run on 1Mbps in our examples
**.bitrate = 1Mbps
# Mandatory physical layer parameters
*.host*.wlan[*].radio.transmitter.maxCommunicationRange = 500m
# Simplify the IdealWirelessNic even further. We do not care even if there are
# transmission collisions. Any number of nodes in range can transmit at the same time
# and the packets will be still successfully delivered.
*.host*.wlan[*].radio.receiver.ignoreInterference = true
# Result: HostA can send data to hostB using almost the whole 1Mbps bandwidth.


package inet.tutorials.wireless;
import inet.networklayer.configurator.ipv4.IPv4NetworkConfigurator;
import inet.node.inet.INetworkNode;
import inet.physicallayer.contract.packetlevel.IRadioMedium;

// - create a network and specify the size to 500x500
// - drop an IPv4NetworkConfigurator and rename it to "configurator"
// - drop an IdealRadioMedium module and rename to "radioMedium"
// - drop two standardhosts at the 100,100 and 400,400 position and
//   rename them to hostA and hostB
network WirelessA
    @figure[thruputInstrument](type=gauge; pos=370,90; size=120,120; maxValue=2500; tickSize=500; colorStrip=green 0.75 yellow 0.9 red;label=Number of packets received; moduleName=hostB.udpApp[0]; signalName=rcvdPk);
    string hostType = default("WirelessHost");
    string mediumType = default("IdealRadioMedium");
        configurator: IPv4NetworkConfigurator {
        radioMedium: <mediumType> like IRadioMedium {
        hostA: <hostType> like INetworkNode {
        hostB: <hostType> like INetworkNode {