
MPI Error: Out of Memory - What are some solution options

本文关键字:解决方案 选项 错误 内存不足 MPI      更新时间:2023-10-16



aborting job:
> Fatal error in MPI_Irecv: Other MPI
> error, error stack: MPI_Irecv(143):
> MPI_Irecv(buf=0x8294a60, count=48,
> MPI_DOUBLE, src=2, tag=-1, 
> MPI_COMM_WORLD, request=0xffffd6ac)
> failed MPID_Irecv(64): Out of
> memory


  1. 在";MPI非阻塞发送和接收";,内存是在发送/接收完成后自行释放的,还是必须强制释放?

  2. ";内存不足";如果我使用";"多芯";而不是单身?。我们目前有4个处理器到1个核心,我使用以下命令提交我的作业:mpirun -np 4 <file>。我尝试使用mpirun n -4 <file>,但它仍然在同一个内核上运行4个线程。

  3. 我如何计算出多少";共享存储器";是我的项目所必需的吗?


#include <mpi.h>  
#define Rows 48 
double *A = new double[Rows];
double *AA = new double[Rows];
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    MPI_Status status[8]; 
    MPI_Request request[8];
    MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);
    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &p);   
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank);
    while (time < final_time){
    for (i=0; i<Columns; i++) 
        for (y=0; y<Rows; y++) 
            if ((my_rank) == 0)
                MPI_Isend(A, Rows, MPI_DOUBLE, my_rank+1, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request[1]);
                MPI_Irecv(AA, Rows, MPI_DOUBLE, my_rank+1, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request[3]);
                MPI_Wait(&request[3], &status[3]);  
                MPI_Isend(B, Rows, MPI_DOUBLE, my_rank+2, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request[5]);
                MPI_Irecv(BB, Rows, MPI_DOUBLE, my_rank+2, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request[7]);
                MPI_Wait(&request[7], &status[7]);
            if ((my_rank) == 1)
                MPI_Irecv(CC, Rows, MPI_DOUBLE, my_rank-1, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request[1]);
                MPI_Wait(&request[1], &status[1]); 
                MPI_Isend(Cmpi, Rows, MPI_DOUBLE, my_rank-1, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request[3]);
                MPI_Isend(D, Rows, MPI_DOUBLE, my_rank+2, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request[6]); 
                MPI_Irecv(DD, Rows, MPI_DOUBLE, my_rank+2, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request[8]);
                MPI_Wait(&request[8], &status[8]);
            if ((my_rank) == 2)
                MPI_Isend(E, Rows, MPI_DOUBLE, my_rank+1, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request[2]);
                MPI_Irecv(EE, Rows, MPI_DOUBLE, my_rank+1, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request[4]);
                MPI_Wait(&request[4], &status[4]);
                MPI_Irecv(FF, Rows, MPI_DOUBLE, my_rank-2, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request[5]);
                MPI_Wait(&request[5], &status[5]);
                MPI_Isend(Fmpi, Rows, MPI_DOUBLE, my_rank-2, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request[7]);
            if ((my_rank) == 3)
                MPI_Irecv(GG, Rows, MPI_DOUBLE, my_rank-1, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request[2]);
                MPI_Wait(&request[2], &status[2]);
                    MPI_Isend(G, Rows, MPI_DOUBLE, my_rank-1, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request[4]);
                MPI_Irecv(HH, Rows, MPI_DOUBLE, my_rank-2, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request[6]);
                    MPI_Wait(&request[6], &status[6]); 
                    MPI_Isend(H, Rows, MPI_DOUBLE, my_rank-2, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request[8]);



MPI_Isend(A, Rows, MPI_DOUBLE, my_rank+1, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request[1]);
MPI_Irecv(AA, Rows, MPI_DOUBLE, my_rank+1, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request[3]);
MPI_Wait(&request[3], &status[3])

泄漏与CCD_ 5请求相关联的资源。您每次迭代调用Rows*Columns次,大概需要多次迭代;但你只是在等待其中一个请求。您可能需要为这两个请求执行MPI_Waitall()

但除此之外,您的程序非常混乱。任何合理的MPI程序都不应该有这样一系列的if (rank == ...)语句。既然您在非阻塞发送/接收和等待之间没有做任何实际的工作,我不明白为什么您不只是使用MPI_Sendrecv之类的。你的程序试图实现什么?



  1. 每个任务需要自己的数组-等级0为A/AA,等级1为B/BB等。内存是分布式的,而不是共享的;没有秩可以看到其他数组,所以不必担心覆盖它们。(如果有的话,你就不需要发送信息了)。此外,想想这会让在不同数量的进程上运行变得多么困难——每次更改使用的处理器数量时,都必须向代码中添加新的数组。

  2. 您可以直接读取/写入V阵列,而不是使用副本,尽管副本最初可能最容易理解。



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <mpi.h>
char **alloc_2d_char(const int rows, const int cols) {
    char *data = (char *)malloc(rows*cols*sizeof(char));
    char **array= (char **)malloc(rows*sizeof(char*));
    for (int i=0; i<rows; i++)
        array[i] = &(data[cols*i]);
    return array;
void edgeDataFill(char **locV, const int locNmyo, const int locTmyo,
                  const int ncols, const int myrow, const int mycol,
                  const int size, const int rank) {
    MPI_Datatype leftright, updown;
    int left, right, up, down;
    int lefttag = 1, righttag = 2;
    int uptag = 3, downtag = 4;
    MPI_Status status;
    /* figure out our neighbours */
    left = rank-1;
    if (mycol == 0) left = MPI_PROC_NULL;
    right = rank+1;
    if (mycol == ncols-1) right = MPI_PROC_NULL;
    up = rank - ncols;
    if (myrow == 0) up = MPI_PROC_NULL;
    down = rank + ncols;
    if (down >= size) down = MPI_PROC_NULL;
    /* create data type for sending/receiving data left/right */
    MPI_Type_vector(locNmyo, 1, locTmyo+2, MPI_CHAR, &leftright);
    /* create data type for sending/receiving data up/down */
    MPI_Type_contiguous(locTmyo, MPI_CHAR, &updown);
    /* Send edge data to our right neighbour, receive from left.
       We are sending the edge (locV[1][locTmyo]..locV[locNmyo][locTmyo]),
       and receiving into edge (locV[0][1]..locV[locNmyo][locTmyo]) */
    MPI_Sendrecv(&(locV[1][locTmyo]), 1, leftright, right, righttag,
                 &(locV[1][0]),       1, leftright, left, righttag,
                 MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);

    /* Send edge data to our left neighbour, receive from right.
       We are sending the edge (locV[1][1]..locV[locNmyo][1]),
       and receiving into edge (locV[1][locTmyo+1]..locV[locNmyo][locTmyo+1]) */
    MPI_Sendrecv(&(locV[1][1]),         1, leftright, left,  lefttag,
                 &(locV[1][locTmyo+1]), 1, leftright, right, lefttag,
                 MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
    /* Send edge data to our up neighbour, receive from down.
       We are sending the edge (locV[1][1]..locV[1][locTmyo]),
       and receiving into edge (locV[locNmyo+1][1]..locV[locNmyo+1][locTmyo]) */
    MPI_Sendrecv(&(locV[1][1]),         1, updown, up,   uptag,
                 &(locV[locNmyo+1][1]), 1, updown, down, uptag,
                 MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
    /* Send edge data to our down neighbour, receive from up.
       We are sending the edge (locV[locNmyo][1]..locV[locNmyo][locTmyo]),
       and receiving into edge (locV[0][1]..locV[0][locTmyo]) */
    MPI_Sendrecv(&(locV[locNmyo][1]),1, updown, down, downtag,
                 &(locV[0][1]),      1, updown, up,   downtag,
                 MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
    /* Release the resources associated with the Type_create() calls. */
void printArrays(char **locV, const int locNmyo, const int locTmyo,
                 const int size, const int rank) {
    /* all these barriers are a terrible idea, but it's just
       for controlling output to the screen as a demo.  You'd 
       really do something smarter here... */
    for (int task=0; task<size; task++) {
        if (rank == task) {
            printf("nTask %d's local array:n", rank);
            for (int i=0; i<locNmyo+2; i++) {
                putc('[', stdout);
                for (int y=0; y<locTmyo+2; y++) {
                    putc(locV[i][y], stdout);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int ierr, size, rank;
    char **locV;
    const int Nmyo=12;  /* horizontal */
    const int Tmyo=12;  /* vertical */
    const int ncols=2;  /* n procs in horizontal direction */ 
    int nrows;   
    int myrow, mycol;
    int locNmyo, locTmyo;
    ierr = MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
    ierr|= MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
    ierr|= MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
    nrows = size/ncols;
    if (nrows*ncols !=  size) {
        fprintf(stderr,"Size %d does not divide number of columns %d!n",
                size, ncols);
    /* where are we? */
    mycol = rank % ncols;
    myrow = rank / ncols;
    /* figure out how many Tmyo we have */
    locTmyo  = (Tmyo / ncols);
    /* in case it doesn't divide evenly... */
    if (mycol == ncols-1) locTmyo = Tmyo - (ncols-1)*locTmyo;
    /* figure out how many Tmyo we have */
    locNmyo  = (Nmyo / nrows);
    /* in case it doesn't divide evenly... */
    if (myrow == nrows-1) locNmyo = Nmyo - (ncols-1)*locNmyo;
    /* allocate our local array, with space for edge data */
    locV = alloc_2d_char(locNmyo+2, locTmyo+2);
    /* fill in our local data - first spaces everywhere */
    for (int i=0; i<locNmyo+2; i++) 
        for (int y=0; y<locTmyo+2; y++) 
                locV[i][y] = ' ';
    /* then the inner regions have our rank # */
    for (int i=1; i<locNmyo+1; i++)
        for (int y=1; y<locTmyo+1; y++)
                locV[i][y] = '0' + rank;
    /* The "before" picture: */
    if (rank==0) printf("###BEFORE###n");
    printArrays(locV, locNmyo, locTmyo, size, rank);
    /* Now do edge filling.  Ignore corners for now; 
       the right way to do that depends on your algorithm */
    edgeDataFill(locV, locNmyo, locTmyo, ncols, myrow, mycol, size, rank);
    /* The "after" picture: */
    if (rank==0) printf("###AFTER###n");
    printArrays(locV, locNmyo, locTmyo, size, rank);




Vmax =V[i][y]-Vold; updateMaxStateChange(Vmax / dt);
mmax=m[i][y]-mold; updateMaxStateChange(mmax / dt);
hmax=h[i][y]-hold; updateMaxStateChange(hmax / dt);
jmax=j[i][y]-jold; updateMaxStateChange(jmax / dt);
mLmax=mL[i][y]-mLold; updateMaxStateChange(mLmax / dt);
hLmax=hL[i][y]-hLold; updateMaxStateChange(hLmax / dt);
hLBmax=hLB[i][y]-hLBold; updateMaxStateChange(hLBmax / dt);
hLSmax=hLS[i][y]-hLSold; updateMaxStateChange(hLSmax / dt);
amax=a[i][y]-aold; updateMaxStateChange(amax / dt);
i1fmax=i1f[i][y]-i1fold; updateMaxStateChange(i1fmax / dt);
i1smax=i1s[i][y]-i1sold; updateMaxStateChange(i1smax / dt);
Xrmax=Xr[i][y]-Xrold; updateMaxStateChange(Xrmax / dt);
i2max=i2[i][y]-i2old; updateMaxStateChange(i2max / dt);



我不熟悉这个库,但。。。1) 读取后不应删除缓冲区。您已经在程序启动时(动态)分配了缓冲区。只要你在终止时删除它(一次),你就应该没事。事实上,即使你不删除它,它也应该在程序退出时被清理掉(但这很草率)。

2) 多个内核对内存问题应该没有影响。

3) 不确定。MPI应该有一些文档来帮助您。
