
Is there a way to dynamically create objects based on a text file?

本文关键字:文件 动态 创建对象 文本 于文本 有没有      更新时间:2023-10-16


这些组件都是在它们自己的类中定义的,这些类从Base类扩展而来。 此解析的结果应为我提供一个Base指针列表,这些指针是指向从文本文件解析的各种组件的多态指针。这个问题最明显的解决方案是在组件的解析类型上有一个巨大的if-else:

Base* p;
if(type == "A"){
p = new A();
} else if(type == "B"){
p = new B();
} ...


Base* p = functionMap.at(type)();


//Note that this doesn't need to be scoped off of each class, I've only 
//done this to make it clear that this function could be an overridden 
//function from the base class in the children if that brings a solution
Base* A::generate(){
return new A();

这一切都很好,但是除了在执行其他任何操作之前将每个组件的generate函数都添加到地图中,insert否则我无法将每个组件添加到地图中。在这一点上,我仍然会为每个组件进行硬编码,我不妨只使用 if-else。



一个老问题的答案。 .




#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include <any>

// Some demo classes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct Base {
Base(int d) : data(d) {};
virtual ~Base() { std::cout << "Destructor Basen"; }
virtual void print() { std::cout << "Print Basen"; }
int data{};
struct Child1 : public Base {
Child1(int d, std::string s) : Base(d) { std::cout << "Constructor Child1 " << d << " " << s << "n"; }
virtual ~Child1() { std::cout << "Destructor Child1n"; }
virtual void print() { std::cout << "Print Child1: " << data << "n"; }
struct Child2 : public Base {
Child2(int d, char c, long l) : Base(d) { std::cout << "Constructor Child2 " << d << " " << c << " " << l << "n"; }
virtual ~Child2() { std::cout << "Destructor Child2n"; }
virtual void print() { std::cout << "Print Child2: " << data << "n"; }
struct Child3 : public Base {
Child3(int d, long l, char c, std::string s) : Base(d) { std::cout << "Constructor Child3 " << d << " " << l << " " << c << " " << s << "n"; }
virtual ~Child3() { std::cout << "Destructor Child3n"; }
virtual void print() { std::cout << "Print Child3: " << data << "n"; }

using UPTRB = std::unique_ptr<Base>;

template <class Child, typename ...Args>
UPTRB createClass(Args...args) { return std::make_unique<Child>(args...); }
// The Factory ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <class Key, class Object>
class Factory
std::map<Key, std::any> selector;
Factory() : selector() {}
Factory(std::initializer_list<std::pair<const Key, std::any>> il) : selector(il) {}
template<typename Function>
void add(Key key, Function&& someFunction) { selector[key] = std::any(someFunction); };
template <typename ... Args>
Object create(Key key, Args ... args) {
if (selector.find(key) != selector.end()) {
return std::any_cast<std::add_pointer_t<Object(Args ...)>>(selector[key])(args...);
else return nullptr;
int main()
// Define the factory with an initializer list
Factory<int, UPTRB> factory{
{1, createClass<Child1, int, std::string>},
{2, createClass<Child2, int, char, long>}
// Add a new entry for the factory
factory.add(3, createClass<Child3, int, long, char, std::string>);

// Some test values
std::string s1(" Hello1 "); std::string s3(" Hello3 ");
int i = 1;  const int ci = 1;   int& ri = i;    const int& cri = i;   int&& rri = 1;
UPTRB b1 = factory.create(1, 1, s1);
UPTRB b2 = factory.create(2, 2, '2', 2L);
UPTRB b3 = factory.create(3, 3, 3L, '3', s3);
b1 = factory.create(2, 4, '4', 4L);
return 0;