
Is it possible to overload the [] operator to access a specific bit of a char without defining a class?

本文关键字:情况下 访问 字符 定义 超载 运算符 是否      更新时间:2023-10-16

我得到了一个练习,其中包括大量的 char[n]中带有位的摆弄(看)。

我必须检查通过取每个char获得的bit[n][8]的一些几何特性,然后将其拆分为块。我知道我可以通过执行诸如c&((1<<8)>>n)之类的事情来访问char cbit[a]

我想知道是否有一种使c[n]实际上 be c&((1<<8)>>n)的方法。我尝试了bool operator [](char c,int n);,但这给了我这一点:

error: ‘bool operator[](char, int)’ must be a nonstatic member function
bool operator [](char c,int n);


这是一个名为 Charchar包装程序类。main()中的两个示例表明,您可以像char值一样使用Char型值,除了Char具有[]运算符,以便在某些给定的索引中获取其值的位。

#include <iostream>
class Char {
    char c;
    Char() = default;
    Char(const Char&) = default;
    Char(char src) : c(src) {}
    Char& operator = (char src) { c = src; return *this; }
    operator const char& () const { return c; }
    operator char& () { return c; }
    // Special [] operator
    // This is read-only -- making a writable (non-const)
    // version is possible, but more complicated.
    template <typename I>
    bool operator [](I bit_idx) const { return !!(c & (char(1) << bit_idx)); }
int main() {
    // Example 1
    // Initialize a new Char value, just like using char.
    Char my_char = 'x';
    // Math operators work as expected
    // And cout will produce the same output as a char value
    std::cout << "Bit 3 of '" << my_char << "' is ";
    // But unlike a char, the [] operator gives you
    // the bit at an index, as a bool value.
    std::cout << my_char[3] << "nn"; 
    //Example 2
    // Specify the Char type in a range-based for loop to
    // iterate through an array of char values, as Char values.
    const char str[] = "Tasty";
    for(Char ch : str) {
        // check if value is nonzero, the same as you would a char value
        if(ch) {
            // Send the value to cout,
            // cast to an int to see the ASCII code
            std::cout << ch << " (" << static_cast<int>(ch) << ") ";
            // Count down from bit 7 to 0 and use
            // the special [] operator to get each
            // bit's value.  Use this to output each
            // value's binary digits.
            for(int bit=7; bit>=0; --bit) {
                std::cout << ch[bit]; 
            std::cout << 'n';


Bit 3 of 'y' is 1
T (84) 01010100
a (97) 01100001
s (115) 01110011
t (116) 01110100
y (121) 01111001