for 循环,允许变量相互覆盖

For loop that allows for variables to overwrite each other

本文关键字:变量 覆盖 循环 许变量 for      更新时间:2023-10-16




522.01 2 100

520.66 1.5 80

苹果 (AAPL)

389.27 2 150

401.82 1.8 150

Microsoft (MSFT)

25.06 2.5 100

25.07 2 80*


现在,当它运行其迭代 3 次时,它只显示库存 1 及其正确的数字,但随后显示错误的数字,并且没有其他数字的名称。那么我将如何去做,以便下一次迭代将覆盖并打印另一组答案呢?

以下是我拥有的 for 部分代码:

for (int x = 1; x <= 3; x++) // for loop to run this part of program 3 times
    getline(dataIn, stockName);//Gets the whole first line

    dataIn >> buyingAMT;//These just store whatever is in the line before every space, and sets it with a name 
    dataIn >> buyingComm;//So like it takes the characters leading up to the first space and stores it as buyingAMT.
    dataIn >> numberBought;
    dataIn >> sellingAMT;
    dataIn >> sellingComm;
    dataIn >> numberSold;

    //writing to a file

    buyingComm = buyingComm * buyingAMT;//Mathematical Calculations
    buyingAMT = buyingAMT * numberBought;
    sellingComm = (sellingComm / 100) * numberSold;
    sellingComm = sellingComm * sellingAMT;
    sellingAMT = sellingAMT * numberSold;
    profit = (sellingAMT - sellingComm) - (buyingAMT + buyingComm);
    //Displaying the calculated answers
    fout << setw(20) << left << stockName;
    fout << setprecision(2) << fixed << setw(15) << right << buyingAMT;
    fout << setprecision(2) << fixed << setw(15) << right << buyingComm;
    fout << setprecision(2) << fixed << setw(15) << right << sellingAMT;
    fout << setprecision(2) << fixed << setw(15) << right << sellingComm;
    fout << setprecision(2) << fixed << setw(15) << right << profit << endl;
    //Storing the results into the overall variables to be used later
    /*totalBuyingAMT += buyingAMT;
    totalBuyingComm += buyingComm;
    totalSellingAMT += sellingAMT;
    totalSellingComm += sellingComm;
    grandProfit += profit;
getline(dataIn, junk);//Cleans the remaining unread data
dataIn.close();//closes the input file, so it cant be read any longer
cout << "congrats you are either now screwed or rich!";
return 1;






dataIn >> buyingAMT;//These just store whatever is in the line before every space, and sets it with a name 
dataIn >> buyingComm;//So like it takes the characters leading up to the first space and stores it as buyingAMT.
dataIn >> numberBought;
dataIn >> sellingAMT;
dataIn >> sellingComm;
dataIn >> numberSold;


这是一个小示例,其中一行取自 stdin(尽管它可以是任何流)

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main() {
  int i;
  std::string input;
    std::cout << "Please give me some input:";
    std::cin >> input;
    std::cout << "You gave me:" << input << std::endl;
ofstream fout;//data type used to write the data taken from input file and put it on output file;
if (
    fout << "Input file not found: " << output_File_Name << endl;
    return 0;
fout << setw(20) << left;//Setting the labels
fout << "STOCK";
fout << setw(15) << right;
fout << "BUYING AMT";
fout << setw(15) << right;
fout << "BUYING COMM";
fout << setw(15) << right;
fout << "SELLING AMT";
fout << setw(15) << right;
fout << "SELLING COMM";

fout << setw(15) << right;
fout << "PROFIT" << endl;