
What's the best strategy to provide different comparison operators for the same class?

本文关键字:运算符 比较 最佳 策略 是什么 一类      更新时间:2023-10-16


class A
    boost::posix_time::ptime when;
    double value;

根据上下文,我需要按值或时间比较A的两个实例(和/或将它们存储在 set/map中,有时按值排序,有时按时间按时间进行排序)。



  • 是否可以提供operator<采用参数?(将用作a <(ByTime) b)?
  • 我是否应该有一个lowerThan(比较值)方法和earlierThan(比较时间)方法将正确的操作数作为参数?但是,处理<<=>>===!=的最佳做法是什么?或者他们可能采用参数(例如bool isLower(bool strict, const A& right) constbool isGreater(bool strict, const A& right) constbool isEarlier(bool strict, const A& right) constbool isLater(bool strict, const A& right) const ...



  1. 制作adl getters。

  2. 用那些getters来写比较概念。


#include <boost/date_time.hpp>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
class A
    boost::posix_time::ptime when;
    double value;
// get the 'when' from an A
auto get_when(A const& a) -> boost::posix_time::ptime 
    return a.when; 
// get the 'when' from a ptime (you could put this in the boost::posix_time namespace for easy ADL    
auto get_when(boost::posix_time::ptime t) -> boost::posix_time::ptime 
    return t; 
// same for the concept of a 'value'
auto get_value(A const& a) -> double 
    return a.value; 
auto get_value(double t) -> double 
    return t; 
// compare any two objects by calling get_when() on them    
struct increasing_when
    template<class L, class R>
    bool operator()(L&& l, R&& r) const
        return get_when(l) < get_when(r);
// compare any two objects by calling get_value() on them    
struct increasing_value
    template<class L, class R>
    bool operator()(L&& l, R&& r) const
        return get_value(l) < get_value(r);

void example1(std::vector<A>& as)
    // sort by increasing when
    std::sort(begin(as), end(as), increasing_when());
    // sort by increasing value
    std::sort(begin(as), end(as), increasing_value());
int main()
    // same for associative collections
    std::set<A, increasing_when> a1;
    std::set<A, increasing_value> a2;



template<class Comp>
struct compare_when
    template<class L, class R>
    bool operator()(L&& l, R&& r) const
        return comp(get_when(l), get_when(r));
    Comp comp;
using increasing_when = compare_when<std::less<>>;
using decreasing_when = compare_when<std::greater<>>;


auto comp = compare_when<std::greater<>>();
if (comp(x,y)) { ... }


class A
    boost::posix_time::ptime when;
    double value;
    const boost::posix_time::ptime& getTime() const { return when; }
    double getValue() const { return value; }
template <typename T>
class CompareBy
    CompareBy( const A& a, T (A::*getter)() const ) : a(a), getter(getter)
    bool operator<( const CompareBy& right ) const
        return (a.*getter)() < (right.a.*getter)();
    // you may also declare >, <=, >=, ==, != operators here
    const A& a;
    T (A::*getter)() const;
class CompareByTime : public CompareBy<const boost::posix_time::ptime&>
    CompareByTime(const A& a) : CompareBy(a, &A::getTime)
class CompareByValue : public CompareBy<double>
    CompareByValue( const A& a ) : CompareBy(a, &A::getValue)
struct byTime_compare {
    bool operator() (const A& lhs, const A& rhs) const {
        return CompareByTime(lhs) < CompareByTime(rhs);
int main()
    A a, b;
    if (CompareByValue(a) < CompareByValue(b))
    std::set<A, byTime_compare> mySet;


但是,对于科学,您可以。虽然您无法向操作员添加参数(二进制运算符是二进制运算符,并且似乎没有语法可以在某处添加第三个参数),您可以使操作员在不同的上下文中表示不同的内容(C 上下文,对于" {}"')划定的代码行或块



Thing::thingSortingMode(Thing::thingSortingMode::alternateMode), Thing{1, 2} < Thing{3, 4};


#include <iostream>
struct Thing {
    struct thingSortingMode {
        enum mode {
        mode myLastMode;
        thingSortingMode(mode aMode) { myLastMode = Thing::ourSortingMode; Thing::ourSortingMode = aMode; std::cout << "nmode: " << aMode << "n"; }
        ~thingSortingMode() { Thing::ourSortingMode = myLastMode; std::cout << "nmode: " << myLastMode << "n";}
    bool operator < (Thing another) {
        switch (ourSortingMode) //I use an enum, to make the example more accessible, you can use a functor instead if you want
            case thingSortingMode::alternateMode:
                return myValueB < another.myValueB;
                return myValueA < another.myValueA;
    static thingSortingMode::mode ourSortingMode;
    int myValueA;
    int myValueB;
Thing::thingSortingMode::mode Thing::ourSortingMode = Thing::thingSortingMode::defaultMode;
int main()
  Thing a{1, 1}, b{0, 2}; // b < a in default mode, a < b in alternate mode
  std::cout << (a < b); //false
    Thing::thingSortingMode ctx(Thing::thingSortingMode::alternateMode);

    std::cout << (a < b); //true
    Thing::thingSortingMode(Thing::thingSortingMode::defaultMode), std::cout << (a < b), //false
        Thing::thingSortingMode(Thing::thingSortingMode::alternateMode), std::cout << (a < b); //true
    std::cout << (a < b); //true
  std::cout << (a < b); //false



#include <iostream>
struct Thing {
    struct thingSortingMode {
        enum mode {
            defaultMode = 1,
        mode myLastMode;
        thingSortingMode(mode aMode) { myLastMode = Thing::ourSortingMode; Thing::ourSortingMode = aMode; std::cout << "nmode: " << myLastMode << " -> " << aMode << "n"; }
        ~thingSortingMode() { std::cout << "nmode: " << Thing::ourSortingMode << " -> " << myLastMode << "n"; Thing::ourSortingMode = myLastMode; }
    static thingSortingMode::mode ourSortingMode;
Thing::thingSortingMode::mode Thing::ourSortingMode = Thing::thingSortingMode::defaultMode;
int main()
    Thing::thingSortingMode ctx(Thing::thingSortingMode::mode3);
        Thing::thingSortingMode ctx(Thing::thingSortingMode::alternateMode);
            Thing::thingSortingMode ctx(Thing::thingSortingMode::mode4);
                Thing::thingSortingMode ctx(Thing::thingSortingMode::defaultMode);
                std::cout << "end sub 3 (mode 1)n";
            std::cout << 
                (Thing::thingSortingMode(Thing::thingSortingMode::alternateMode), "this is the kind of things that might behave strangelyn") <<
                (Thing::thingSortingMode(Thing::thingSortingMode::defaultMode), "here both are printed in mode 2, but it's a direct consequence of the order in which this expression is evaluatedn"); //note though that arguments are still constructed in the right state
            std::cout << "end sub 2 (mode 4). Not that we still pop our states in the right order, even if we screwed up the previous linen";
        std::cout << 
                (Thing::thingSortingMode(Thing::thingSortingMode::alternateMode), "this on the other hand (mode 2)n"),
        std::cout << 
                (Thing::thingSortingMode(Thing::thingSortingMode::defaultMode), "works (mode 1)n"); //but pay attention to the comma and in which order things are deleted
        std::cout << "end sub 1 (mode 2)n";
    std::cout << "end main (mode 3)n";


mode: 1 -> 3
mode: 3 -> 2
mode: 2 -> 4
mode: 4 -> 1
end sub 3 (mode 1)
mode: 1 -> 4
mode: 4 -> 1
mode: 1 -> 2
this is the kind of things that might behave strangely
here both are printed in mode 2, but it's a direct consequence of the order in which this expression is evaluated
mode: 2 -> 1
mode: 1 -> 4
end sub 2 (mode 4). Not that we still pop our states in the right order, even if we screwed up the previous line
mode: 4 -> 2
mode: 2 -> 2
this on the other hand (mode 2)
mode: 2 -> 1
works (mode 1)
mode: 1 -> 2
mode: 2 -> 2
end sub 1 (mode 2)
mode: 2 -> 3
end main (mode 3)
mode: 3 -> 1


#include <iostream>
#include <set>
using namespace std;
class A
    int when;
    double value;
    int getTime() const { return when; }
    double getValue() const { return value; }
    template<typename T>
    bool isLower( T (A::*getter)() const,
                  bool strict,
                  const A& right ) const
        if ( strict )
            return ((*this).*getter)() < (right.*getter)();
            return ((*this).*getter)() <= (right.*getter)();
    template<typename T>
    bool isGreater( T (A::*getter)() const,
                    bool strict,
                    const A& right ) const
        if ( strict )
            return ((*this).*getter)() > (right.*getter)();
            return ((*this).*getter)() >= (right.*getter)();
    template<typename T>
    bool isEqual( T (A::*getter)() const,
                  const A& right ) const
        return ((*this).*getter)() == (right.*getter)();                  
struct byTime_compare {
    bool operator() (const A& lhs, const A& rhs) const {
        return lhs.isLower( &A::getTime, true, rhs );
int main()
    A a, b;
    if ( a.isLower( &A::getValue, true, b ) ) // means a < b by value
        // ...
    std::set<A, byTime_compare> mySet;