导致此代码“分割故障”的原因是coroutine调用`promist_type :: return_value()`

What causes this code `Segmentation fault` after a coroutine call `promise_type::return_value()`?

本文关键字:调用 coroutine promist return type value 代码 分割 故障 分割故障      更新时间:2023-10-16


Segmentation fault是由于在无效的std::future上尝试.get()引起的。但是,Coroutines仍然还没有起作用。



template<typename T>
struct awaitable
  awaitable() = default;
  awaitable(awaitable&& other) : val(std::move(other.val) ) { }
  awaitable(std::future<T>&& other_f) : val(std::move(other_f ) ) { }
  bool await_ready() { return true; }
  void await_suspend(std::experimental::coroutine_handle<> h) { h.resume(); }
  T await_resume() { return val.get(); }
  std::future<T> val;


template<typename T, typename ...Args>
struct std::experimental::coroutine_traits<awaitable<T>, Args...>
  struct promise_type {
    suspend_never  initial_suspend()      { return {}; }
    suspend_never  final_suspend()        { return {}; }
    void           unhandled_exception()  { std::terminate(); }
    awaitable<T>   get_return_object()    { return std::move(f); }
    T              return_value(T r)      { 
      if constexpr (_DEBUG) std::cout << "About to return_value(" << r << ')' << std::endl;
      return r; }
    awaitable<T>   f;


awaitable<int> async_add(int a, int b) {
  auto fut = std::async([=]() {
    int c = a + b;
    return c;
  return std::move(fut);
awaitable<int> async_fib(int n)
  if (n <= 2)
      co_return 1;
  int a = 1, b = 1;
  // iterate computing fib(n)
  for (int i = 0; i < n - 2; ++i)
    int c = co_await async_add(a, b);
    if constexpr (_DEBUG) {
      std::cout << 
        "After co_await async_add(" << std::setw(3) << a << 
        ","    << std::setw(3) << b << ")t"
        "i = " << i << "t"
        "c = " << c << "t"
        "[ fib(" << i + 3 << ") ]" << std::endl;
    a = b;
    b = c;
  co_return b;


int main()
  std::string str;
  std::getline(std::cin, str);
  awaitable<int> continua_v = async_fib(std::stoi(str) );
  if constexpr (_DEBUG) std::cout << "About to retrieve value..." << std::endl;
  int result = continua_v.await_resume();
  if constexpr (_DEBUG) std::cout << "Retrieving has succeeded : " << result << std::endl;
  return result;


After co_await async_add(  1,  1)   i = 0   c = 2   [ fib(3) ]
After co_await async_add(  1,  2)   i = 1   c = 3   [ fib(4) ]
After co_await async_add(  2,  3)   i = 2   c = 5   [ fib(5) ]
After co_await async_add(  3,  5)   i = 3   c = 8   [ fib(6) ]
After co_await async_add(  5,  8)   i = 4   c = 13  [ fib(7) ]
After co_await async_add(  8, 13)   i = 5   c = 21  [ fib(8) ]
After co_await async_add( 13, 21)   i = 6   c = 34  [ fib(9) ]
After co_await async_add( 21, 34)   i = 7   c = 55  [ fib(10) ]
About to return_value(55)
About to retrieve value...
Segmentation fault




Segmentation fault是由于在无效的std::future上尝试.get()引起的。这可以通过预检查。

  T await_resume() { 
    if (val.valid()) {
      if constexpr (_DEBUG) std::cout << "About to val.get()..." << std::endl;
       t_val = val.get();
      if constexpr (_DEBUG) std::cout << "val.get() : " << t_val << std::endl;
    return t_val; }


awaitable<int> continua_v = async_fib(std::stoi(str) );


About to val.get()...
val.get() : 2
After co_await async_add(  1,  1)   i = 0   c = 2   [ fib(3) ]
About to val.get()...
val.get() : 3
After co_await async_add(  1,  2)   i = 1   c = 3   [ fib(4) ]
About to val.get()...
val.get() : 5
After co_await async_add(  2,  3)   i = 2   c = 5   [ fib(5) ]
About to val.get()...
val.get() : 8
After co_await async_add(  3,  5)   i = 3   c = 8   [ fib(6) ]
About to val.get()...
val.get() : 13
After co_await async_add(  5,  8)   i = 4   c = 13  [ fib(7) ]
About to val.get()...
val.get() : 21
After co_await async_add(  8, 13)   i = 5   c = 21  [ fib(8) ]
About to val.get()...
val.get() : 34
After co_await async_add( 13, 21)   i = 6   c = 34  [ fib(9) ]
About to val.get()...
val.get() : 55
After co_await async_add( 21, 34)   i = 7   c = 55  [ fib(10) ]
About to return_value(55)
About to retrieve value...
Retrieving has succeeded : -1


我认为对这个问题缺乏兴趣主要是因为Coroutines是如此新(甚至在这一点上甚至在技术上都不是标准化(。这是一个有趣的话题。我不得不做一些挖掘,但是我发现CPPCON 2016的这次演讲非常有用,以及Coroutine标准的草稿。

直接陷入问题:我认为您(在进行一些研究之前我也是我也很困惑,对应该如何编写Coroutines,这不幸的是,这需要对C 语言如何实现它们有很多了解在引擎盖下。例如,必须通过手柄来控制Coroutines(包括恢复(,但是您不会在任何地方存储手柄。

此外,您可能不应该使用std::futurestd::async(并且仅使用std::launch::async使用std::async的FYI几乎没有用(。这些类型很难独自使用,并且不利于在C 20中编写Coroutines。例如,在我的测试中,我发现segfault是由 std::future实例在访问点没有有效的情况下引起的。


注意:我用最新标准草稿和/await编译标志在VisualStudio 2017中编写/测试了这一点。

#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <experimental/coroutine>
template<typename T>
class awaitable
public: // -- promise type -- //
    // declare the promise type and alias the handle type
    struct promise_type;
    typedef std::experimental::coroutine_handle<promise_type> handle;
    struct promise_type
        T ret_val; // storage location for the return value
        // we need to provide a way to convert a promise into the awaitable object (via the handle)
        awaitable get_return_object() { return awaitable { handle::from_promise(*this) }; }
        // we won't suspend upon starting - we want to start immediately
        auto initial_suspend() { return std::experimental::suspend_never{}; }
        // we need to buffer the return value, so we need to suspend at the end of the coroutine.
        // if we didn't do this the coroutine object could be destroyed and we'd access undefined memory.
        auto final_suspend() { return std::experimental::suspend_always{}; }
        // this is called when the coroutine body uses co_return expr
        // where expr is not cv-qualified void (otherwise return_void() is used).
        // the current coroutine standard draft dictates this MUST return void.
        template<typename U>
        void return_value(U &&v) { ret_val = std::forward<U>(v); }
        // this is called if an exception is thrown in the coroutine.
        // immediately after this, the final suspend is performed (so the coroutine will be done() after this).
        void unhandled_exception()
            // we can either terminate() (i.e. we do not allow/expect exeptions)
            // or we could store and rethrow the exception later (i.e. std::exception_ptr).
            // i'll use the terminate() option since that's what you used.
public: // -- non-coroutine support -- //
    // we provide a method to get the value - note that this method is not a coroutine.
    // if we didn't provide this, we couldn't use it in e.g. main() because main() cannot be a coroutine.
    T get()
        while (!co.done()) co.resume(); // resume the coroutine until it's done (at final suspend)
        return co.promise().ret_val;    // then get its value (via copy to allow calling get() multiple times)
public: // -- coroutine support -- //
    bool await_ready() { return co.done(); } // are we already done?
    T    await_resume() { return get(); }    // when await is resumed, we need to block and get the value
    // no special suspend logic - defaults are good.
    // this takes generic coroutine_handle<> rather than handle to be generic.
    // coroutine_handle<> is the same as coroutine_handle<void>.
    // it can kind of be though of like a void* to a coroutine of any type.
    // i.e. we can suspend this coroutine to co_await a coroutine of any type.
    void await_suspend(std::experimental::coroutine_handle<>) {}
public: // -- data -- //
    // we need to store a handle for the coroutine
    handle co = nullptr;
public: // -- ctor / dtor / asgn -- //
    // we can make an awaitable type from a (coroutine) handle
    explicit awaitable(handle h) : co(h) {}
    // in dtor, we need to destroy the coroutine if it's still valid
    ~awaitable() { if (co) co.destroy(); }
    // we can also make an empty awaitable
    awaitable() = default;
    // we can't copy an awaitable
    awaitable(const awaitable&) = delete;
    awaitable &operator=(const awaitable&) = delete;
    // but we can move from one
    awaitable(awaitable &&other) : co(std::exchange(other.co, nullptr)) {}
    awaitable &operator=(awaitable &&other) { co = std::exchange(other.co, nullptr); return *this; }
awaitable<int> async_add(int a, int b) { co_return a + b; }
awaitable<int> async_fib(int n)
    if (n <= 2) co_return 1;
    int a = 1, b = 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < n - 2; ++i)
        int c = co_await async_add(a, b); // we're a coroutine, so we can co_await the result of async_add
        a = b;
        b = c;
    co_return b;
int main()
    // we're NOT a coroutine, so we can't suspend and do other things - use .get() rather than co_await
    std::cerr << async_fib(8).get() << 'n';
    return 0;