
Searching a vector of structs for one data member, then printing all data members that match

本文关键字:数据成员 打印 然后 一个 向量 结构 搜索      更新时间:2023-10-16

>我正在尝试搜索csv文件以打印以特定名称找到的数据。 我已经尝试了在这个网站上找到的多个建议,但由于我不断出现错误,似乎没有任何效果。可能是因为我不太明白为什么我的代码不起作用,所以我非常感谢解释。我的代码可以在下面找到:

code removed



其次,您对std::find_if的使用不正确。第三个参数必须是签名bool(Record)的可调用对象(可能是const或 ref 限定的(,并将迭代器返回到第一个匹配项。


auto comp = [&search](Record const& r) { return r.receip == search; };
for (auto it = std::find_if(input.begin(), input.end(), comp);
it != input.end();
it = std::find_if(++it, input.end(), comp))
// this loop iterates over all matches for search in Record::receip
Record& record = *it;
std::cout << record << 'n';

您使用find_if的方式不正确,您需要使用 lambda 在结构向量中进行自定义搜索。这是更直接的方法:

for(const Record& record : input) // Iterate all records
if(record.recip == search) // Check if 'recip' of the record matches the requested one
cout << "found";
return 0;
!= string::npos




作为使用 lambda 的其他建议的替代方案(这很好(,您也可以在Records中添加operator==- 如果您只想能够搜索相同的东西。

另请阅读为什么"使用命名空间 std;"被认为是不好的做法?


#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
struct Records {
std::string year{};
std::string category{};
std::string won{};
std::string recip{};
// added operator to be able to compare a Records with a string
bool operator==(const std::string& Recip) const { return recip == Recip; }
// custom streaming operator for reading one `Records` from a stream (like a file)
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, Records& r) {
std::getline(is, r.year, ',') && std::getline(is, r.category, ',') &&
std::getline(is, r.won, ',') && std::getline(is, r.recip);
return is;
// custom streaming operator to write a `Records` to a stream
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Records& r) {
return os << r.year << 'n' << r.category << 'n' << r.won << 'n' << r.recip << 'n';
int main() {
std::ifstream inFS("oscars.csv");
if(!inFS) { // in boolean context, inFS will be false if not opened
std::cout << "Failed to open file.n";
return 1;
std::vector<Records> input;
Records awardIn;
// use the custom operator>> to extract a "Records" from the file and push it back
// inFS will be false in boolean context if the extraction failed
while(inFS >> awardIn)
std::string search;
std::cout << "Enter recipient: ";
if(std::getline(std::cin, search)) { // check that reading succeed
// with the added operator== you can use a normal std::find
for(auto it = std::find(input.begin(), input.end(), search);
it != input.end(); 
it = std::find(std::next(it), input.end(), search)) 
// use the custom operator<< to print the Records
std::cout << *it << "n";