R6010 执行后出错.if 语句在 for 循环中.[作业][中止已解决,发现新问题]

R6010 Error after executed. If statements in for loop. [Homework] [abort resolved, new issue discovered]

本文关键字:执行 解决 新问题 发现 作业 语句 if for R6010 循环 出错      更新时间:2023-10-16

我正在创建一个程序来加密或解密消息。程序执行但返回 R6010 错误,所以我假设我给出的条件有问题。但是,在开始调用中止之前,程序会保持完美运行一两次。

我正在使用Visual Studio进行C++。仍处于起步阶段/难以理解其他R6010中止错误给出的一些解决方案。也许我的代码太草率了,但我希望得到一些建议来清理它,或者至少通过中止。谢谢。

从原始代码编辑;更正了数组大小,首先在循环中检查了溢出(如果找不到字符,则更正了中止错误(,将循环更改为 do-while 循环,以及在 if 语句上将 0 更改为 -1(do-while 让程序初始化为 i=0,在循环以 ++i 增量重新启动之前需要 -1(。

 #include <iostream>
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
 using namespace std;

 int main() {

//Initiate vectors, strings and variables.
vector<char> normalV(27);
vector<char> cipherV(27);
string toDec;
int i = 0, j = 0;
//Initiate string & decipher variables.
normalV.at(0) = 'a'; cipherV.at(0) = '!';
normalV.at(1) = 'b'; cipherV.at(1) = '^';
normalV.at(2) = 'c'; cipherV.at(2) = '&';
normalV.at(3) = 'd'; cipherV.at(3) = '*';
normalV.at(4) = 'e'; cipherV.at(4) = '@';
normalV.at(5) = 'f'; cipherV.at(5) = '(';
normalV.at(6) = 'g'; cipherV.at(6) = ')';
normalV.at(7) = 'h'; cipherV.at(7) = '-';
normalV.at(8) = 'i'; cipherV.at(8) = '#';
normalV.at(9) = 'j'; cipherV.at(9) = '_';
normalV.at(10) = 'k'; cipherV.at(10) = '=';
normalV.at(11) = 'l'; cipherV.at(11) = '+';
normalV.at(12) = 'm'; cipherV.at(12) = '[';
normalV.at(13) = 'n'; cipherV.at(13) = '{';
normalV.at(14) = 'o'; cipherV.at(14) = '$';
normalV.at(15) = 'p'; cipherV.at(15) = ']';
normalV.at(16) = 'q'; cipherV.at(16) = '}';
normalV.at(17) = 'r'; cipherV.at(17) = ';';
normalV.at(18) = 's'; cipherV.at(18) = ':';
normalV.at(19) = 't'; cipherV.at(19) = ',';
normalV.at(20) = 'u'; cipherV.at(20) = '%';
normalV.at(21) = 'v'; cipherV.at(21) = '<';
normalV.at(22) = 'w'; cipherV.at(22) = '.';
normalV.at(23) = 'x'; cipherV.at(23) = '>';
normalV.at(24) = 'y'; cipherV.at(24) = '/';
normalV.at(25) = 'z'; cipherV.at(25) = '?';

//Get user to input string
cout << "Input message to encrypt/decrypt: " << endl;
getline(cin, toDec);

//creates loop to check for each index of 
do  {
    //cout << toDec.at(i) << endl;
    //output if character not in encryption/decryption vectors.
    if (i == 26) {
        cout << toDec.at(j);
        i = -1;
    //  Encryption
    else if (normalV.at(i) == toDec.at(j)) {
        cout << cipherV.at(i);
        i = -1;
    // Decryption
    else if (cipherV.at(i) == toDec.at(j)) {
        cout << normalV.at(i);
        i = -1;
} while (j < toDec.length());
cout << endl;
return 0;


#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
int main() {
    std::map<char, char> encoding = {
    {'a', '!'},
    {'b', '^'},
    {'c', '&'},
    {'d', '*'},
    {'e', '@'},
    {'f', '('},
    {'g', ')'},
    {'h', '-'},
    {'i', '#'},
    {'j', '_'},
    {'k', '='},
    {'l', '+'},
    {'m', '['},
    {'n', '{'},
    {'o', '$'},
    {'p', ']'},
    {'q', '}'},
    {'r', ';'},
    {'s', ':'},
    {'t', ','},
    {'u', '%'},
    {'v', '<'},
    {'w', '.'},
    {'x', '>'},
    {'y', '/'},
    {'z', '?'} };
string toDec;

//Get user to input string
cout << "Input message to encrypt/decrypt: " << endl;
getline(cin, toDec);
    for(char c : toDec )
        cout << encoding.at(c);
return 0;