用于生成 pybind11 绑定的模板元函数

Template metafunctions to generate pybind11 bindings

本文关键字:函数 绑定 pybind11 用于      更新时间:2023-10-16

我正在尝试使用 pybind11 为某些C++函数创建 python 绑定。这些函数是模板化的,但在 python 绑定中,我需要其中一个模板参数作为函数参数。目前我的方式是每个模板参数的大量重复。

enum MyEnum {E1, E2, E3};
template<typename T, MyEnum E>
returnType templFunction(int arg){
<function body>
PYBIND11_MODULE(moduleName, m){
m.def("pyFunction1", [](int arg, MyEnum e){
case MyEnum::E1: return templFunction<templParam1, E1>(arg);
case MyEnum::E2: return templFunction<templParam1, E2>(arg);
case MyEnum::E3: return templFunction<templParam1, E3>(arg);
default: throw std::invalid_argument("Unknown enum type ...");
m.def("pyFunction2", [](int arg, MyEnum e){
case MyEnum::E1: return templFunction<templParam2, E1>(arg);
case MyEnum::E2: return templFunction<templParam2, E2>(arg);
case MyEnum::E3: return templFunction<templParam2, E3>(arg);
default: throw std::invalid_argument("Unknown enum type ...");
// for template type temlParam3, only E1 and E2 are valid enums
m.def("pyFunction3", [](int arg, MyEnum e){
case MyEnum::E1: return templFunction<templParam3, E1>(arg);
case MyEnum::E2: return templFunction<templParam3, E2>(arg);
default: throw std::invalid_argument("Unknown enum type ...");
// more specializations like above



注意:我在每个模板类型(templParam1templateParam2、...)上都有一个静态属性,它决定了该模板参数允许的枚举类型。例如templParam1::allowedEnumTypes = std::vector<myEnum> { E1, E2, E3 };


template<typename T, MyEnum... Cases>
return_type switcher(int arg, MyEnum e)
return_type r;
bool tests[] = {(e == Cases ? (r = templFunction<T, Cases>(arg), true) : false)...};
for(auto t : tests)
return r;
throw std::invalid_argument("Unknown enum type ..."); 


m.def("pyFunction1", switcher<templParam1, E1, E2, E3>);
m.def("pyFunction2", switcher<templParam2, E1, E2, E3>);
m.def("pyFunction3", switcher<templParam3, E1, E2>);