
Is it undefined behaviour returning from a wait to a dangling "this" instance?

本文关键字:未定义 实例 this 返回 悬而未决 是否是 等待      更新时间:2023-10-16


#include <thread>
#include <functional>
#include <atomic>
std::atomic<bool> b{false};
// these are defined in some other file. 
// actual implementation is not important for this question here
Handle insideFoo, continueFoo; // some type defined somewhere
void Wait(Handle h); // blocks current thread until someone calls Continue(h)
void Continue(Handle h); // makes any thread blocked in Wait(h) continue

struct S {
int i;
void foo() {
i = 23; // <- sample code that uses "this" pointer
Continue(insideFoo); // <- signal main that we are inside S::foo and past all "this" usage
Wait(continueFoo); // <- block until main tells us to continue
// here, "this" is destroyed (see main function)
if (b) return; // <- b is not instance variable, so its not an access to dangling "this"
i = 42; // <- other sample code that uses "this" pointer
int main() {
S* s = new S;
std::thread t(std::bind(&S::foo, s));
Wait(insideFoo); // wait until S::foo is finished accessing "this"
delete s;
b = false;
Continue(continueFoo); // let s.foo continue.




附言:这是我在Undefined behavior上第二次尝试删除";这个";当其他线程正在运行不访问"的成员函数时;这个";?。我认为这与链接的问题不同。C++中的这种未定义行为从悬挂指针调用函数是因为在s删除后我没有取消引用它。我首先明确地调用s->foo,然后删除实例(我保证线程已经启动(。

Richard Critten在评论中发布了正确的方向:


struct foo { void bar() { delete this; /* what can I do here? */ } };

–Richard Critten">

delete this是一个众所周知的现象,甚至在isocpp常见问题解答中明确回答:https://isocpp.org/wiki/faq/freestore-mgmt#delete-这个
