将CV :: MAT实例存储在C 中的堆上

Store cv::Mat instance on Heap in C++

本文关键字:存储 CV MAT 实例      更新时间:2023-10-16

这不是仅相关的openCV,而是一般的C 问题。



int load_offline_image(std::string src, unsigned char* buffer, int* width, int* height, int* len) {
    if (offline_image) {
        delete offline_image;
    offline_image = new cv::Mat(cv::imread(src, cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE));
    if (offline_image->data == 0){
        return ERROR;
    int numRow = offline_image->rows;
    int numCol = offline_image->cols;
    *len = numCol*numRow*offline_image->elemSize1();
    *width = offline_image->size().width;
    *height = offline_image->size().height;
    buffer = offline_image->data;
    return OK;


btw: offline_image是一个全局变量。

在C 中实现此操作的正确方法是什么,因此我为cv::Mat实例分配堆空间?


int load_offline_image(std::string src, unsigned char** buffer, int* width, int* height, int* len) {
    *buffer = offline_image->data;

这个原因是 - 您想更改buffer指向的地址。使用unsigned char* buffer更改地址,但更改仅限于调用方法。您需要一个unsigned char**才能更改以超越方法。

另外,我建议您考虑步幅宽度 - 这可能与图像宽度不同。您可以查询offline_image.isContinuous()来弄清楚这一点。


int main() {
    // Calling application
    buffer = new unsigned char[width*height*dims];
    load_offline_image(..., buffer, width, height, ...);
    delete[] buffer;
int load_offline_image(...) {
    Mat offline_image;
    // use imread
    // Copy the buffer over
    memcpy(buffer, offline_image->data, ...);
    // Since we're using the Mat structure, the Mat will be deallocated automatically
