
Detecting if a key was pressed, not if it is always down

本文关键字:检测 是否 状态 于关闭      更新时间:2023-10-16


bool Entity::KeyboardCheckPressed(sf::Keyboard::Key aKey)
//this part doesn't work 
if (KeyboardState->isKeyPressed(aKey) and !PreviousKeyboardState->isKeyPressed(aKey))
return true;
return false;

但这似乎不适用于 SFML,其他来源告诉我,我应该使用Event类及其typekey.code,如以下示例所示:

bool Entity::KeyboardCheckPressed(sf::Keyboard::Key aKey)
if (Event->type == sf::Event::KeyPressed)
if (Event->key.code == aKey)
return true;
return false;

但这会导致sf::Event::KeyPressed做与KeyboardState->isKeyPressed(aKey)相同的操作,因此我尝试了将键重复设置为 false 的方法:window.setKeyRepeatEnabled(false);没有任何结果。我还发现sf::Event::KeyPressed仅在主部分的这部分内按预期工作.cpp:

while (window.pollEvent(event))

这样做的问题是我想在我的实体对象的Update()函数中处理输入,并且我无法将整个更新循环放在while (window.pollEvent(event))内。所以我在这里,努力寻找解决方案。任何帮助,不胜感激。


bool previousState = checkState();
while (true) {
// your main application loop
bool newState = checkState();
if (newState == true && previousState == false) {
doThingy("the thing went from false to true");
} else if (newState == false && previousState == true) {
doThingy("the thing went from true to false");
} else {
doThingy("no change in the thing");
// this is done unconditionally every frame
previousState = newState;