
How to not repeat same variable name when reading from a .txt file

本文关键字:变量名 读取 txt 文件      更新时间:2023-10-16


Anna 70 79 72 78 71 73 68 74 75 70
Jason 78 89 96 91 94 95 92 88 95 92
kim 83 81 93 85 84 79 78 90 88 79
Maria 93 100 86 99 98 97 96 95 94 92
Daniel 72 60 82 64 65 63 62 61 67 64



struct Student
string name;
int score;
int main() {
string defaultPath = "lab2.txt";
ifstream inFile(defaultPath);
while (inFile.fail())
cout << "Fail while opening the file.n";
cout << "Please enter a different .txt name/directory: ";
getline(cin, defaultPath);
string name;
int score = 0, totalScore = 0, averageScore = 0;
vector<Student> studentData;
while (inFile >> name >> score >> score >> score >> score >> score >> score
>> score >> score >> score >> score)
totalScore += score;
averageScore = totalScore / 10;
studentData.push_back({name, score});

问题是,存储在向量from score中的是.txt文件中的最后一个分数数(70,92,79…),因为在进入代码计算平均值之前,它会一次又一次地重新分配分数。



while (inFile >> name)
while (infile >> score)
totalScore += score;
averageScore = totalScore / 10;
studentData.push_back({name, score});
