防止C 中阵列元素的构建/初始化

Prevent construction/initialization of array elements in C++

本文关键字:构建 初始化 元素 阵列 防止      更新时间:2023-10-16


Iterator traversal_stack[depth]; 


  1. 数组元素最多会写成一次,
  2. 没有写任何元素会被阅读。


Iterator traversal_stack[depth]; 
auto current_node = root;
auto current_level = 0;
// traverse the tree, looking for a suitable insertion point
// within every node, record visited nodes (vie the iterator struct)
while(current_level < depth) {
   // find the optimal insertion entry (pointed to by the iterator) 
   auto iter = as_branch(current_node).iterate();
   iter = find_best_insertion_point(iter, to_inserted_object);
   // record the visited node in the stack
   // a value is pushed onto the stack exactly  once!
   traversal_stack[current_level] = iter;
   // get to the next level of the tree
   current_node = iter.node_for_entry();
   current_level += 1;
// ... insert the data into the found terminal node
// now unroll the stack, adjusting the node metadata
current_level -= 1;
while(current_level >= 0) {
  // the element of the array is necessarily initialized
  // by assignment in the previous loop
  auto iter = traversal_stack[current_level];
  insertion_state = adjust_node_metadata_for(iter);
  current_level -= 1;


所以,我的问题:我可以声明这样的数组使值完全不确定吗?如果解决方案是使用最新的C 1Z草稿 自定义扩展的特定解决方案的,则可以。


一种方法是使用std :: aligned_storage来创建非初始化的内存块,然后将其施放为对数组的引用。

#include <type_traits>
struct Iterator {
  Iterator() = delete;
int main() {
  int length = 10;
  std::aligned_storage_t<sizeof(Iterator), alignof(Iterator)> memory_blocks[length];
  auto &array = reinterpret_cast<Iterator (&)[length]>(memory_blocks);
  return 0;