
The Letter counter within my C++ code is not working properly

本文关键字:计数器 工作 不正常 Letter C++ 代码 我的      更新时间:2023-10-16

所以我的程序按照预期运行,除了一件事,我的函数计数的字母不正确。例如,如果输入"Why hello there!"作为字符串,则显示的字母数为3,而不是13。我不知道我做错了什么,如果有任何帮助,我将不胜感激。谢谢


#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
void Count_All(char*, int&, int&, double&, int&); // Function prototype.
double Calc_Average (char*, int, int, double); // Function prototype.
int main()
    const int size = 500;
    char userString[size];
    int Word = 0;
    int Pun = 0;
    int Letters = 0;
    double Total_Characters = 0;
    double Average = 0.0;
    cout << "Please enter a string of 500 or less characters: ";
    cin.getline(userString, size);
    int len = strlen(userString);
    char *Dyn_Array = new char[len+1];
    strcpy(Dyn_Array, userString);
    cout << "n";
    Count_All (Dyn_Array, Letters, Word, Total_Characters, Pun);
    cout << "Number of letters in the string: " << Letters << "n";
    cout << "n";
    cout << "Number of words in the string: " << Word << "n";
    cout << "n";
    Average = Calc_Average (Dyn_Array, Word, Pun, Total_Characters);
    cout <<"Average number of letters per word: "<< fixed <<
    showpoint << setprecision(2) << Average << "n" << endl;

    delete [] Dyn_Array;
    return 0;
void Count_All (char*strptr, int &Letters, int &Word, double &Total_Characters, int &Pun) // Counts all characters and types.
    while (*strptr != '')
        if ((isspace(*strptr)) || (ispunct(*strptr)))
            while ((isspace(*strptr)) || (ispunct(*strptr)))
        for(int x = 0; x < strlen(*strptr); x++)
            if(!isspace(strptr[x]) && !Ispunct(strptr[x]))
        //if (((*strptr >= 'a') && (*strptr <= 'z')) || ((*strptr >= 'A') && (*strptr <= 'Z')))
        if ((isalnum(*strptr)) || (ispunct(*strptr)))
            while ((isalnum(*strptr))||(ispunct(*strptr)))
                Total_Characters++; // Counting the total printable characters (including digits and punctuation).
                    Pun++; // Counting punctuation.
double Calc_Average(char*strptr, int Word, int Pun, double Total_Characters)  // Calculates the average number of characters per words.
    double Average = 0.0;
    Total_Characters = Total_Characters - Pun; // Subtracting punctuation from all of the characters in the string (not including spaces).
    Average = (Total_Characters / Word);
    return Average;
for(int x = 0; x < strlen(*strptr); x++)

假设strptrchar *,那么编译器很可能会在这一行大声对您大喊大叫,因为您将char传递给strlen(),而不是char *。即使编译器仍然生成可执行文件,也不能忽略编译器发出的响亮尖叫声。


    for(int x = 0; x < strlen(strptr); x++)
        if(!isspace(strptr[x]) && !Ispunct(strptr[x]))



  1. 在外循环的第一次迭代中,strptr指向"h",该内循环将Letters加5。

  2. 在外循环的第二次迭代中,strptr指向"e",该内循环将Letters加4。

  3. 在外循环的第三次迭代中,strptr指向第一个"l",该内循环将Letters加3。

  4. 在外循环的第四次迭代中,strptr指向第二个"l",该内循环将Letters加2。

  5. 在外循环的第五次迭代中,strptr指向"o",该内循环将Letters加1。







另一方面,具有三个功能,Count_Punctuation;CCD_ 23和CCD_。每一个都可以单独编写、单独测试和单独调试。编写一个函数。证明它有效。继续写作并证明下一个功能。冲洗,重复。



int Count_Punctuation(char * strptr)
    int punc = 0;
    while (*strptr != '')
        if (ispunct(*strptr))
            punc ++;
    return punc;




for(int x = 0; x < strlen(strptr); x++)
   if(!isspace(strptr[x]) && !Ispunct(strptr[x]))
while (*strptr != '')
    if ((isspace(*strptr)) || (ispunct(*strptr)))
        while ((isspace(*strptr)) || (ispunct(*strptr)))
    if ((isalnum(*strptr)) || (ispunct(*strptr)))
        while ((isalnum(*strptr))||(ispunct(*strptr)))
            Total_Characters++; // Counting the total printable characters (including digits and punctuation).
                Pun++; // Counting punctuation.


#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
void Count_All(char*, int&, int&, double&, int&); // Function prototype.
double Calc_Average (char*, int, int, double); // Function prototype.
int main()
    const int size = 500;
    char userString[size];
    int Word = 0;
    int Pun = 0;
    int Letters = 0;
    double Total_Characters = 0;
    double Average = 0.0;
    cout << "Please enter a string of 500 or less characters: ";
    cin.getline(userString, size);
    int len = strlen(userString);
    char *Dyn_Array = new char[len+1];
    strcpy(Dyn_Array, userString);
    cout << "n";
    Count_All (Dyn_Array, Letters, Word, Total_Characters, Pun);
    cout << "Number of letters in the string: " << Letters << "n";
    cout << "n";
    cout << "Number of words in the string: " << Word << "n";
    cout << "n";
    Average = Calc_Average (Dyn_Array, Word, Pun, Total_Characters);
    cout <<"Average number of letters per word: "<< fixed <<
    showpoint << setprecision(2) << Average << "n" << endl;

    delete [] Dyn_Array;
    return 0;
void Count_All (char*strptr, int &Letters, int &Word, double &Total_Characters, int &Pun) // Counts all characters and types.
    // sorry this was a test: strptr[strlen(strptr)+1]='';
    while (strptr[0] != '')
        while (isspace(strptr[0]))
        if(!isspace(strptr[0]) && !ispunct(strptr[0]))
            cout << strptr[0] << " ";
            Total_Characters++; // Counting the total printable characters (including digits and punctuation).
            if(strptr[0] == '' || isspace(strptr[0]) || ispunct(strptr[0]))
        if ((isalnum(strptr[0])) || (ispunct(strptr[0])))
                Pun++; // Counting punctuation.
                Total_Characters++; // Counting the total printable characters (including digits and punctuation).
double Calc_Average(char*strptr, int Word, int Pun, double Total_Characters)  // Calculates the average number of characters per words.
    double Average = 0.0;
    Total_Characters = Total_Characters - Pun; // Subtracting punctuation from all of the characters in the string (not including spaces).
    Average = (Total_Characters / Word);
    return Average;


#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
const int STATE_WITHOUT = 1;
const int STATE_IN_WORD = 2;
class TestInput {
        string m_s_input;
        int m_i_expected_words;
        int m_i_expected_punctuation_marks;
        int m_i_expected_letters;
        int m_i_expected_total_printable_characters;
        string s_input,
        int i_expected_words,
        int i_expected_punctuation_marks,
        int i_expected_letters,
        int i_expected_total_printable_characters
    ):  m_s_input(s_input),
}; /* class TestInput */
// Counts all characters and types. 
void Count_All (const string& str, int &Letters, int &Words, int &Total_Printable_Characters, int &Punctuation_Marks) {
    // Clear all these "out params" so the caller can call this
    // method multiple times without having to theirself
    // clear them...
    Letters = 0;
    Words = 0;
    Total_Printable_Characters = 0;
    Punctuation_Marks = 0;
    int i_state = STATE_WITHOUT;
    char c = '';
    for( size_t i = 0; i < str.length(); i++ ){
        c = str[i];
        if( isalpha(c) )
        if( isalnum(c) || ispunct(c) )
            Total_Printable_Characters++; // Counting the total printable characters (including digits and punctuation).
        if( ispunct(c) ) 
        /* Use finite-state machine to count words... */
        switch( i_state ){
            case STATE_WITHOUT:
                if( ispunct(c) || isalnum(c) )
                    i_state = STATE_IN_WORD;
            case STATE_IN_WORD:
                if( isspace(c) )
                    i_state = STATE_WITHOUT;
        }/* switch( i_state ) */
    }/* for( size_t i = 0; i < str.length(); i++ ) */
}/* Count_All() */
// Calculates the average number of characters per words.
double Calc_Average(int Word, int Pun, int Total_Characters){
    double Average = 0.0;
    Total_Characters = Total_Characters - Pun; // Subtracting punctuation from all of the characters in the string (not including spaces).
    if( Word == 0 ){
        // Avoid divide by zero error...
        return 0.0;
    Average = ((double)Total_Characters / (double)Word);
    return Average;
}/* Calc_Average() */
int main()
    int Words = 0;
    int Punctuation_Marks = 0;
    int Letters = 0;
    int Total_Printable_Characters = 0;
    double Average = 0.0;
    TestInput test_inputs[] = {
        // s_input, i_expected_words, i_expected_punctuation_marks, i_expected_letters, i_expected_total_printable_characters 
        TestInput("", 0, 0, 0, 0 ) 
        ,TestInput(" ", 0, 0, 0, 0 ) 
        ,TestInput("Why, hello there!", 3, 2, 13, 15 ) 
        ,TestInput("I am sam.", 3, 1, 6, 7 ) 
        ,TestInput("I'll take 1 bagel.", 4, 2, 12, 15 ) // Counting both contraction "I'll" and numerical "1" as one word each...as "wc" utility seems to do...
        ,TestInput("I'll be back, Bennett!", 4, 3, 16, 19) 
        ,TestInput("Let off some steam, Bennett!", 5, 2, 22, 24) 
        ,TestInput("Supercalifragilisticexpyalidocious", 1, 0, 34, 34 )
        ,TestInput("'ere, what'cha doin' 'ere, guv'nor?", 5, 8, 23, 31 )
        ,TestInput(" 'ere, what'cha doin' 'ere, guv'nor?", 5, 8, 23, 31 )
        ,TestInput("That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.", 12, 3, 46, 49 )
    for( size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(test_inputs)/sizeof(TestInput); i++ ){
        cout << "i = " << i << ": Running Count_All( "" << test_inputs[i].m_s_input << "" )n" 
               << "t" << "(length of input = " << test_inputs[i].m_s_input.length() << ")..." << endl;
        Count_All( test_inputs[i].m_s_input, Letters, Words, Total_Printable_Characters, Punctuation_Marks );
        cout << "i = " << i << ": Letters = " << Letters << " (Expected " << test_inputs[i].m_i_expected_letters << ")..."
            << (( Letters == test_inputs[i].m_i_expected_letters ) ? "PASSED" : "FAILED" ) << "..." << endl;
        cout << "i = " << i << ": Words = " << Words << " (Expected " << test_inputs[i].m_i_expected_words << ")..."
            << (( Words == test_inputs[i].m_i_expected_words ) ? "PASSED" : "FAILED" ) << "..." << endl;
        cout << "i = " << i << ": Total_Printable_Characters = " << Total_Printable_Characters << " (Expected " << test_inputs[i].m_i_expected_total_printable_characters << ")..."
            << (( Total_Printable_Characters == test_inputs[i].m_i_expected_total_printable_characters) ? "PASSED" : "FAILED" ) << "..." << endl;
        cout << "i = " << i << ": Punctuation_Marks = " << Punctuation_Marks << " (Expected " << test_inputs[i].m_i_expected_punctuation_marks << ")..."
            << (( Punctuation_Marks == test_inputs[i].m_i_expected_punctuation_marks ) ? "PASSED" : "FAILED" ) << "..." << endl;
        Average = Calc_Average ( Words, Punctuation_Marks, Total_Printable_Characters);
        cout << "i = " << i << ": Average number of letters per word: " << fixed 
            << showpoint << setprecision(2) << Average << "n" << endl;
    return 0;
}/* main() */


i = 0: Running Count_All( "" )
    (length of input = 0)...
i = 0: Letters = 0 (Expected 0)...PASSED...
i = 0: Words = 0 (Expected 0)...PASSED...
i = 0: Total_Printable_Characters = 0 (Expected 0)...PASSED...
i = 0: Punctuation_Marks = 0 (Expected 0)...PASSED...
i = 0: Average number of letters per word: 0.00
i = 1: Running Count_All( " " )
    (length of input = 1)...
i = 1: Letters = 0 (Expected 0)...PASSED...
i = 1: Words = 0 (Expected 0)...PASSED...
i = 1: Total_Printable_Characters = 0 (Expected 0)...PASSED...
i = 1: Punctuation_Marks = 0 (Expected 0)...PASSED...
i = 1: Average number of letters per word: 0.00
i = 2: Running Count_All( "Why, hello there!" )
    (length of input = 17)...
i = 2: Letters = 13 (Expected 13)...PASSED...
i = 2: Words = 3 (Expected 3)...PASSED...
i = 2: Total_Printable_Characters = 15 (Expected 15)...PASSED...
i = 2: Punctuation_Marks = 2 (Expected 2)...PASSED...
i = 2: Average number of letters per word: 4.33
i = 3: Running Count_All( "I am sam." )
    (length of input = 9)...
i = 3: Letters = 6 (Expected 6)...PASSED...
i = 3: Words = 3 (Expected 3)...PASSED...
i = 3: Total_Printable_Characters = 7 (Expected 7)...PASSED...
i = 3: Punctuation_Marks = 1 (Expected 1)...PASSED...
i = 3: Average number of letters per word: 2.00
i = 4: Running Count_All( "I'll take 1 bagel." )
    (length of input = 18)...
i = 4: Letters = 12 (Expected 12)...PASSED...
i = 4: Words = 4 (Expected 4)...PASSED...
i = 4: Total_Printable_Characters = 15 (Expected 15)...PASSED...
i = 4: Punctuation_Marks = 2 (Expected 2)...PASSED...
i = 4: Average number of letters per word: 3.25
i = 5: Running Count_All( "I'll be back, Bennett!" )
    (length of input = 22)...
i = 5: Letters = 16 (Expected 16)...PASSED...
i = 5: Words = 4 (Expected 4)...PASSED...
i = 5: Total_Printable_Characters = 19 (Expected 19)...PASSED...
i = 5: Punctuation_Marks = 3 (Expected 3)...PASSED...
i = 5: Average number of letters per word: 4.00
i = 6: Running Count_All( "Let off some steam, Bennett!" )
    (length of input = 28)...
i = 6: Letters = 22 (Expected 22)...PASSED...
i = 6: Words = 5 (Expected 5)...PASSED...
i = 6: Total_Printable_Characters = 24 (Expected 24)...PASSED...
i = 6: Punctuation_Marks = 2 (Expected 2)...PASSED...
i = 6: Average number of letters per word: 4.40
i = 7: Running Count_All( "Supercalifragilisticexpyalidocious" )
    (length of input = 34)...
i = 7: Letters = 34 (Expected 34)...PASSED...
i = 7: Words = 1 (Expected 1)...PASSED...
i = 7: Total_Printable_Characters = 34 (Expected 34)...PASSED...
i = 7: Punctuation_Marks = 0 (Expected 0)...PASSED...
i = 7: Average number of letters per word: 34.00
i = 8: Running Count_All( "'ere, what'cha doin' 'ere, guv'nor?" )
    (length of input = 35)...
i = 8: Letters = 23 (Expected 23)...PASSED...
i = 8: Words = 5 (Expected 5)...PASSED...
i = 8: Total_Printable_Characters = 31 (Expected 31)...PASSED...
i = 8: Punctuation_Marks = 8 (Expected 8)...PASSED...
i = 8: Average number of letters per word: 4.60
i = 9: Running Count_All( " 'ere, what'cha doin' 'ere, guv'nor?" )
    (length of input = 36)...
i = 9: Letters = 23 (Expected 23)...PASSED...
i = 9: Words = 5 (Expected 5)...PASSED...
i = 9: Total_Printable_Characters = 31 (Expected 31)...PASSED...
i = 9: Punctuation_Marks = 8 (Expected 8)...PASSED...
i = 9: Average number of letters per word: 4.60
i = 10: Running Count_All( "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." )
    (length of input = 60)...
i = 10: Letters = 46 (Expected 46)...PASSED...
i = 10: Words = 12 (Expected 12)...PASSED...
i = 10: Total_Printable_Characters = 49 (Expected 49)...PASSED...
i = 10: Punctuation_Marks = 3 (Expected 3)...PASSED...
i = 10: Average number of letters per word: 3.83