如何在以下C 代码中在同一对象上调用默认值和复制构造函数

How to call default and copy constructor on the same object in the following C++ code?

本文关键字:调用 默认值 对象 构造函数 复制 代码      更新时间:2023-10-16






#include <iostream>
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
class Scooty {
    int cc ;
    string model, brand;
    bool goodBrands();
    Scooty () : cc(0), model(""), brand("") {
        cout << "n Enter the following scooty details: nn";
        cout << "n t Brand: ";
        cin >> brand;
        transform(brand.begin(), brand.end(), brand.begin(), :: tolower);
        cout << "n t Model: ";
        cin >> model;
        transform(model.begin(), model.end(), model.begin(), :: tolower);
        cout << "n t CC: ";
        cin >> cc;
    Scooty (Scooty &s) { if (brand == s.brand) cout << "You will get a discount!n"; }
    void computeDataAndPrint ();
 bool Scooty :: goodBrands() {
    if (brand == "honda" || brand == "tvs" || brand == "yamaha")
        return true;
    return false;
 void Scooty :: computeDataAndPrint () {
    if (cc > 109 && goodBrands())
        cout << "n Good Choice!n";
        cout << "n Its okay!n";
 int main() {
    Scooty s;
    Scooty s1, s1(s)  // This gives error
    return 0;


c 11介绍了委派构造函数的概念。构造函数可以在其自己的初始化列表中调用同一类的另一个构造函数。例如:

Scooty (const Scooty &s)
    : Scooty() // <-- add this
    if (brand == s.brand)
        cout << "You will get a discount!n";


在较早的C 版本中,初始化列表只能调用直接基类(ES)和数据成员的构造函数,因此必须以单独的函数/方法执行构造函数主体可以根据需要调用的常见初始化。例如:

class Scooty {
    int cc;
    string model;
    string brand;
    void init() {
        cout << "n Enter the following scooty details:- nn";
        cout << "n t Brand:";
        cin >> brand;
        transform(brand.begin(), brand.end(), brand.begin(), ::tolower);
        cout << "n t Model:";
        cin >> model;
        transform(model.begin(), model.end(), model.begin(), ::tolower);
        cout << "n t CC:";
        cin >> cc;
    Scooty () : cc(0) {
        init(); // <-- here
    Scooty (const Scooty &s) : cc(0) {
        init(); // <-- here
        if (brand == s.brand)
            cout << "You will get a discount!n";
int main() {
    Scooty s;
    Scooty s1(s);
    return 0;


`Scooty s;  `   you create a variable `s` <br/>

Scooty s1, s1(s)//您创建一个变量s1,现在您正在尝试制作同一名称的另一个变量。那是错误


Scooty s, s1;
S1 = Scooty(s)



#include <iostream>
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
class Scooty {
    int cc ;
    string model, brand;
    bool goodBrands();
Scooty () {
     cc = 0, brand = "", model = "";
     cout << "n Enter the following scooty details: nn";
     cout << "n t Brand: ";
     cin >> brand;
     transform(brand.begin(), brand.end(), brand.begin(), :: tolower); //STRING LOWER FUNCTION ..
     cout << "n t Model: ";
     cin >> model;
     transform(model.begin(), model.end(), model.begin(), :: tolower); //STRING LOWER FUNCTION ..
     cout << "n t CC: ";
     cin >> cc;
Scooty (Scooty &s) : Scooty() { //Initializing the object first then comparing, [using two constructors]
     if (brand == s.brand) cout << "You will get a discount!n";
void computeDataAndPrint ();
bool Scooty :: goodBrands() {
   if (brand == "honda" || brand == "tvs" || brand == "yamaha")
     return true;
   return false;
void Scooty :: computeDataAndPrint () {
   if (cc > 109 && goodBrands())
       cout << "n Good Choice!n";
       cout << "n Its okay!n";
int main() {
   Scooty s;               // Calling default constructor for constructor of S.
   //    s.computeDataAndPrint();
   Scooty s1(s);          // Calling copy constructor which firstly calls the default constructor then executes the copy constructors body.
   return 0;



class Scooty {
    // etc...
    // default constructor
    Scooty (int cc, string model, string brand) : cc(cc), model(model), brand(brand) {}
    // a correctly-written copy constructor (not necessary since the implicit copy constructor does exactly this)
    Scooty (const Scooty &s) : cc(s.cc), model(s.model), brand(s.brand) {}
    // etc...

Scooty getScootyFromUserInput() {
    int cc;
    string brand, model;
    cout << "n Enter the following scooty details:- nn";
    cout << "n t Brand:";
    cin >> brand;
    transform(brand.begin(),brand.end(), brand.begin(), :: tolower);
    cout << "n t Model:";
    cin >> model;
    transform(model.begin(),model.end(), model.begin(), :: tolower);
    cout << "n t CC:";
    cin >> cc;
    return Scooty(cc, brand, model);

您的if (brand == s.brand)语句当然不属于复制构造函数 - 当您创建副本时,品牌当然会始终相同。您应该做的是将其变成辅助功能,或一种类方法来检查折扣是否适用:

class Scooty {
    bool checkDiscount(const Scooty &) const;
bool Scooty::checkDiscout(const Scooty &scooty) const {
    return brand == scooty2.brand;


int main() {
    Scooty s = getScootyFromUserInput();
    Scooty s1 = getScootyFromUserInput();
    if (s.checkDiscout(s1)) {
        cout << "You will get a discount!n";