C2436 '{ctor}':构造函数初始值设定项列表中的成员函数或嵌套类

C2436 '{ctor}': member function or nested class in constructor initializer list

本文关键字:成员 列表 嵌套 函数 ctor 构造函数 C2436      更新时间:2023-10-16


C2436 '{ctor}': member function or nested class in constructor initializer list

与Visual C++一起使用


template<typename _T>
class SubNearestNeighbors : public ompl::NearestNeighbors<_T>
typedef std::function<double(const _T&, const _T&)> DistanceFunction;
SubNearestNeighbors(const ob::SpaceInformationPtr &si)
SubNearestNeighbors()// here is the member function cause the error <----
:                // but it doesn't have any void in it?             |
PathPlannerOMPLServer::kdRRTConnect::kdRRTConnect()                 |
{} // error get here, it say member func. or nested class in constructor| 
// initialize list, while compiling class template member function   | 
//'SubNearestNeighbors<PathPlannerOMPLServer::kdRRTConnect::Motion*> |
//::SubNearestNeighbors(void) ---------------------------------------
//...more other function


ompl::base::Planner((const base::SpaceInformationPtr &)*((base::SpaceInformationPtr*)(unsigned char*)0), "kdRRTConnect") {
typedef std::shared_ptr < ompl::NearestNeighbors<Motion*>> nn_ptr;
nn_ptr nn_;
nn_->setDistanceFunction(std::bind(&kdRRTConnect::distanceFunction, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2));

输出提示告诉我,成员函数的问题是SubNearest Neighbors(void(


感谢@M.M和@Fei Xiang。

因为_T是在公共compl::nearestneighbors&lt_T> (这是该类的链接:ompl.kavrakilab.org/NearestNeighbors_8h_source.html(,只模拟另一个类NearestNeghborsLinear(compl.kavr阿基lab.org/Nearest Neighbors Linear_8h_sourcehtml,它们也是继承的ompl::nearestNeighbors&lt_T> 。我写模板没有其他选择。

这里我给出了Ompl::NearestNeighbors&lt_T> 类,我继承并覆盖该类中的函数。

namespace ompl
template <typename _T>
class NearestNeighbors
typedef std::function<double(const _T &, const _T &)> DistanceFunction;
NearestNeighbors() = default;
virtual ~NearestNeighbors() = default;
virtual void setDistanceFunction(const DistanceFunction &distFun)
distFun_ = distFun;
const DistanceFunction &getDistanceFunction() const
return distFun_;
virtual bool reportsSortedResults() const = 0;
virtual void clear() = 0;
virtual void add(const _T &data) = 0;
virtual void add(const std::vector<_T> &data)
for (const auto &elt : data)
virtual bool remove(const _T &data) = 0;
virtual _T nearest(const _T &data) const = 0;
virtual void nearestK(const _T &data, std::size_t k, std::vector<_T> &nbh) const = 0;
virtual void nearestR(const _T &data, double radius, std::vector<_T> &nbh) const = 0;
virtual std::size_t size() const = 0;
virtual void list(std::vector<_T> &data) const = 0;
DistanceFunction distFun_;


template<typename _T>
class SubNearestNeighbors: public ompl::NearestNeighbors<_T>
SubNearestNeighbors(const ob::SpaceInformationPtr &si)

// All the functions below are just override all of the pure virtual function in ompl::NearestNeighbors<_T>
void clear()
void list(std::vector<_T> &data) const
typename PathPlannerOMPLServer::kdRRTConnect::Motion;
data = motions;
std::size_t size() const
return motions.size();
void add(const _T &data)
typename PathPlannerOMPLServer::kdRRTConnect::Motion;
bool remove(const _T &data)
typename PathPlannerOMPLServer::kdRRTConnect::Motion;
if (!motions.empty())
for (int i = motions.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
if (motions[i] == data)
motions.erase(motions.begin() + i);
return true;
return false;
_T nearest(const _T &data) const
typename PathPlannerOMPLServer::kdRRTConnect::Motion;
// here is about 1000 lines code
// I am sure here works, because i have test it in main.cpp and that's really 
// what i want. The logic are just get n random point, which are the around                      
// small room of state (rstate in RRTConnect )-> build the KD Tree -> give a 
// searchPoint to find the nearestNeighbor point in KDTree -> convert the
// nearestNeighbor point in state -> make a new motion *nmotion -> save it i
//in motion->state
return motion;
std::vector<_T> motions;


在kdRRTConnect.h 中

namespace ob = ompl::base;
namespace og = ompl::geometric;
namespace PathPlannerOMPLServer
class kdRRTConnect :public ompl::base::Planner
//brief constructor 
kdRRTConnect(const ompl::base::SpaceInformationPtr &si);
virtual ~kdRRTConnect();
virtual void getPlannerData(ompl::base::PlannerData &data)const;
virtual ompl::base::PlannerStatus solve(const ompl::base::PlannerTerminationCondition &ptc);
virtual void clear();
void setRange(double distance)
maxDistance_ = distance;
double getRange() const
return maxDistance_;
template<template<typename T> class NN>
void setNearestNeighbors()
tStart_.reset(new NN<Motion*>());
tStart_->setDistanceFunction(std::bind(&kdRRTConnect::distanceFunction, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2));
tGoal_.reset(new NN<Motion*>());
tGoal_->setDistanceFunction(std::bind(&kdRRTConnect::distanceFunction, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2));
virtual void setup();
//define Motion same as RRTConnect, but in public
class Motion
Motion() : root(nullptr), state(nullptr), parent(nullptr)
parent = nullptr;
state = nullptr;
Motion(const ompl::base::SpaceInformationPtr &si) : root(nullptr), state(si->allocState()), parent(nullptr)
const ompl::base::State *root;
ompl::base::State       *state;
Motion            *parent;
// a Sub nearest-neighbor datastructure represents a tree of motions
typedef std::shared_ptr< ompl::NearestNeighbors<Motion*>> TreeData;
//brief Info. attached to gowing a tree motions(use internally)
struct TreeGrowingInfo
ompl::base::State *xstate;
Motion *xmotion;
bool start;
//brief The state of the tree after an attempt to extend it 
enum GrowState
/// no progress has been made
/// progress has been made towards the randomly sampled state
/// the randomly sampled state was reached, d !> maxDistance
//double d = si_->distance(nmotion->state, rmotion->state); <- in growTree()
//brief Free the memory allocated by this planner 
void freeMemory();
double distance(const ob::State *p1, const ob::State *p2)
//define p1's and p2's StateType as SE3StateSpace
const ob::SE3StateSpace::StateType* state3Dp1 = p1->as<ob::SE3StateSpace::StateType>();
double x1 = state3Dp1->getX();
double y1 = state3Dp1->getY();
double z1 = state3Dp1->getZ();
const ob::SE3StateSpace::StateType* state3Dp2 = p2->as<ob::SE3StateSpace::StateType>();
double x2 = state3Dp2->getX();
double y2 = state3Dp2->getY();
double z2 = state3Dp2->getZ();
double dx = x1 - x2;
double dy = y1 - y2;
double dz = z1 - z2;
return sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz);
double distanceFunction(const Motion *a, const Motion *b) const
ob::State *stateA = a->state;
ob::State *stateB = b->state;
ob::SE3StateSpace::StateType* stateTypeA = stateA->as<ob::SE3StateSpace::StateType>();
ob::SE3StateSpace::StateType* stateTypeB = stateB->as<ob::SE3StateSpace::StateType>();
double x1 = stateTypeA->getX();
double y1 = stateTypeA->getY();
double z1 = stateTypeA->getZ();
double x2 = stateTypeB->getX();
double y2 = stateTypeB->getY();
double z2 = stateTypeB->getZ();
double dx = x1 - x2;
double dy = y1 - y2;
double dz = z1 - z2;
return sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);
void interpolate(const ob::State *from, const ob::State *to, const double t, ob::State *state) const
const ob::SE3StateSpace::StateType* s1 = from->as<ob::SE3StateSpace::StateType>();
const ob::SE3StateSpace::StateType* s2 = to->as<ob::SE3StateSpace::StateType>();
ob::SE3StateSpace::StateType* lastValid = state->as<ob::SE3StateSpace::StateType>();
//Separate the path from s1 to s2 into nd Segment. nd = stateSpace_->validSegmentCount(s1, s2); in checkMotion and get the distance difference of X,Y,Z Value form s1 to s2 
double distanceX = s2->getX() - s1->getX();
double distanceY = s2->getY() - s1->getY();
double distanceZ = s2->getZ() - s1->getZ();

lastValid->setXYZ(s1->getX() + distanceX*t, s1->getY() + distanceY*t, s1->getZ() + distanceZ*t);
//brief Grow a tree towards a random state
GrowState growTree(TreeData &tree, TreeGrowingInfo &tgi, Motion *rmotion);
//brief State sampler
ompl::base::StateSamplerPtr         sampler_;
//brief The start tree
TreeData                      tStart_;
//brief The goal tree 
TreeData                      tGoal_;
//brief The maximum length of a motion to be added to a tree 
double                        maxDistance_;
//brief The random number generator
ompl::RNG                           rng_;
/** brief The pair of states in each tree connected during planning.  Used for PlannerData computation */
std::pair<ompl::base::State*, ompl::base::State*>      connectionPoint_;

在kdRRTConnect.cpp 中

namespace ob = ompl::base;
PathPlannerOMPLServer::kdRRTConnect::kdRRTConnect(const ompl::base::SpaceInformationPtr &si) : ompl::base::Planner(si, "kdRRTConnect")
specs_.recognizedGoal = ompl::base::GOAL_SAMPLEABLE_REGION;
specs_.directed = true;
maxDistance_ = 0.0;
Planner::declareParam<double>("range", this, &kdRRTConnect::setRange, &kdRRTConnect::getRange, "0.:1.:10000.");
connectionPoint_ = std::make_pair<ompl::base::State*, ompl::base::State*>(nullptr, nullptr);
ompl::base::Planner((const ompl::base::SpaceInformationPtr &)*((ompl::base::SpaceInformationPtr*)(unsigned char*)0), "kdRRTConnect")
//typedef std::shared_ptr <Motion> motion_ptr;
typedef std::shared_ptr < ompl::NearestNeighbors<Motion*>> nn_ptr;
nn_ptr nn_;
nn_->setDistanceFunction(std::bind(&kdRRTConnect::distanceFunction, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2));
void PathPlannerOMPLServer::kdRRTConnect::setup()
ompl::tools::SelfConfig sc(si_, getName());
if (!tStart_)
if (!tGoal_)
tStart_->setDistanceFunction(std::bind(&kdRRTConnect::distanceFunction, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2));
tGoal_->setDistanceFunction(std::bind(&kdRRTConnect::distanceFunction, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2));
void PathPlannerOMPLServer::kdRRTConnect::freeMemory()
std::vector<Motion*> motions;
if (tStart_)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < motions.size(); ++i)
if (motions[i]->state)
delete motions[i];
if (tGoal_)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < motions.size(); ++i)
if (motions[i]->state)
delete motions[i];
void PathPlannerOMPLServer::kdRRTConnect::clear()
if (tStart_)
if (tGoal_)
connectionPoint_ = std::make_pair<ompl::base::State*, ompl::base::State*>(nullptr, nullptr);
PathPlannerOMPLServer::kdRRTConnect::GrowState PathPlannerOMPLServer::kdRRTConnect::growTree(TreeData &tree, TreeGrowingInfo &tgi, Motion *rmotion)
/* find closest state in the tree */
Motion *nmotion = tree->nearest(rmotion);
/* assume we can reach the state we go towards */
bool reach = true;
/* find state to add */
ompl::base::State *dstate = rmotion->state;
double d = distance(nmotion->state, rmotion->state);
if (d > maxDistance_)
//si_->getStateSpace()->interpolate(nmotion->state, rmotion->state, maxDistance_ / d, tgi.xstate);
interpolate(nmotion->state, rmotion->state, maxDistance_ / d, tgi.xstate);
dstate = tgi.xstate;
reach = false;
// if we are in the start tree, we just check the motion like we normally do;
// if we are in the goal tree, we need to check the motion in reverse, but checkMotion() assumes the first state it receives as argument is valid,
// so we check that one first
bool validMotion = tgi.start ? si_->checkMotion(nmotion->state, dstate) : si_->getStateValidityChecker()->isValid(dstate) && si_->checkMotion(dstate, nmotion->state);
if (validMotion)
/* create a motion */
Motion *motion = new Motion(si_);
si_->copyState(motion->state, dstate);
motion->parent = nmotion;
motion->root = nmotion->root;
tgi.xmotion = motion;
if (reach)
return REACHED;
return ADVANCED;
return TRAPPED;
ompl::base::PlannerStatus PathPlannerOMPLServer::kdRRTConnect::solve(const ompl::base::PlannerTerminationCondition &ptc)
ompl::base::GoalSampleableRegion *goal = dynamic_cast<ompl::base::GoalSampleableRegion*>(pdef_->getGoal().get());
if (!goal)
OMPL_ERROR("%s: Unknown type of goal", getName().c_str());
return ompl::base::PlannerStatus::UNRECOGNIZED_GOAL_TYPE;
while (const ompl::base::State *st = pis_.nextStart())
Motion *motion = new Motion(si_);
si_->copyState(motion->state, st);
motion->root = motion->state;
if (tStart_->size() == 0)
OMPL_ERROR("%s: Motion planning start tree could not be initialized!", getName().c_str());
return ompl::base::PlannerStatus::INVALID_START;
if (!goal->couldSample())
OMPL_ERROR("%s: Insufficient states in sampleable goal region", getName().c_str());
return ompl::base::PlannerStatus::INVALID_GOAL;
if (!sampler_)
sampler_ = si_->allocStateSampler();
OMPL_INFORM("%s: Starting planning with %d states already in datastructure", getName().c_str(), (int)(tStart_->size() + tGoal_->size()));
TreeGrowingInfo tgi;
tgi.xstate = si_->allocState();
Motion   *rmotion = new Motion(si_);
ompl::base::State *rstate = rmotion->state;
bool startTree = true;
bool solved = false;
while (ptc == false)
TreeData &tree = startTree ? tStart_ : tGoal_;
tgi.start = startTree;
startTree = !startTree;
TreeData &otherTree = startTree ? tStart_ : tGoal_;
if (tGoal_->size() == 0 || pis_.getSampledGoalsCount() < tGoal_->size() / 2)
const ompl::base::State *st = tGoal_->size() == 0 ? pis_.nextGoal(ptc) : pis_.nextGoal();
if (st)
Motion *motion = new Motion(si_);
si_->copyState(motion->state, st);
motion->root = motion->state;
if (tGoal_->size() == 0)
OMPL_ERROR("%s: Unable to sample any valid states for goal tree", getName().c_str());
/* sample random state */
GrowState gs = growTree(tree, tgi, rmotion);
if (gs != TRAPPED)
/* remember which motion was just added */
Motion *addedMotion = tgi.xmotion;
/* attempt to connect trees */
/* if reached, it means we used rstate directly, no need top copy again */
if (gs != REACHED)
si_->copyState(rstate, tgi.xstate);
GrowState gsc = ADVANCED;
tgi.start = startTree;
while (gsc == ADVANCED)
gsc = growTree(otherTree, tgi, rmotion);
Motion *startMotion = startTree ? tgi.xmotion : addedMotion;
Motion *goalMotion = startTree ? addedMotion : tgi.xmotion;
/* if we connected the trees in a valid way (start and goal pair is valid)*/
if (gsc == REACHED && goal->isStartGoalPairValid(startMotion->root, goalMotion->root))
// it must be the case that either the start tree or the goal tree has made some progress
// so one of the parents is not nullptr. We go one step 'back' to avoid having a duplicate state
// on the solution path
if (startMotion->parent)
startMotion = startMotion->parent;
goalMotion = goalMotion->parent;
connectionPoint_ = std::make_pair(startMotion->state, goalMotion->state);
/* construct the solution path */
Motion *solution = startMotion;
std::vector<Motion*> mpath1;
while (solution != nullptr)
solution = solution->parent;
solution = goalMotion;
std::vector<Motion*> mpath2;
while (solution != nullptr)
solution = solution->parent;
ompl::geometric::PathGeometric *path = new ompl::geometric::PathGeometric(si_);
path->getStates().reserve(mpath1.size() + mpath2.size());
for (int i = mpath1.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mpath2.size(); ++i)
pdef_->addSolutionPath(ompl::base::PathPtr(path), false, 0.0, getName());
solved = true;
delete rmotion;
OMPL_INFORM("%s: Created %u states (%u start + %u goal)", getName().c_str(), tStart_->size() + tGoal_->size(), tStart_->size(), tGoal_->size());
return solved ? ompl::base::PlannerStatus::EXACT_SOLUTION : ompl::base::PlannerStatus::TIMEOUT;
void PathPlannerOMPLServer::kdRRTConnect::getPlannerData(ompl::base::PlannerData &data) const
std::vector<Motion*> motions;
if (tStart_)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < motions.size(); ++i)
if (motions[i]->parent == nullptr)
data.addStartVertex(ompl::base::PlannerDataVertex(motions[i]->state, 1));
data.addEdge(ompl::base::PlannerDataVertex(motions[i]->parent->state, 1),
ompl::base::PlannerDataVertex(motions[i]->state, 1));
if (tGoal_)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < motions.size(); ++i)
if (motions[i]->parent == nullptr)
data.addGoalVertex(ompl::base::PlannerDataVertex(motions[i]->state, 2));
// The edges in the goal tree are reversed to be consistent with start tree
data.addEdge(ompl::base::PlannerDataVertex(motions[i]->state, 2),
ompl::base::PlannerDataVertex(motions[i]->parent->state, 2));
// Add the edge connecting the two trees
data.addEdge(data.vertexIndex(connectionPoint_.first), data.vertexIndex(connectionPoint_.second));

在这里,我清除了我的程序PathPlannerOMPLServer的结构,有四个成员:SubNearestNeighbors、kdRRTConnect,其中函数nearest((、isValidat((、checkMotion((、interpolate((是我自己写的。这四个函数分别工作,但现在我必须让它们与我的Planner kdRRTConnect一起工作。其他两名成员CollisionCheck和MotionValidator与此问题无关。SubsNearestNeighbor继承OMPL源文件OMPL::NearestNeghbors&lt_T> kdRRTConnect继承OMPL源文件OMPL::base::Planner。Visual C++中的所有源文件都构建了一个OMPL库,我的程序PathPlannerOMPLServer使用它。在这里我画了一张图来简化我之前所说的内容。我的程序路径规划器OMPLServer、OMPL源文件和OMPL-lib 之间的关系



