
Move letter in word n-times

本文关键字:单词中 移动      更新时间:2023-10-16


using namespace std;
string trimSpaces(string trimStr)
    while (trimStr[0] == ' ')
        trimStr.erase(0, 1);
    return trimStr;
string getWord(string &sentence)
    sentence = trimSpaces(sentence);
    int i = 0;
    while (sentence[i] != ' ' && i < sentence.size())
    string word = sentence.substr(0, i);
    sentence.erase(0, i);
    return word;
string transformWord(string word, int n)
    //char* resultWord = new char[word.length()]();
    string resultWord;
    string helpingWord;
    char firstSymbol = word[0];
    char secondSymbol = word[1];
    char preLastSymbol = word[word.length() - 2];
    char lastSymbol = word[word.length() - 1];
    bool fl = false;
    bool fl2 = false;
    bool fl3 = false;
    if (firstSymbol == '"')
        fl2 = true;
        firstSymbol = word[1];
        secondSymbol = word[2];
    if (lastSymbol == '.' || lastSymbol == '"' || lastSymbol == ',' || (preLastSymbol == '.' && lastSymbol == '"'))
        if (preLastSymbol == '.' && lastSymbol == '"')
            fl = true;
            word.erase(word.length() - 3, 2);
            fl3 = true;
            word.erase(word.length() - 2, 1);
    for (int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++)
        resultWord += word[(i + n % word.length()) % word.length()];
    helpingWord = resultWord;
    if (fl)
        helpingWord += (preLastSymbol + lastSymbol);
    if (fl2)
        helpingWord = word[0] + helpingWord;
    if (fl3)
        helpingWord += lastSymbol;
    return helpingWord;
int main()
    string sentence;
    string resultSentence;
    int n;
    getline(cin, sentence);
    cin >> n;
    while (sentence.size() > 0)
        string word = getWord(sentence);
        word = transformWord(word, n);
        resultSentence += word;
    cout << resultSentence << 'n';


for (int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++)
        resultWord += word[(i + n % word.length()) % word.length()];

当我将word的字母添加到resultWord如果我们输入:Pesho 3输出必须我:shoPe,但我的输出是hoPes;如果我们输入这样的句子:

Oh, what fun it is to
ride in a one horse open sleigh. 

结果必须是:hO, hatw fun ti si ot ider ni a one rseho peno ighsle.





#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
int main()
    // hard coding the input for ease of test
    std::string sentence = "Oh, what fun it is tonride in a one horse open sleigh. ";
    std::stringstream resultSentence;
    //    getline(cin, sentence); don't need this for test. Hard-coded the input
    // put sentence in stream for easy parsing
    std::stringstream stream(sentence); 
    std::string word;
    // chop stream into words. Note this is punctuation-blind. You will have 
    // to be a bit smarter.
    while (stream >> word) 
        // shift left one character
        // trim and store trailing punctuation here
        std::rotate(word.begin(), word.begin()+1, word.end());
        // add to output. Note the redundant space that will be added to the end
        // it may become important.
        resultSentence << word << /* add trailing punctuation here */" ";
    // print result.
    std::cout << resultSentence.str() << 'n';

