LLVM:如何在运行时跟踪非类型语言的 Value* 的数据类型?

LLVM: How to keep track of data types of the Value* at runtime for untyped language?

本文关键字:型语言 Value 数据类型 类型 跟踪 运行时 LLVM      更新时间:2023-10-16


PointerTy_8 = PointerType::get(IntegerType::get(TheContext, 8), 0);
StructTy_struct_datatype_t = StructType::create(TheContext, "struct.datatype_t");
std::vector<Type *> StructTy_struct_datatype_t_fields;
StructTy_struct_datatype_t_fields.push_back(IntegerType::get(TheContext, 32));
// which represents the struct
typedef struct datatype_t {
int type; // holds an integer that tells me the type (1 = int, 2 = float, ...)
void* v; // holds a pointer to the actual value
} datatype_t;


def function_add(a, b) {
return a + b;


  • function_add(1, 1); // returns 2; (int)
  • function_add(1.0, 1.0); // returns 2.0 (float)
  • function_add("str1", "str2"); // returns "str1str2" (string)

处理二进制操作的代码,即。a + b如下

Value* L = lhs_codegen_elements.back();
Value* R = rhs_codegen_elements.back();
if (!L || !R) {
logError("L or R are undefined");
return codegen;
AllocaInst* lptr_datatype = (AllocaInst*)((LoadInst*)L)->getPointerOperand();
AllocaInst* rptr_datatype = (AllocaInst*)((LoadInst*)R)->getPointerOperand();
ConstantInt* const_int32_0 = ConstantInt::get(TheContext, APInt(32, StringRef("0"), 10));
ConstantInt* const_int32_1 = ConstantInt::get(TheContext, APInt(32, StringRef("1"), 10));
GetElementPtrInst* lptr_type =
GetElementPtrInst::Create(StructTy_struct_datatype_t, lptr_datatype, {const_int32_0, const_int32_0}, "type");
GetElementPtrInst* rptr_type =
GetElementPtrInst::Create(StructTy_struct_datatype_t, rptr_datatype, {const_int32_0, const_int32_0}, "type");
GetElementPtrInst* lptr_v =
GetElementPtrInst::Create(StructTy_struct_datatype_t, lptr_datatype, {const_int32_0, const_int32_1}, "v");
GetElementPtrInst* rptr_v =
GetElementPtrInst::Create(StructTy_struct_datatype_t, rptr_datatype, {const_int32_0, const_int32_1}, "v");
LoadInst* lload_inst_type = load_inst_codegen(TYPE_INT, lptr_type);
LoadInst* rload_inst_type = load_inst_codegen(TYPE_INT, rptr_type);
LoadInst* lload_inst_v = load_inst_codegen(TYPE_VOID_POINTER, lptr_v);
LoadInst* rload_inst_v = load_inst_codegen(TYPE_VOID_POINTER, rptr_v);
CmpInst* cond1 =
new ICmpInst(ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ, lload_inst_type, ConstantInt::get(TheContext, APInt(32, TYPE_DOUBLE)));
Function* function_bb = dyn_cast<Function>(bb);
BasicBlock* label_if_then_double = BasicBlock::Create(TheContext, "if.then.double", function_bb);
BasicBlock* label_if_then_long = BasicBlock::Create(TheContext, "if.then.long", function_bb);
BranchInst* branch_inst = BranchInst::Create(label_if_then_double, label_if_else, cond1, bb);
L->dump(); // %load_inst = load %struct.datatype_t, %struct.datatype_t* %alloca_datatype_v, align 8
R->dump(); // %load_inst = load %struct.datatype_t, %struct.datatype_t* %alloca_datatype_v1, align 8
L->getType()->dump(); // %struct.datatype_t = type { i32, i8* }
R->getType()->dump(); // %struct.datatype_t = type { i32, i8* }
lload_inst_type->dump(); //   %load_inst = load i32, i32* %type, align 4
rload_inst_type->dump(); //   %load_inst = load i32, i32* %type, align 4
lload_inst_v->dump(); //   %load_inst = load i8*, i8** %v, align 8
rload_inst_v->dump(); //   %load_inst = load i8*, i8** %v, align 8
if (op == '+') {
// issue: how to take the decision without knowing the type lload_inst_v holds
BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::FAdd, lload_inst_v, rload_inst_v, "add", label_if_then_double);
// or
BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Add, lload_inst_v, rload_inst_v, "add", label_if_then_long);

所以问题是我需要知道哪个是lload_inst_typerload_inst_type持有的类型,以便我可以将方法从 LLVM APIBinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::FAdd, ...)切换为floatsBinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Add, ...)用于ints,例如。


  • 如何在运行时跟踪Value*的数据类型?
  • 我是否选择了错误的策略来实现非类型语言?

如果您的源语言类型系统是非类型化的,则必须对 LLVM 隐藏,因为它是 IR 类型的。您必须设计一种方法来在运行时跟踪类型,也许是某种枚举的标记对象系统。函数调用必须检查在运行时传入的类型,并选择要调用的相应函数。
