
How to avoid code duplication with mostly same member functions?

本文关键字:代码 何避免 大多数 成员 功能      更新时间:2023-10-16


bool dequeue() {
while(true) {
// [atomically load head, tail and head->next]
auto head = m_head.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
auto head_ptr = head.get();
auto tail = m_tail.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
auto next = head_ptr->next.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
auto next_ptr = next.get();
// Are head, tail, and next consistent?
if(head == m_head.load(std::memory_order_acquire)) {
// Is queue empty or tail falling behind?
if(head_ptr == tail.get()) {
// Is queue empty?
if(!next_ptr) {
return false;
// tail is falling behind. Try to advance it
m_tail.compare_exchange_strong(tail, tail(next_ptr));
} else if(next_ptr){
// [ above check is result free list interaction, not part of orginal algo ]
// [Read value from next_ptr->data]
// <<<variant of operation here>>>>

我已经计划实施各种操作来代替<<<variant of operation here>>>>包括逻辑,如果其他代码退出循环等等,我希望避免复制主函数的主体。我应该如何继续?我至少使用C++14标准。背景故事是boost::lockfree::queue<>受到太多限制我想实现pop_if()compare_front()begin()这样的操作除了CCD_ 5部分之外,共享相同的基本出列操作代码逻辑。


template <class Func>
bool dequeue_generic(Func func) {
