
Rotate Direction of Camera Inverses Itself After Some Time

本文关键字:一段时间 旋转 方向 相机      更新时间:2023-10-16

>我正在尝试创建迷你应用程序,该应用程序通过鼠标移动围绕立方体旋转相机。它在绕 Y 轴旋转时完美运行,但我在绕 X 轴旋转时遇到了问题。当我不断向上移动鼠标时,立方体开始沿正 X 方向旋转。一段时间后,它反转旋转方向并开始在负 X 方向上旋转,然后在一段时间后,再次在正 X 方向上旋转。我想让它围绕正 X 旋转,只要我向上移动鼠标。这里有什么问题?



vec4 eye;
vec4 at;
vec4 up;
GLfloat mouseX = -1;
GLfloat mouseY = -1;
// Bound to glutPassiveMotionFunc
void mouse(int x, int y) {
// This rotation works perfect, cube rotates on same direction continuously as far as I move the mouse left or right 
GLfloat acceleration_x = mouseX - x;
eye = RotateY(acceleration_x / 10.f) * eye;
mouseX = x;

// This rotation doesn't work properly, after some time, cube's rotation direction inverses
GLfloat acceleration_y = mouseY - y;
eye = RotateX(acceleration_y / 10.f) * eye;
mouseY = y;

// This part teleports pointer to opposite side of window after reaching window bounds
if (x >= 1364) {
glutWarpPointer(1, y);
mouseX = 1;
else if (x <= 0) {
glutWarpPointer(1363, y);
mouseX = 1363;
if (y >= 751) {
glutWarpPointer(x, 3);
mouseY = 3;
else if (y <= 2) {
glutWarpPointer(x, 750);
mouseY = 750;

void display( void )
vec4   up( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
mat4 model_view = LookAt( eye, at, up );
glUniformMatrix4fv( ModelView, 1, GL_TRUE, model_view );
glDrawArrays( GL_TRIANGLES, 0, NumVertices );
// Bound to glutTimerFunc
void timer( int id )
glutTimerFunc(1000.f/60.f, timer, 0);
int main( int argc, char **argv )
eye = vec4(0, 0, 2, 0);
at = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0);
up = vec4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);

这是因为相机被翻转了。像这样用你的手:让食指是dir,你的拇指是up(拇指=(0, 1, 0((。将索引查找器向前,拇指向上。现在,开始围绕X旋转你的手:你的食指开始向下,而你的拇指向前(在此期间,thumb.y是正的(。当您将手旋转 90 度时,食指向下指向,拇指指向前方 (thumb.y 为 0(。当您继续旋转时,您的拇指开始指向前方+向下(thumb.y 变为负数(。

此时,LookAt 函数不会计算你想要的矩阵,因为您希望up向量向下指向(正如我们所说,thumb.y 是负数(,但在代码中,up向量是一个常量 (0, 1, 0(,所以 LookAt 将计算一个具有正up.y的矩阵:相机被翻转
