
GpuMat - accessing 2 channel float data in custom kernel

本文关键字:通道 数据 2个 访问 自定义 内核 GPUMAT-      更新时间:2023-10-16



__global__ void testKernel(const cv::cuda::PtrStepSz<cv::Vec2f> input, cv::cuda::PtrStepf output)
    int x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    int y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
    if (x <= input.cols - 1 && y <= input.rows - 1 && y >= 0 && x >= 0)
        float val_re = input(x, y)[0];
        float val_im = input(x, y) [1];
        output(x, y) = val_re * val_re + val_im * val_im;


calling a __host__ function("cv::Vec<float, (int)2> ::operator []") from a __global__ function("gpuholo::testKernel") is not allowed



我以将input分为两个CV_32FC1 Mat S的形式的解决方法,因此内核看起来像:

__global__ void testKernel(const cv::cuda::PtrStepSzf re, const cv::cuda::PtrStepSzf im, cv::cuda::PtrStepf output)

但是我想知道是否有"清洁剂"解决方案, Vec2f-类似于一个。

您可以使用原始数据类型在自定义CUDA内核中访问GpuMat的数据。例如float2 CUDA运行时提供的类型可以用作cv::Vec2f的部分替换。这是一个示例代码,演示了用于访问GpuMat数据的原始数据类型的使用情况。

#include <iostream>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
__global__ void kernel_absolute(float2* src, float* dst, int rows, int cols, int iStep, int oStep)
    int i = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; //Row number
    int j = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; //Column number
    if (i<rows && j<cols)
        /* Compute linear index from 2D indices */
        int tidIn = i * iStep + j;
        int tidOut = i * oStep + j;
        /* Read input value */
        float2 input = src[tidIn];
        /* Calculate absolute value */
        float output = sqrtf(input.x * input.x + input.y * input.y);
        /* Write output value */
        dst[tidOut] = output;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    /* Example to compute absolute value of each element of a complex matrix */
    int rows = 10;
    int cols = 10;
    int input_data_type = CV_32FC2; //input is complex
    int output_data_type = CV_32FC1; //output is real
    /* Create input matrix on host */
    cv::Mat input = cv::Mat::zeros(rows,cols,input_data_type) + cv::Vec2f(1,1) /* Initial value is (1,1) */;
    /* Display input */
    /* Create input matrix on device */
    cv::cuda::GpuMat input_d;
    /* Copy from host to device */
    /* Create output matrix on device */
    cv::cuda::GpuMat output_d(rows,cols, output_data_type);
    /* Compute element step value of input and output */
    int iStep = input_d.step / sizeof(float2);
    int oStep = output_d.step / sizeof(float);
    /* Choose appropriate block size */
    dim3 block(8,8);
     /* Compute grid size using input size and block size */
    dim3 grid ( (cols + block.x -1)/block.x, (rows + block.y -1)/block.y );
    /* Launch CUDA kernel to compute absolute value */
    kernel_absolute<<<grid, block>>>( reinterpret_cast<float2*>(, reinterpret_cast<float*>(, rows, cols, iStep, oStep );
    /* Check kernel launch errors */
    assert( cudaSuccess == cudaDeviceSynchronize() );
    cv::Mat output;
    /* Copy results from device to host */;
    /* Display output */
    return 0;

用cuda 8.0上的Ubuntu上的以下命令进行了编译和测试:

nvcc -o -ark = sm_61 -l/usr/local/lib -lopencv_core


// test image
Mat h_mat(Size(50,50),CV_32FC2,Scalar(0.0));
// Mat::reshape takes number of channels and rows, for your example 1,1
Mat h_mat_flat = h_mat.reshape(1,1);
// to upload to gpu
GpuMat d_mat_flat(h_mat_flat.size(), h_mat_flat.type());
