
Check if ofRay intersects with ofMeshFace

本文关键字:OfemEshface 相交 是否 Ofray 检查      更新时间:2023-10-16



    void renderer::selectPrimitive(int x, int y, bool shiftHeld)
    ofVec3f screenToWorld = (**cam).screenToWorld(ofVec3f(x, y, 0.0));
    primitive* intersectPrim = nullptr;
    int distanceClosest = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
    ofVec3f vectNow = (screenToWorld - (**cam).getPosition());
    vectNow = vectNow.normalize();
    ofRay ray((**cam).getPosition(), vectNow, true);
    // To draw the ray on screen, for debugging
    // rays.push_back(ray);
    for (primitive& p : *scn)
        if (!shiftHeld)
        float* distance = new float(0);
        bool found = p.checkIntersectionPlaneAndLine(ray, distance);
        if (found)// && *distance >= 0 && *distance < distanceClosest)
            intersectPrim = &p;
            //distanceClosest = *distance;
    if (distanceClosest < (std::numeric_limits<int>::max() - 1))
        std::cout << "Selected Primitive" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Selected Nothing" << std::endl;



bool primitive3d::calcTriangleIntersection(ofRay ray, float *result) const {
    ofMesh mesh = prim->getMesh();
    std::vector<ofMeshFace> indices = mesh.getUniqueFaces();
    for (std::vector<ofMeshFace>::iterator i = indices.begin(); i != indices.end(); ++i) {
        ofMeshFace face = *i;
        ofVec3f edge1, edge2, tvec, pvec, qvec;
        float det;
        float u, v;
        const float EPSILON = 0.000001f;
        edge1 = face.getVertex(1) - face.getVertex(0);
        edge2 = face.getVertex(2) - face.getVertex(0);
        pvec = ray.t.getCrossed(edge2);
        det = edge1.dot(pvec);
#if 0 // we don't want to backface cull
        if (det >= EPSILON)
            tvec = getOrigin() - vert0;
            u = tvec.dot(pvec);
            if (!((u < 0.0f) || (u > det)))
                qvec = tvec.getCrossed(edge1);
                v = getDirection().dot(qvec);
                if (!(v < 0.0f || u + v > det))
                    *result = edge2.dot(qvec) / det;
                    return true;
        if (!(det > -EPSILON && det < EPSILON))
            float inv_det = 1.0f / det;
            tvec = ray.s - face.getVertex(0);
            u = tvec.dot(pvec) * inv_det;
            if (!(u < 0.0f || u > 1.0f))
                qvec = tvec.getCrossed(edge1);
                v = ray.t.dot(qvec) * inv_det;
                if (!(v < 0.0f || u + v > 1.0f))
                    *result = edge2.dot(qvec) * inv_det;
                    return true;
    return false;


bool primitive3d::checkIntersectionPlaneAndLine(ofRay ray, float *result) const {
    ofMesh mesh = prim->getMesh();
    std::vector<ofMeshFace> indices = mesh.getUniqueFaces();
    for (std::vector<ofMeshFace>::iterator i = indices.begin(); i != indices.end(); ++i)
        ofMeshFace face = *i;
        ofVec3f P1, P2;
        P1 = ray.getStart();
        P2 = ray.getEnd();
        ofVec3f p1, p2, p3;
        p1 = face.getVertex(0);
        p2 = face.getVertex(1);
        p3 = face.getVertex(2);
        ofVec3f v1 = p1 - p2;
        ofVec3f v2 = p3 - p2;
        float a, b, c, d;
        a = v1.y * v2.z - v1.z * v2.y;
        b = -(v1.x * v2.z - v1.z * v2.x);
        c = v1.x * v2.y - v1.y * v2.x;
        d = -(a * p1.x + b * p1.y + c * p1.z);
        ofVec3f O = P1;
        ofVec3f V = P2 - P1;
        float t;
        t = -(a * O.x + b * O.y + c * O.z + d) / (a * V.x + b * V.y + c * V.z);
        ofVec3f p = O + V * t;
        float xmin = std::min(P1.x, P2.x);
        float ymin = std::min(P1.y, P2.y);
        float zmin = std::min(P1.z, P2.z);
        float xmax = std::max(P1.x, P2.x);
        float ymax = std::max(P1.y, P2.y);
        float zmax = std::max(P1.z, P2.z);

        if (inside(p, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax)) {
            *result = p.length();
            return true;
    return false;
bool primitive3d::inside(ofVec3f p, float xmin, float xmax, float ymin, float ymax, float zmin, float zmax) const {
    if (p.x >= xmin && p.x <= xmax && p.y >= ymin && p.y <= ymax && p.z >= zmin && p.z <= zmax)
        return true;
    return false;


#define SMALL_NUM   0.00000001 // anything that avoids division overflow
// dot product (3D) which allows vector operations in arguments
#define dot(u,v)   ((u).x * (v).x + (u).y * (v).y + (u).z * (v).z)
bool primitive3d::checkIntersectionTriangleRay(ofRay ray, ofPoint* inter)
    ofMesh mesh = prim->getMesh();
    std::vector<ofMeshFace> indices = mesh.getUniqueFaces();
    for (std::vector<ofMeshFace>::iterator i = indices.begin(); i != indices.end(); ++i)
        ofMeshFace triangle = *i;
        ofVec3f   u, v, n;              // Vecs of triangle
        ofVec3f   dir, w0, w;           // Vecs of ofRay
        float     r, a, b;              // params to calc ray-plane intersect
                                        // get triangle edge vectors and plane normal
        u = triangle.getVertex(1) - triangle.getVertex(0);
        v = triangle.getVertex(2) - triangle.getVertex(0);
        n = u * v;              // cross product
        if (!(n == ofVec3f(0, 0, 0)))           // if triangle is not degenerate
            dir = ray.getEnd() - ray.getStart();              // ray direction vector
            w0 = ray.getStart() - triangle.getVertex(0);
            a = -dot(n, w0);
            b = dot(n, dir);
            if (!(fabs(b) < SMALL_NUM))
            {     // if ray is not parallel to triangle
                // get intersect point of ray with triangle plane
                r = a / b;
                if (!(r < 0.0))                    // ray goes toward the triangle
                    // for a segment, also test if (r > 1.0) => no intersect
                    *inter = ray.getStart() + r * dir;            // intersect point of ray and plane
                                                    // is I inside T?
                    float    uu, uv, vv, wu, wv, D;
                    uu = dot(u, u);
                    uv = dot(u, v);
                    vv = dot(v, v);
                    w = *inter - triangle.getVertex(0);
                    wu = dot(w, u);
                    wv = dot(w, v);
                    D = uv * uv - uu * vv;
                    // get and test parametric coords
                    float s, t;
                    s = (uv * wv - vv * wu) / D;
                    if (!(s < 0.0 || s > 1.0))         // I is inside T
                        t = (uv * wu - uu * wv) / D;
                        if (!(t < 0.0 || (s + t) > 1.0))  // I is inside T
                            return true;                       // I is in T
    return false;


为了清楚,我删除了很多代码以使其易于阅读。我只错过了 //在这里检测一部分是第二种方法,因为我不知道如何使它起作用。






