
Swapping the content of an array using pointer

本文关键字:数组 交换 指针      更新时间:2023-10-16



int *smallest, *current = array;
for(int i=0; i<MAX-1; i++, current++){ //partial code given by the question
smallest = current;
cout << "nCurrent=" << *current;
int tmp = *current;
for(int j = i; j < MAX; j++,smallest++){ //my code 
if(*smallest < tmp){
tmp = *smallest;
*smallest = tmp;
cout << " Smallest=" <<*smallest<< endl;
int tmp2; //not functioning from this line onwards
tmp2 = *smallest;
*smallest = *current;
*current = tmp2;

首先,您当然不需要 2 个 for 循环。话虽如此,您可能只是直接用于此任务的算法库:


#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
int main(){
std::vector elements = {8,6,4,2,16};
return *std::min_element(std::begin(elements), std::end(elements));


使用原始指针,您只需要这样做 - 如下所示:

return *std::min_element(array, array + MAX);


return *std::min_element(std::begin(array), std::end(array));


你不需要两个 for 循环来查找数组中的最小元素。它只能在数组的一次遍历中完成。

int *smallest, *current;
smallest = current = array;                     // both smallest and current refer to &array[0]
for (; current - array <= MAX - 1; ++current)   // current will increment till the last element of the array which is at MAX-1 distance from &array[0]
if (*current < *smallest)                   // if element at *current is less than element at *smallest then update smallest.
smallest = current;
current = nullptr;                              // current refers to the element at MAX distance from &array[0] hence it should be set to nullptr.
cout << *smallest << endl;



for(int j = i ;j < MAX-i ; smallest++){ // Here you don't want to increment smallest !
// You only want to change smallest
// when *current is less than *smallest
// You probably want ++j instead
// Further "MAX-i" should be "MAX-1"
if(array[j] < *current){             // Here you don't want to compare array and *current
// Instead you want:
//     array[j] < *smallest
smallest = &array[i];            // Here you want to use j instead of i:
//      smallest = &array[j]


int *smallest = array;
int *current = array;
for(int i=0; i<MAX-1; i++, current++){
cout << "nCurrent=" << *current;
if(*current < *smallest){
smallest = current;
cout << " Smallest=" <<*smallest<< endl;