
Solar System Simulator Physics Integration Issues (Unreal Engine 4, C++)

本文关键字:引擎 C++ 模拟器 集成 成问题 太阳系      更新时间:2023-10-16

所以我正在Unreal Engine 4中使用C++为一个大学项目制作这个太阳系模拟器,然而,我对C++和UE4是新手,而且我的数学很差,所以我需要一些帮助,我现在想使用欧拉积分器来获得一些基本的物理信息,让月球绕地球运行,然后可能使用速度维莱特方法,以这种方式构建整个太阳系。然而,到目前为止,即使是Euler积分也不起作用。这是Moon.cpp 中的代码

//Declare the masses
float MMass = 109.456;
float EMass = 1845.833;
//New velocities
float NewMVelX = 0.0;
float NewMVelY = 0.0;
float NewMVelZ = 0.0;
float DistanceX = 0.0;
float DistanceY = 0.0;
float DistanceZ = 0.0;
//Earth's velocity
float EVelocityX = 0.0;
float EVelocityY = 0.0;
float EVelocityZ = 0.0;
//Moon's base velocity
float MVelocityX = 0.1;
float MVelocityY = 0.0;
float MVelocityZ = 0.0;
//Moon's acceleration
float MForceX = 0.0;
float MForceY = 0.0;
float MForceZ = 0.0;
//New position
float MPositionX = 0.0;
float MPositionY = 0.0;
float MPositionZ = 0.0;
// Called every frame
void AMoon::Tick(float DeltaTime)
    //Get Earth Location
    FVector EPosition = FVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    //Get Moon Location
    FVector MPosition = GetActorLocation();
    //Get the distance between the 2 bodies
    DistanceX = (MPosition.X - EPosition.X) / 100;
    DistanceY = (MPosition.Y - EPosition.Y) / 100;
    //DistanceZ = MPosition.Z - EPosition.Z / 100; 

    //Get the acceleration/force for every axis
    MForceX = G * MMass * EMass / (DistanceX * DistanceX);
    MForceY = G * MMass * EMass / (DistanceY * DistanceY);
    //MForceZ = G * MMass * EMass / (DistanceZ * DistanceZ);

    //Get the new velocity
    NewMVelX = MVelocityX + MForceX;
    NewMVelY = MVelocityY + MForceY;
    //NewMVelZ = MVelocityZ + MForceZ * DeltaTime;
    //Get the new location
    MPositionX = (MPosition.X) + NewMVelX;
    MPositionY = (MPosition.Y) + NewMVelY;
    //MPositionZ = MPosition.Z * (MVelocityZ + NewMVelZ) * 0.5 * DeltaTime;
    //Set the new velocity on the old one
    MVelocityX = NewMVelX;
    MVelocityY = NewMVelY;
    //MVelocityZ = NewMVelZ;
    //Assign the new location
    FVector NewMPosition = FVector(MPositionX, MPositionY, MPositionZ);
    //Set the new location



distance = sqrt(distanceX²+distanceY²+distanceZ²)
force = - G*Emass*Mmass/distance²
forceX = force * X/distance
forceY = force * Y/distance
forceZ = force * Z/distance


velocityX += forceX/Mmass * deltaTime
velocityY += forceY/Mmass * deltaTime
velocityZ += forceZ/Mmass * deltaTime


positionX += velocityX * deltaTime