EOF vs basic_ios::eof() on GCC 5.2.1

EOF vs basic_ios::eof() on GCC 5.2.1

本文关键字:on GCC eof basic vs ios EOF      更新时间:2023-10-16

在使用GCC 5.2.1编译的程序中,当ifstream到达文件结尾时,其状态不会切换到basic_ios::eof()——即,条件if(eof())在到达文件结尾后计算为false——而在Visual Studio 2015上编译的相同代码的行为与预期一致:当到达文件末尾时,basic_ios::eof()if条件中计算为true




#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <regex>
using namespace std;
using namespace std::chrono;
int ex10()
ifstream in{ "school.txt" };
if (!in) cout << "The 'school.txt' file was not opened.n";
string line;
regex header{ R"(^([w]+)(t{2}w+s*w*)(tw+s*w*)(tw+s*w*)$)" };
regex row{ R"(^(w+s*w*)(t{1,2}d+)(t{2}d+)(t{2}d+)$)" };
if (getline(in, line)) {
smatch matches;
if (!regex_match(line, matches, header))
cerr << "Wrong header format.n";
int linenum = 0;
int boys = 0;
int girls = 0;
ofstream out{ "schoolCompressed.txt" };
if (!out) cout << "The output file was not created.n";
string prevLine;
int accumBoys;
int accumGirls;
int accumTot;
while (getline(in, line)) {
smatch matches;
if (!regex_match(line, matches, row))
cerr << "Row #" << linenum << " doesn't match the format.n";

int curr_boy = stoi(matches[2]);
int curr_girl = stoi(matches[3]);
int curr_total = stoi(matches[4]);
if (curr_boy + curr_girl != curr_total)
cerr << "Wrong children number in line #" << linenum << 'n';
if (line[0] != prevLine[0]) {
if (linenum != 1) out << prevLine[0] << "tt" << accumBoys << "tt"
<< accumGirls << "tt" << accumTot << 'n';
accumBoys = curr_boy;
accumGirls = curr_girl;
accumTot = curr_total;
else if (line[0] == prevLine[0]) {
accumBoys += curr_boy;
accumGirls += curr_girl;
accumTot += curr_total;

if (EOF && curr_boy == boys && curr_girl == girls) { out << line; return 0; } //this works on GCC
//if (in.eof() && curr_boy == boys && curr_girl == girls) { out << line; return 0; } <= this works on VS 2015

boys += curr_boy;
girls += curr_girl;
prevLine = line;
cerr << "Somehow the program didn't manage to complete its task :(.n";
return 1;
int main()

school.txt文件的文本 KLASSE DRENGE PIGER ELEVER 0A 12 11 23 1A 7 8 15 1B 4 11 15 2A 10 13 23 3A 10 12 22 4A 7 7 14 4B 10 5 15 5A 19 8 27 6A 10 9 19 6B 9 10 19 7A 7 19 26 7G 3 5 8 7I 7 3 10 8A 10 16 26 9A 12 15 27 0MO 3 2 5 0P1 1 1 2 0P2 0 5 5 10B 4 4 8 10CE 0 1 1 1MO 8 5 13 2CE 8 5 13 3DCE 3 3 6 4MO 4 1 5 6CE 3 4 7 8CE 4 4 8 9CE 4 9 13 REST 5 6 11 Alle klasser 184 202 386


if (EOF && curr_boy == boys && curr_girl == girls)





while (getline(in, line)) {
if (in.eof())


while (!in.eof()) {
getline(in, line)


int curr_boy = 0;
int curr_girl = 0;
while (getline(in, line)) {
if (curr_boy == boys && curr_girl == girls) { out << line; return 0; }


