如何优化C++ avr 代码

How to optimize C++ avr code

本文关键字:C++ avr 代码 优化 何优化      更新时间:2023-10-16


template<int... pos, class Int>
static constexpr void write_one(Int& i)
    using expand = int[];
    expand{0,((i |= (Int{1} << pos)), 0)...};
template<int... pos, class Int>
static constexpr void write_zero(Int& i)
    using expand = int[];
    expand{0,((i &= ~(Int{1} << pos)), 0)...};

它工作正常。为了测试其效率,我编写了 2 个测试函数:

// The most efficiency
    PORTB |= (1 << PB0);
    PORTB &= ~(1 << PB0);
// This is the one I want to measure


; This is the first one (of course, the most efficient)
000000c8 <_Z12testv>:
ce: 28 9a           sbi 0x05, 0 ; 5
d0: 28 98           cbi 0x05, 0 ; 5
d2: fd cf           rjmp    .-6         ; 0xce <_Z12testv+0x6>
; The second one
000000c8 <_Z12testv>:
; The compiler optimize perfectly write_one<PB0>(PORTB)
ce: 28 9a           sbi 0x05, 0 ; 5
; but, look what happens with write_zero<PB0>(PORTB)!!! 
; Why the compiler can't write "cbi"???
; Here is the problem:
d0: 85 b1           in  r24, 0x05   ; 5
d2: 90 e0           ldi r25, 0x00   ; 0
d4: 8e 7f           andi    r24, 0xFE   ; 254
d6: 85 b9           out 0x05, r24   ; 5
d8: fa cf           rjmp    .-12        ; 0xce <_Z12testv+0x6>

我正在使用带有 -O3 标志的 avr-g++ 4.9.2。

template<int... pos, class Int>
static constexpr void write_one(Int& i)
    using expand = int[];
    expand{0,((i |= (Int{1} << pos)), 0)...};
template<int... pos, class Int>
static constexpr void write_zero(Int& i)
    using expand = int[];
    expand{0,((i &= ~(Int{1} << pos)), 0)...};
int[2] { 0, ((i |= (Int{1} << pos)), 0) }
int[2] { 0, 0 } // a tmp that is a nop
(i |= (Int{1} << pos))
(i |= (decl_type(PORTB){1} << int { PB0 }))

PORTB 看起来像是一个不稳定uint5_t可能的值为 0-31 (AVR(,值为 0x5

(i |= ( uint5_t{1} << int {0}))

和 0 是文字/constexpr,所以它给出 1。

i |= 1


sbi 0x5, 0 // set port 5 bit 0

expand{0,((i &= ~(Int{1} << pos)), 0)...};


(i &= ~(1))


d0: 85 b1           in  r24, 0x05   ; 5
d2: 90 e0           ldi r25, 0x00   ; 0 <---------- this value is not used nor set any flags???
d4: 8e 7f           andi    r24, 0xFE   ; 254 (i &= ~(1))
d6: 85 b9           out 0x05, r24   ; 5

因此,结论必须是 AVR 的代码生成中存在错误,因为它会生成虚假指令。